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InsightEngine Productivity Apps

(1 review)

Empower Analysts to Evolve

SpeechGPT: 智能剪贴板解决方案

SpeechGPT 是一个创新的剪贴板工具,专为简化学习和理解而设计,能够将任何复制的文本转换成简洁的摘要和声音解释。此外,它还具备将英文文本转换成中文摘要的能力,为多语言用户提供了极大的便利。


  1. 智能摘要与解释:SpeechGPT 能够自动总结和解释复制的文本,适用于快速理解长篇邮件、报告或网页文章。

  2. 双重学习模式:用户可以选择听取摘要或通过视觉阅读,适应不同的学习风格。

  3. 通用剪贴板访问:适用于所有可复制的文本,无论是应用程序还是网站。

  4. 注重隐私的设计:SpeechGPT 仅在复制文本时激活,确保数据安全和隐私。

  5. 可定制的听力体验:用户可以调整播放声音和速度,以适应个人偏好。

  6. MP3 转换:可以将摘要转换成 MP3 文件,便于在路上听取或与他人分享。

  7. 高质量音频播放:利用 OpenAI 的先进 TTS 模型,提供清晰自然的声音。


  • 专业人士与高管:快速掌握长篇通讯和报告的要点。
  • 学生和终身学习者:将教育材料转化为易于管理的摘要。
  • 多任务处理者和忙碌的人:在移动中听取重要内容。
  • 视觉障碍者:通过听觉方式轻松访问书面内容。


  • SpeechGPT 支持将复制的英文文本自动转换成中文摘要。这项功能极大地便利了需要跨语言理解的用户,特别是在处理英文信息时。


SpeechGPT 不需要复杂的设置,仅需一次下载和互联网连接,即可立即开始使用。


立即尝试 SpeechGPT,体验轻松高效地学习和获取信息的新方式。通过 3 天的免费试用,您可以开始提高理解力和生产力的旅程。


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Lightning Speed Launch
Launch right from your laptop to access the ChatGPT API! No more wasted time dealing with login or browser loading time.
Productivity Booster
Designed to enhance productivity by providing rapid responses to your queries, helping you make quick decisions faster.
Personal Development Companion
Integrate into your self-improvement journey as it offers quick insights and information that can aid in personal growth
3-day free trial
3-day free trial. When you are ready, pay once only, to use your own API key for uncapped pay-per-use setup.
Customer Q&A

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Customer reviews
5 out of 5
(1 reviews)
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7 months ago
SpeechGPT and using AI in general has significantly transformed my approach to handling information overload. As a professional who constantly deals with lengthy reports and articles, summarization feature has been a lifesaver.
What does the 'pay once' option mean? Is there a usage limit with my own API key?
The "Pay Once" option allows you to make a single payment to us, then utilize your own API key for unrestricted usage. There are no ceilings imposed by us when you use your own API key - just one payment grants you limitless access. Experience the freedom of unbounded AI interaction with SpeedGPT's Pay Once option.
How does the product offer enhanced productivity?
Time Efficiency: By getting the answers you need from ChatGPT right from your keyboard, we help you save valuable time that would otherwise be spent launching and waiting for your browser to load just to access the same ChatGPT. This is particularly beneficial for professionals and students who regularly engage with dense or complex material.
How does the keyboard shortcut feature work in SpeedGPT?
A demo session can teach you how to set up a custom keyboard shortcut to launch the app we provide from any screen you are at.
Who can benefit from using your apps?
Anyone who values productivity and efficiency can benefit from our apps - whether you're a student working on assignments, a professional juggling multiple projects, or an entrepreneur looking for ways to streamline your workflow. No technical skill is required to use the app.
About the seller
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Life Hacks • AI

1 review

InsightEngine, a leading technology start-up, is excited to unveil its innovative productivity applications. As a company that thrives on delivering groundbreaking solutions for individuals and businesses alike, we constantly strive to push the envelope. Our passion is to help you leverage on AI tools to redefine the way you work and/or learn. Designed for those who are passionate about maximising their potentials.