Ever tried trading random stocks someone promised you would go “to the moon” only for the company to come crashing down out of nowhere? You’re not the only one. 

Countless beginner or even intermediate traders lose a lot of money every single day for the same reasons: lack of knowledge, overconfidence, and no proper guidance on how the market works and how to navigate it. 

Joining a trading Discord community, such as The Traveling Trader, will help you become a better all-around trader by learning from others who've been doing it for decades. 

In particular, the founder of The Traveling Trader (known as "Zee") has 20+ years of experience in the market trading stocks, options, and futures. He also has a knack for traveling the world, hence the group's name.

Keep reading our review of The Traveling Trader to find out how Zee and his team operate, what you get with your Traveling Trader membership, and how you can join their trading world today.

Why Join The Traveling Trader?

The Traveling Trader Discord group is full of resources and tools to help you make sensible and sustainable trades. You’ll also learn how the experts spot these trading opportunities in the first place.

If you’re just here for the trades themselves, you can find dedicated channels with notifications when a new stock, option, or future is posted as a trade idea. 

From long-term investments and swing trades on stocks to swings in options and day trades for futures, you won’t run out of things to trade anytime soon. There are even some riskier trade ideas in the aptly named “degenerate trades” channel.

Another big part of trading with The Traveling Trader is the weekly analysis, where Zee goes over his opinions on the market for the forthcoming week. His thorough analysis will give you a glimpse into his mind and how he views the market at a particular time, which could also hint at potential trade ideas.

The Traveling Trader also has plenty of automated tools and bots, all bundled together for easy access. You can find tools for large orders on stocks and futures, alerts for stocks breaking out of pattern, and bot trade ideas with all the necessary information and a confidence level attached.

Finally, if you’re a social individual and want an active and supportive community, Traveling Trader is just the right place for you! The community is full of positive members chatting every day about the market, specific trades, or off-topic subjects, such as sharing memes and jokes. Traveling Trader definitely resembles a tight group of friends or family members in that aspect.

High-Level Education & Mastermind

The Traveling Trader accepts members of any experience and knowledge level and strives to create the next generation of well-educated traders. The Discord server is full of informational and beginner-friendly content, including essential terminology as well as models and strategies the team utilizes to come up with their trade ideas.

The Academy is also a particularly key aspect of The Traveling Trader Discord server. Here, all members get access to the live trading sessions organized by Zee every week during market hours, as well as recordings of these sessions in case you miss them or want to revisit them in the future.

There’s also the Coach’s Corner, where the team’s in-house Coach puts out market news every morning for all members to read. In the same section, you can find the beginner questions channel, where all kinds of queries are accepted and encouraged (as long as they comply with the group’s guidelines).

If you want to learn as much as possible from the Traveling Trader experts, there’s also the Mastermind package, a four-week course with four modules on different aspects of trading. The program consists of two classes per week, and every session is also recorded for easy access.

What You Get With The Traveling Trader

The perks you get with the Traveling Trader vary depending on the membership you choose. There’s the option to join for free and just hang around the free section of the Discord server. There, you’ll find some free trade alerts, as well as a weekly newsletter with market updates. 

Paid Traveling Trader members get access to the following:

  • Full Discord Access - Including all trade alerts for stocks, options, futures, and crypto, as well as most educational content and chat rooms.
  • Automated Trading Tools - Including bots for option trades and swings, dark pool orders, scalping low-cap stocks, etc.
  • Live Trading Sessions - Weekly trade calls with Zee himself during market hours, where you can trade live and discuss trades as they’re happening.
  • Weekly Market Analysis - Every week, Zee posts his thoughts and opinions on where the market currently stands and potential trade ideas.
  • Robust Support System - Dedicated team members for customer support who respond to tickets 24/7.

If you choose to purchase the Mastermind package, you’ll also gain access to:

  • All Mastermind Courses - Including all current sessions and modules, past recordings, and any future Mastermind course.
  • Lifetime Discord Access - Freely browse all channels within the Discord server for life.
  • Access to Options & Day Trading Courses - Two unique and thorough courses on options and day trading for anyone looking to learn how to trade more effectively.

Picking the Right Package

When it comes to membership plans, The Traveling Trader keeps things pretty simple. There’s always the free access to limited content, which should give you a good grasp on whether the server is a right fit for you.

Then, the paid premium membership runs for $125 per month or $999 for one year, which saves you a decent chunk if you’re in it for the long run. If you want to go all out though, just get the Mastermind membership. It’s a single-time purchase for $2,997 and grants you access to all The Traveling Trader has to offer for a lifetime.

The Traveling Trader - Join a Robust Community of Aspiring Traders

The Traveling Trader Discord community has been going strong since 2017 and has thousands of members with one thing in common: becoming the best traders they can possibly be. With so much educational content at your disposal and tons of great trade ideas from Zee and the entire team, you’ll definitely find something new to learn or trade at the Traveling Trader.

👉 If you want to become a Traveling Trader member, just purchase a premium subscription and join their fascinating world of stocks, options, futures, and cryptos. Unite with other ambitious and exciting individuals on your way to the top of the trading world!