Dreaming of your next vacation, but don’t know where to start? A professional travel agent can help you.

For years, travel agents have been the go-to option for trip planning for millions of people around the world. However, these days they’re not the only solution. As technology continues to develop, there are now many more ways to put together your ideal trip – and get the most out of your time there. 

But if you’ve ever wondered how a travel agent works, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know – and take a look at some of the hottest alternatives for travel planning. 

You’ll also discover how Whop’s fantastic travel communities offer you flexibility and control over planning your next trip.

Ready to dive in?

Booking Travel Online in 2024

The travel industry took a big hit in 2020/21 during the pandemic as the world went into lockdown. However, it has recovered remarkably in just a couple of years.

In 2023, the global online travel industry brought in $667.55bn of revenue, and is expected to reach a whopping $1.569tn by the end of the decade. Another eye-opening stat revealed in a recent TravelPerk survey is that flight demand has recovered to about 95% of the level it was prior to the pandemic. 

With the world once again open for tourism, there is an increased demand for inspirational travel content and trip-planning services.

What Does a Travel Agent Do?

Travel agents help people put together trips. They provide advice and find accommodation, flights and other services, like vehicle hire and tickets to attractions. 

In the “old days” (i.e. before the internet), trip planning usually involved calling up or visiting a brick-and-mortar travel agency or independent travel consultant.

travel agent website

The agent would search their databases to find the right vacation package based on the user’s needs and budget. Travelers could also collect physical brochures and pick the trip they wanted, booking it through the operator or via a travel agent.

Travel agents collect a commission of around 5% to 20% from partner agencies, hotels, and other providers when a traveler books their service. They might also charge clients a fee for their services.

While physical travel agencies and independent consultants still operate, the internet has brought a whole host of other options to find and book travel. As well as giving travel professionals access to more planning and booking tools, travelers can now take on the role of travel agent themselves.

So, do people still use travel agents?

In a word, yes. The same TravelPerk survey found that since the pandemic, 29% of respondents still book their trips through travel agents or operators. 

The travel agent sector has also evolved to meet the shifting trends. Physical agents, like Avant Travel, complement their in-person offering with an option for users to explore and book trips online:

avant travel

In addition, online travel agents (OTAs) offer a similar service to brick-and-mortar businesses.

Some of the more familiar OTAs include Expedia Group, Booking.com and Tripadvisor. These sites offer full trip planning services and, often, customer reviews of hotels, etc.

travel expedia

Users plug in their requirements and the OTA brings up a list of options. Travelers can book flights and accommodation separately or as a package. 

They can also add on things like car hire, transfers and tickets for local attractions to put together their ideal trip.


The TravelPerk survey showed that 41% of participants preferred booking via an OTA over other methods. Among U.S. travelers aged under 35, the most common use of OTAs was to book hotel rooms.

Even sites that traditionally focused on a specific element of travel, such as Skyscanner, now offer related travel services to help users book an entire trip.


Travel agents vs tour operators

Are travel agents and operators the same? There is some overlap here in the fact they both help clients find and book trips.

The main difference is that operators sell their own trips and tours, while agents act as intermediaries, selling other providers’ services.

However, operators might act like travel agents in some cases. For example, if you book an escorted tour through an operator, they might also help with booking flights and offer suggestions for adding extra nights’ accommodation.

Specialty travel agents

As well as general travel agents and OTAs, there are those which focus on specific types of trips and travelers. 

These agents offer clients a bespoke service within their area of specialty and often attract a higher commission and fees. A few travel agent specialties include:

Business travel

business travel

Business-focused agents like TravelPerk and Egencia work with employers and firms to provide corporate travel solutions. Travel agents in this space charge companies a fee for their services.

Often, corporate travel agents offer a wider travel management service beyond just accommodation and transport. This might include things like:

  • expense management
  • geo-tracking (in high-risk locations)  
  • loyalty / rewards programs

As well as individual employees, corporate travel management firms and agents organize group travel for teams. 


sustainable tourism

Specialist agents have sprung up in the growing areas of sustainable travel and eco-tourism.

Overall, according to Statista, the “eco-tourism” sector is expected to grow from $172.4bn in 2022 to $374.2bn in 2028, reflecting people’s awareness of the environmental impact of travel.

Agents in this space help environmentally conscious travelers find trips that result in a lower carbon footprint or which reduce other environmental harm.

The focus is often on locations with green credentials and trips which include a social component. This might include volunteering or giving back to local communities.

Road trips

american road trip

While many general travel agents and operators book road trip packages, there are those which specialize in this type of travel.

From advising on the best itineraries to booking accommodation on the route, travel agents can assist with getting the most from your journey. They may also offer organized tours.

Agents in this space arrange for things like one-way car or RV rental, as well as different types of transport, such as motorbikes.

Backpacking / round-the-world

round the world travel

Another growing area is longer stays, such as backpacking, gap years, or the ultimate in global travel: round-the-world (RTW) trips.

Specialist agents can provide a valuable service here when it comes to route planning. RTW trips in particular can be challenging to plan due to the different flights and overland travel between stops.

There is so much to think about when planning an RTW adventure, an expert agent can take away some of the stress and also make sure you see as much as possible.

Agents and operators in this space may also offer access to escorted tours, with travel, accommodation and the services of a tour leader.

Likewise, agents can arrange things like volunteering, work opportunities and homestay accommodation. They also offer support while you’re away.


luxury wanderlust travel

At the high-end of the market, dedicated travel agents offer expert advice on all aspects of luxury getaways. 

This is where using an agent can be worthwhile, as they tailor bespoke luxury experiences for selective clients on a higher budget.

If you want to plan that dream trip, luxury travel agents can find the most exclusive accommodation and experiences.

For example, Luxury Wanderlust Travel here on Whop offers all the tools you need for planning a luxurious trip. 

Luxury travel agents usually charge fees for their services but they work with clients who demand a high level of service and are willing to pay. 

Sound good? Why not become a luxury travel agent?

Pros & Cons of Using a Travel Agent

There are advantages and disadvantages to booking your trip through an in-person travel agent, consultant or OTA. These include: 

Pros Cons
✅ Personal service ❌ Can charge fees
✅ Can save you time ❌ Less flexible than doing it yourself
✅ Takes the stress out of trip planning ❌ May not offer all available options
✅ May have access to industry pricing ❌ Have to accept their prices
✅ Insider knowledge of locations ❌ Often cheaper to unbundle your trip
✅ Suggestions for side trips and tours ❌ Might push certain products
✅ Can find alternative options if first choice unavailable ❌ You might not be able to make changes to the package
✅ Can work with any budget ❌ Not suitable for every type of trip
✅ Plan leisure or business travel ❌ No "on the ground" experience
Learn more in our post on the benefits of using a travel agent

Alternative Trip Planning Tools & Services

There are plenty of alternative trip planning options out there if you don’t want to use a travel agent.

Which is best for your needs will depend on things like your budget, type of trip, and the amount of time you have to spend on planning. 

It also depends on your own knowledge of the location. If you know a place well, putting a trip together will be easier.

Here are three alternative options for planning a trip:

1. The DIY option 

miami map

With this option, you do all the trip research, planning and booking yourself. 

If you know your destination, dates, and budget, you can head online and look for accommodation, travel and other services. 

OTAs are useful here, as you can compare flights, accommodation and other elements of the trip, then shop around to put together the right package for your needs. This offers the ultimate flexibility and it can be exciting to research the trip and book it yourself.

However, it’s also time consuming. The TravelPerk survey showed that, on average, people spend five hours researching online travel content before booking.

If you aren’t sure about elements of your trip or the location, you might also find it difficult to find what you want.

The DIY route may be okay for long weekends and other simple trips. However, it might be more challenging for, say, six months backpacking in Vietnam if you’re not a seasoned traveler. 

It’s also easier to overlook things like travel insurance, visa rules, and vaccinations. Plus, there are scammers out there, so be careful when booking and paying upfront for things like privately hosted accommodation and tours. 

2. Planning apps 


The next option is to use a dedicated trip planning tool. You can increasingly find AI-driven apps and chatbots which offer advice on aspects of travel, from routes to things to do on vacation.

Examples include:

  • Vacay Chatbot
  • Curiosio
  • Ask Layla
  • TripBot
  • Roadtrippers

Like other sectors, the use of AI is spreading in the travel industry. So, even if you use a travel agent, you might find yourself “talking” to the firm’s chatbot.

One of the advantages of these tools is that you have 24/7 access. The downsides include the lack of personalization and potential privacy concerns.

3. Find a dedicated community


A third choice is to tap into other people’s experiences and knowledge by connecting with a travel community, like WorldWide, which you can find right here on Whop.

The great thing about this option is that you get to connect with other people who know a particular destination. 

These platforms might share hacks to save you money while you’re traveling or highlight cool places to visit that are off the usual tourist routes.


While travel agents still offer a valuable service, particularly for specialist travel, they are not the only (or cheapest) way to book all types of trips.

The internet has opened up trip planning, so travelers can now benefit from access to a wide range of resources for getting the most from vacations and longer adventures. 

These resources include Whop’s travel communities!

whop travel communities

Plan Your Travels With Whop

If you want help planning any kind of trip, Whop is here to help. 

Our travel creators provide fantastic content and services to help save you money and to get more from your next adventure – whether a luxury weekend away or a year backpacking around the world.

Explore chat rooms, guides, dedicated communities, and all kinds of other ways to take control of your travels.

Find everything from tips on scoring discounted flights and tickets to opportunities to connect with fellow globetrotters.

whop travel community

And if you dream of turning your love of travel into a business – Whop is also your one-stop-shop for building and growing your audience. 

Explore the Whop marketplace and find your inspiration.