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(11 reviews)

The #1 Signal Service, Run by Professionals.

Full Access Every Wednesday for Just $1 – One-Time Only

Experience everything our Discord community has to offer with full access every Wednesday for a one-time payment of just $1. That’s right – pay once, and enjoy exclusive access every Wednesday, week after week!

Join us mid-week to explore all channels, engage with our community, and see what makes us special. The rest of the week, you’ll have access to select channels, but on Wednesdays, it’s all yours. No hidden fees, no recurring charges – just $1, once, for unlimited Wednesday access.

(We charge $1 to keep bots and spammers out!)

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Free Wednesdays

Copy our professional traders positions and see why they took the trade with full written and chart analysis.
Have access to a group of professional traders you can learn from, strategise with, and make profit together
Learn expert strategies and learn how to understand and trade macro economic and geo-political events.
Weekly webinars hosted to give you clarity and insight into the markets and answer questions.
Bank Reports
Access private Bank Reports, only sent to institutions. Gain a serious edge.
24/7 Support
By being an Elite member, you have access to our full support no matter the day or inquiry.
Customer Q&A
Q: I've been following you guys for a long time now, I'm wondering if you teach the Echo Model in full inside your Discord?
A: Hi there, yes James teaches the full Echo Model process inside the Discord and even provides a free MetaTrader indicator for you. We also teach a lot about our momentum strategy so you have 2 fully developed strategies to learn from.
Asked on May 20, 2024
Q: Hi EliteTraders, I am just starting out here. I am pretty new to trading and looking to become a profitable trader. Is your service good for this?
A: Hello, from the sounds of your goals yes, we would be a great fit for you. We cover the basics of technical analysis all the way to in-depth macro economics and proprietary strategies. Along with this you can join our webinars for increased clarity and learning along with following our trade ideas to see first hand how our traders approach the markets. I hope this helps, thanks, EliteTraders
Asked on May 18, 2024
Customer reviews
5 out of 5
(11 reviews)
User avatar
2 months ago
În primul rând, vreau să mulțumesc echipei pentru comunitatea creată și pentru că sunt transparenți atât pe rețelele de socializare, cât și în comunitate. Mă bucur că fac parte din această comunitate, care m-a ajutat enorm în evoluția mea ca trader. M-au ajutat să înțeleg cel mai important aspect în trading, acesta fiind analiza fundamentală, cât și cea tehnică, și să îmi formez o strategie cu adevărat profitabilă. Vă recomand tuturor celor care vreți să învățați trading cu adevărat, nu ce se vede pe Instagram la influenceri. Mulțumesc încă o dată. --- Firstly, I want to thank the staff for creating this community and for being transparent both on social media and within the community. I am glad to be part of this community, which has greatly helped my development as a trader. They helped me understand the most important aspect of trading, which is fundamental analysis, as well as technical analysis, and to develop a truly profitable strategy. I recommend this to everyone who wants to learn real trading, not what is seen on Instagram from influencers. Thank you once again.
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2 months ago
James and Gaby's trade ideas have essentially covered my monthly membership fee. It's not a scam, but there's a potential downside: the time zone difference could make it difficult for Asian members to participate, since most other members seem to be in UK/EU time. Moderators and members are both responsive when questions are asked. This isn't a get-rich-quick group, but there's definitely potential for long-term gains.
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3 months ago
An active community of both enthusiastic newbies and experienced traders willing to share their knowledge. Cut through the usual nonsense and trade relatively simple systems backed up by real financial data. After a couple of years of trying various systems this has been my most consistent couple of months whilst also being the most relaxed- no more hours glued to the 1-5m charts stressing over 5 pip stops! If you want long term growth rather than get rich quick then look no further
Can I cancel?
Yes, you can cancel anytime!
Is the server active?
Yes, we have over 1,000 members in the sever with all different trading styles and experience levels. Conversations are flowing and content is always coming.
About the seller
Trading • Forex

11 reviews

EliteTraders is an esteemed entity led by a team of seasoned professionals, boasting a cumulative experience of 25 years within institutional trading circles. Our establishment was conceived with the mission to infuse the retail industry with a heightened level of professionalism, underpinned by a commitment to disseminating authentic insights and expertise.

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