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Elev8kenyans with Ecom

Unlock Your E-commerce Journey: Start with ksh 1000 as capital and Grow to Success!

Discover the proven blueprint to making your first 100K Ksh through dropshipping using Jumia as your supplier. In this e-book, I share a step-by-step guide that you can easily follow to achieve your desired results. Whether you're a beginner or looking to scale your e-commerce business, this guide offers practical strategies to help you succeed—without the need for a 9-to-5 job. Start your journey to financial freedom today!

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Expert Guidance
Access insider knowledge from successful seller who has mastered the process.
Elev8 Community
Join a vibrant community of sellers to network, share insights, and collaborate on strategies.
Ongoing Product Updates
Stay ahead of the curve with regular updates on products you can list on your shopify and start making revenue.
How set up facebook ads
If you have no experience on how to set up ads I will guide you.
Customer Q&A

Be the first to ask Elev8kenyans with Ecom a question. If answered, your question will show up here for future customers to see.

1. What is this Discord community about?
This is an exclusive coaching community where I guide you through the steps outlined in my free e-book.
2. Who is this for?
This community is designed for Kenyans looking to start an e-commerce business with little to no experience.
3. How does the coaching work?
I’ll be available to answer your questions, offer advice, and provide additional guidance on any parts of the e-book.
4. What do I need to get started?
You’ll need a starting capital of at least 1K Ksh and a computer with internet access
5. How do I get the free e-book?
You should already have the free e-book. If not, please reach out to me and I’ll ensure you receive it before joining.
About the seller
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Elev8kenyans with Ecom
E-Commerce • Dropshipping

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Welcome to an exclusive Discord community designed to help you turn your ksh1000 into real income. Here, I’ll personally guide you through the exact steps from my free e-book on how to go from 1K to your first 100K. Starting with Jumia, I'll be your coach every step of the way, helping you navigate challenges and stay on course as you build your e-commerce success story. Join now to get the support you need to thrive!

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