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Creator's Academy

A community for TikTok Shop creators of all skill levels - Get paid to make content for brands

Limited access is cool, but UNLIMITED Access is what you really want.

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Brand Deals
Collaborate with 7 & 8 figure brands for monthly retainers, increased commissions, boosted videos and free samples.
Agency Support
Thanks to our agency partners, you can enjoy wrongful violation removals and banned account recoveries.
Total Transparency
Learn exactly how Creator's Academy Founder, Kyle Yokoi, has generated $2M+ with faceless TikTok videos.
Resources That Matter
Get hooks that actually work, trending products before they're saturated, insider TikTok Shop updates and more..
Creator's Academy Guarantee
Our mission is simple, maximize profits to put as much money in YOUR pockets as possible.
Customer Q&A
Q: do i need to have 5k followers before i join or do you show how to get to 5k followers as well?
A: You don't need 5k followers to start. Inside of the Creator's Academy course, you'll find several methods (free & paid) for growing TikTok accounts to 5k. See you inside!
Asked on Sep 13, 2024
Will my questions go unanswered?
Never. At Creator's Academy, we make it a priority to ensure every voice is heard and every question is answered.
Can I get brand deals as a beginner?
Yes! You just need to show that your content has viral potential.
Is this community for beginners or pros?
Both. We first help beginners become pros, and then we treat those pros to some fantastic perks.
About the seller
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Creator's Academy
Social Media • TikTok

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Creator's Academy | Founded by Kyle Yokoi