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(1 review)

A/B Test Your Thumbnails Live On YouTube

  • 1 Team member (owner)
  • 1 Channel
  • Thumbnail A/B Tests
  • Title A/B Tests',
  • Thumbnail/Title A/B Tests',
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Customer reviews
4 out of 5
(1 reviews)
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1 year ago
Really cool tool to have for your youtube channel!
How does it work?
We store all the thumbnails you upload. Every day at midnight, we change the thumbnail on your chosen video to the next thumbnail in the list. At the end of the test, we look back at the click-through rate each thumbnail got and use that to calculate which thumbnail performed the best. That thumbnail (or title) is marked the winner.
What is A/B Testing?
Normally, an A/B test is when you show 100 people something, 50 see A and 50 see B, then you judge if A or B is better based on their reactions. So, a thumbnail A/B test means we show thumbnail A for one day, then thumbnail B for one day, and repeat that for a couple weeks. At the end, we see which thumbnail more people clicked on.
What can I expect from this tool?
This tool is not magic, it only runs the test. This tool can make you more powerful only if you use it properly. Make different thumbnails, come up with new titles, and then this tool can do the heavy lifting to tell you what’s working. The best thing you get out of this tool won’t be views or click-through rate, it will be understanding what your audience actually wants deeper than ever before.
About the seller
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Social Media • YouTube

1 review

Find the best thumbnail every time, and never let a bad thumbnail ruin a great video again.

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