Trading Louis

38 Reviews

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12 days ago
I have been trading for 4 months and recived my first payout today only using this strategy. Very helpful lifestreams and course, worth the price!!
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13 days ago
As I promised to myself, I will review Louises course and Louis himself after passing Evaluation. I found his strategy on IG reels, he seemed scammy, he had million reels with his face, wanted to see what scam he wants to share so I clicked on his video. But then I realized it's just me blaming book by its cover. Louises course by itself will show you the strategy and will lead you to gains, but with combination of Louis trying to help everytime you ask, answering every question, fully opened to you and his daily Livestreams of monitoring price action, you will find it as a holy grail. Strategy simple, you might think first days, weeks, that this strategy is very simple that you think it might not work because you have seen many traders overcomplicating their strategies, multiple indicators and chart looks like Picasso. I've been in course around 4-5months, generally interested in trading for about 8 months. During mastering this strategy I managed to blow only 1 evaluation, and passed 1 evaluation, another one is 1 trade away from passing. At the end of the day, it's your psychology which leads you to your success Or to blow account as I learned from my practice. This strategy shows a correct and simple path, but first you need to control your psychology to not drive of that path.
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17 days ago
Bought the trading course and got access to the premium live streams about a month ago after hearing about it from a friend and it has been worth every penny, I’ve learned so much from the course and streams and continue to do so. Louis is a great mentor and focuses on teaching you the strategy and is quick to answer any questions you have, so you can finally become a profitable trader, if you’re considering joining, than do yourself a favor and buy the trading course with the premium streams, 10 out of 10 would recommend!