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SPOTS Indicator

Trading signal that is SPOT ON!

SPOTS is Signal Processing of Trend Strength. It is a TradingView indicator that reports the strength of the trend from different timeframes giving you a complete overview of the market. It plots the strength moving average and produces signals when all the timeframe "spots" are heading in the same direction.

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Multi-timeframe indicator
SPOTS is a multi-timeframe indicator where the "spots" are based on the strength of trend from different timeframes.
Dynamic Support/Resistance
SPOTS draws the dynamic support and resistance levels.
Strength Moving Average
SPOTS draws a Strength Moving Average on the chart and it changes color based on the strength of the trend.
Plots Signals
SPOTS produces entry/exit and breakout signals.
SPOTS alerts available so you get alerted when signals are created.
Fully Configurable Settings
SPOTS settings are configurable to fit your trading style.
Customer Q&A

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Yes! As long as you have an active subscription, you will automatically receive the updates in TradingView.
I purchased SPOTS but I don't see in TradingView?
DM me on X @javageek25 or send me a message in the Discord that is included in the subscription.
About the seller
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SPOTS Indicator
Trading • Stocks
I'm not a financial advisor. I'm a software engineer who just wants to develop tools that would help everyone understand the overall picture of the market. My mission is to develop technical indicators and tools for the masses.

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