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Cool Trading Lemon

Day Trading Made Simple.

Link access to download my day trading tools, including the Green and Red Day Trading PnL Calendar. And Your very own self-employed automatic calculated payslips and indicators. (Works best with Google Sheets)

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Learn From the Advanced Course
Unlock my top 3 high-performance trading strategies, and discover the power of my go-to indicator + exclusive extras!
My Favourite Indicator
Learn how to use and receive my favorite indicator.
Learn From My All My Trades
Learn from all my trading entries, perfect for photographic memories! Over 100+ Profitable Trades.
Day Trading Tools
You'll get access to my popular red and green day trading PnL calendar + your very own self-employed payslips!
Customer Q&A

Be the first to ask Cool Trading Lemon a question. If answered, your question will show up here for future customers to see.

Are the trading strategies suitable for beginners?
Yes, the strategies are designed to be easy to follow and understand, even for those new to trading.
Can I use the strategies on any market or asset?
Yes, these strategies work for other markets and assets including gold, forex, and futures.
Can I use the indicator on its own or does it need to be combined with other tools?
The indicator can be used on its own, but it's recommended to combine it with other forms of analysis for optimal result
What is your win/rate?
I have a 64% to 91% win rate, which means that out of every 100 trades, I win between 64 and 91 of them.
How many trades do you usually take day?
I recommend 1 high-quality trade idea per day.
About the seller
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Cool Trading Lemon
Trading β€’ Futures

0 reviews

I am an advanced market day trader who specializes in trading the NASDAQ at the opening bell during the NYSE sessions, I'm dedicated to sharing my expertise and insights with fellow traders, helping you refine your strategies and achieve your goals. I have over 100+ profitable trading entries you can learn from. Keep it simple.

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