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5 months ago
If you want to understand e-commerce, Jordan's Community Group is the best place to be in. I used to struggle understanding how to find winning products but the live recordings, and products section really helped me a lot in understand it more. The live recordings are probably the most valuable videos in there because Jordan and his team goes over a lot of issues that we are struggling with and how to handle them. It's just a great community overall. I used to have a lot of negative thoughts, doubts, and feeling hopeless at times because I just couldn't get it and just didn't understand things, but after joining and watching the lives and hearing from others that they had gone through the same struggles, and have come out of it stronger and more confident. It instills hope in me and everyday I feel a little more confident in my abilities, and now I don't feel alone and scared anymore, all thanks to Jordan's Group. So yeah, if you're struggling with something, reach out. You don't have to go through this alone.
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6 months ago
The community group is very helpful & 18 hour long session will be great I'm really thankful
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6 months ago
Coming from from a lot of self help seminars and a few e-commerce, Jordan is some short of a guru in a holistic approach, his way totally resonates with my way of thinking . I don't care if you believe it but a few days before started this course I asked my self in a prayer: what will it help me generate 50,000 per month? What will help me accomplish 1,666 a day? What is the best way or solution for me? and so I asked these questions in a Tony Robbin's style as I always do , and the answer came. Really grateful for this immense amount of work I'm following every step like a Bible, and right now I'm on my detox days!