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Winning Stocksignals for Traders.

Tradingview Buy and Sell Signals based on best Moving Average settings for Swing Traders. You can set auto Alerts on Buy and Sell Alerts in Tradingview on this Indicator. Usable for all stocks and several timeframes (Daily recommended).

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Get US stockmarket signals
We scan the market and signal stock setups we took. We signal current market conditions: Red, Green or Orange.
Live Buy and Sell Signals
Live signal when I take a trade with my very tight Stop Loss level.
In Discord there are channels with education about e.g. Risk Management.
Customer Q&A

Be the first to ask StockSignals a question. If answered, your question will show up here for future customers to see.

What type of trading do you signal for?
Swing & Position Trading of US stocks. No options, no day trading, no crypto. Just stocks!
What is you track-record and potential profit from your signals?
Our track record is 28.8% profit YTD outperforming the market. 20%+ profit per year is possible from our signals.
How many signals do you give?
This depends on the market conditions. Between 0 and 10 new stock setups weekly. We also signal when we sold.
What is the Tradingview?
If you have Tradingview, then a Technical Buy Signal Indicator is part of the membership.
About the seller
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Trading • Stocks

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Hi, I am Derek, the Trader behind StockSignals! I have a decade experience in trading growth stocks and created my own Swing and Position trading style. It excites me when I buy winning stocks. Winning stocks can gain a 20%+ profit in just 4 days after I bought the stock! I send you a signal on Discord when I bought a stock and where I put my tight Stop Loss. Cut small losses quick, let profits run! You can just easily follow and learn! NO FINANCIAL ADVICE.

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