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Network of Ascended Men

(3 reviews)

An online community and coaching platform for ambitious men who want to ascend to higher levels of personal development.


If you’re anything like me, you want to become the best version of yourself. You want to break compulsive patterns, which leads to a state of inner calmness, authentic confidence and natural charisma.

This is what I see as the ultimate male—a man who is fully confident in his own skin and his masculinity and does not need to compensate with anything.

The reality for most men, however, at least from what I have perceived so far after coaching dozens of men, is that they have a lack internally, which they try to compensate with something on the external, leading to an infinite chasing game.

You may have been told that you will be more fulfilled when you increase your income, get more women, have greater entrepreneurial success, buy faster cars… the list goes on and on.

I don’t doubt that these things will not improve your life whatsoever, and I am also not saying you shouldn’t be working on these things. The problem occurs when men are trapped in an endless chase, hoping to fill an inner void which cannot be filled with materialism. Changing this belief is a difficult task in and of itself, a task that I work on with my clients every day.

I get it. You probably think things like, “Well, it’s easy to say that when you don’t suffer with financial difficulties like I do,” or “You are in a relationship, it’s easy for you to speak about not feeling lonely,” or “I know that I will be happier when I have achieved XYZ.”

I wholeheartedly empathize with you because I used to have the exact same thoughts. I didn’t believe anyone who preached what I preach today. Until I experienced it myself.

We always want what we can’t/ don’t have. That is basic human psychology. If we struggle financially, we think more money is gonna make us happy. If we struggle with women, we think mastering “game” will make us happy. If we haven’t achieved a certain goal, we think achieving this goal will make us happy.

We think the destination is what brings fulfillment but we couldn’t be more wrong. New destination, new goals, new problems. The cycle continues. The “never satisfied” mentality has created a generation of men that is suffering from crippling self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy that they hope to overcome by chasing something on the external.

Ok, but if that doesn’t work, what does? There are two ways we can achieve transformation: internal to external and external to internal.

I’m sure you’ve heard that the thought creates the emotion and the emotion creates the action. This is the self-fulfilling cycle, or what I describe as the internal to external technique. But this is not the only way we can achieve a desired action and therefore desired outcome and transformation. Another pathway is to manipulate the action, which creates the emotion that reinforces the thought we want to create about ourselves. In other words, you will start changing your internal beliefs by changing your actions. If we want to achieve genuine change, we need both approaches.

The New Age obsesses with the internal to external technique; meditation, visualization, journaling, affirmations, and so on. They all have their place but solely relying on them will not do the job. On the other hand, the Red Pill obsesses with the external to internal technique, completely disregarding the internal world or spiritual realm; bags and babes is their motto. A path that will ultimately lead you into despair.

But wait a minute… if New Agism isn’t the right approach and the Red Pill is misleading, what are you supposed to do? How are you supposed to know good from bad? Why does everything need to be so goddamn complicated? The truth is, it doesn’t need to be complicated. You only need the right system. For this reason, I have created the 4-C Framework of Change.


I’ll be upfront here with you. There is no way around a mentor. You can try to figure it out on your own. You can continue to make the same mistakes over and over again or fall back into the same behavioral patterns every time. It may save you money. But do you know what it doesn’t save you? Time, effort and energy—the more valuable resources. Accepting the fact that you cannot do it on your own takes a level of humility that many men simply do not have achieved yet. Our infantile grandiosity tricks us into believing that we are better than we actually are. It takes a lot of ego shattering until we understand this. Only recently a follower sought advise because he was stuck and couldn’t break compulsive patterns. Quite frankly, it will simply be very difficult without a mentor.


With coaching we create the framework for transformative change. With video courses we fuel that transformation. Combining the strength of self-learning with the power of hands-on coaching work allows for growth that is more efficient than most basic coaching models. The average coach has bi-weekly calls with his clients. But what happens in the time in between the calls? Two weeks is a long time. This time can be filled with video courses that allow you to learn whenever and wherever you want. As an entrepreneur two things are of utmost importance to me: speed and flexibility. This is something we achieve in the Network of Ascended Men by providing you with materials, both, in video and text format, that you can consume and process at your own pace.


In times in which the “lone wolf” mentality is being celebrated, the meaning of communities has been lost. Unfortunately. However, communities have always been a fundamental aspect of a man’s life. We are tribe beings after all. If you never experienced the profound connection between men that establishes itself when they are struggling and facing challenges together, you are missing out on deep feelings of joy and fulfillment that arise in these situations. Shared submission and experiencing death and resurrection together create an unfathomable force inside a man that is the very lifeblood that nourishes his spirit in times of hardships. It provides us with a sense of belonging and meaning that we all desperately need. Many men feel like they have nobody to rely on. Within our community, this feeling will disappear. Experience a depth that you would never believed would be possible between men. Weekly accountability check-in calls, group coaching sessions and the possibility to connect with and be supported by like-minded men creates an environment in which we can prosper in.


All of this creates unwavering conviction in yourself. Conviction that you are worthy of achieving great success in life. Conviction that you will actually make it. Conviction that no matter what happens, there’s always someone you can rely on. Conviction that no matter what life throws at you, you can handle it. Conviction that no obstacle is too great to overcome. This conviction equips you with new levels of confidence and inner calmness because uncertainty is replaced by certainty, anxiety is replaced by stillness, and confusion is replaced by direction. Charisma is what naturally follows. The charisma that allows you to actually make the money that you want to make, attract the woman that you want to attract, and have the influence you want to have. Everything is coming full circle.


Once you made your decision to join the Network of Ascended Men, you will receive access to an online library of video courses around the topics of self-improvement, money-making and dating/relationships/marriage. In total, there are currently 5 video courses available. Besides the five video courses, you will also receive access to seven guides and books, including my first book “Becoming Alpha,” “The Anti-Dating Dating Guide, “De-Bitch Yourself,” Your Path To Glorious Manhood,” “Sons of Shadows,” and a multitude of other exclusive guides and coaching materials that I have created and collected over the years, which are now only accessible in the Network of Ascended Men. The first thing we will do is schedule a 30-minute pre-coaching call to speak about your current place in life and where you want to be in the next 6-12 months. After this we can create your unique battle plan towards success. To wrap it up, the Network of Ascended Men includes: 1:1 mentoring, group coaching sessions, accountability check-in calls, exclusive video courses and text guides, weekly exclusive posts and a network of like-minded men to connect with. This is your chance to make everlasting change. Are you ready for a groundbreaking transformation and become the best version of yourself? Then join us now and I’ll see you inside!


300$ / month includes full community access (all courses and guides), weekly group coaching sessions and 1:1 mentoring via messaging/ voice messaging.

500$ / month includes the same as the 300$ / month option but has 1:1 personal video calls instead of mentoring via messaging / voice messaging.

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1:1 Mentoring
Group coaching
Live sessions
Video courses
Coaching materials
Books & guides
Exclusive content
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Customer reviews
5 out of 5
(3 reviews)
User avatar
5 months ago
I am a coach myself and on an ongoing learning journey, so I have enrolled in a dozen of programs, and this one is the BEST! This one is the one that gave me the most results! Real value, unique insights, not only what you want and also what you need!
User avatar
5 months ago
It provides in-depth insights on various topics, saving time and delivering value.
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5 months ago
Personalized coaching, really helpful
Can I cancel my subscription anytime?
You can cancel your subscription at any time.
Is there a money-back guarantee?
We include a 7-day money-back guarantee in our yearly plan. If you are not happy after purchasing the yearly plan, we will refund the money with no questions asked.
Who is this NOT for?
Men who want to keep losing in their lives. Men who want to blame others for their failure. Men who don’t want to take on accountability and responsibility. Men who lack the work ethic and don’t want to work hard.
About the seller
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Holistic Manhood

3 reviews

Founder of Holistic Manhood. Helping men experience inner serenity and marry the woman of their dreams.

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