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Fibonacci's Traders

When you join Fibonacci Traders you will gain access to: Legendary Trading Floors 24/7 Support for Day & Swing Trading

Premium Room: Day trade like a pro! Get actionable ideas, ask live questions, and learn from the best in this dynamic chat room.

Swing Lounge: Master long-term trades. Request chart analyses, share ideas, and conquer swings with confident support.

₿ Crypto Trading Room: Navigate the volatile crypto world. Access dedicated channels for research, discussions, and insights on leading cryptocurrencies.

Options Room: Unlock advanced strategies. Learn options trading secrets, discuss plays, and maximize your profit potential.

**Available In English & Hebrew

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24/7 Support
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Customer Q&A

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How do i Apply The FTI v5 after Payment ?
You need to Provide Your Tradingview User Name
How many trades does this server offer per month on average and what timezone do most of the alerters work in?
This depends on the days and setups but I would say normally between 300-500 for just stocks and about the same for crypto. Crypto is a mix around the clock and Stocks are normally around 9-4 est
About the seller
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Fibonacci's Traders
Trading • Technical Analysis

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With 7 years of full-time trading under my belt, I'm here to decode the complex language of technical analysis and harness the pulsating energy of market psychology for your benefit. 🚀 My mission? To supercharge your trading journey, transforming you into a formidable force in the market. Imagine navigating the highs and lows with the confidence and finesse of a seasoned pro. That's where we're headed together.