Do you have a paid Discord server? If you answered yes, then you should be using an affiliate system. An affiliate system is an excellent way to boost sales and give back to your already-paying members.

Setting up an affiliate system for your Discord server was once a complex task, requiring technical knowledge and an advanced understanding of Discord. Now, setting up an affiliate system couldn’t be easier, thanks to Whop. Over two million dollars ($2,000,000+) has been awarded to affiliates through Whop, and that number keeps climbing.

💡Did You Know? Rakuten, a giant in the e-commerce space, found that affiliate marketing produces 21% of all online orders and 40% of all online revenue for the company. They also found that the average order value through affiliate marketing was 18% higher than non-affiliate orders.

Why Create an Affiliate System?

While affiliate systems may seem like a small addition to your group, they can have a huge positive impact. We love affiliate systems because they’re generally quite mutually beneficial for both the product owner (in this case, the Discord server owner) and the consumer. With a traditional affiliate system, you may pay the referrer a set fee per sale or a percentage of each sale. An affiliate system like this also helps to add trustworthiness to your business and helps to maintain a good reputation.

However, the most significant benefit to setting up an affiliate system is increasing the number of memberships sold for your Discord server. People who purchase access to your Discord server can benefit simply by recommending your Discord server to other people. Having your members advertise for you via word-of-mouth also helps to reach a targeted audience - an audience that has similar interests.

💡A study by Nielsen found that 92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family more than other forms of advertising, which is a perfect example of how effective word-of-mouth recommendations can be.

If that isn't enough to convince you, then consider that affiliate marketing can also be very cost-effective. In fact, it could potentially not cost a single penny to get up and running. While traditional advertisement methods can be expensive, affiliate marketing is very affordable. In fact, a recent Performance Marketing Association (PMA) survey found that 77% of respondents believe affiliate marketing is much less costly than traditional marketing strategies… sounds appealing, right?

Setting up Affiliates via Whop

To set up affiliates on Whop, you first must have a Whop account with your Discord server set up. You must also have a Stripe Connect or Stripe Standard account connected to your Whop account. Now that’s done, the rest is a piece of cake!

Step 1: Navigate to the Affiliates tab on your Whop dashboard and click the “New affiliate” button.

Step 2: Choose the type of affiliate you want to add. You can choose either:

  • Individual affiliate - Invite a specific member to be an affiliate
  • Any member - Allow any member to be an affiliate
  • Anyone on Whop - Allow anyone on Whop to be an affiliate

You can add more types of affiliates later, so if you’d like to set up a certain reward for one type and another reward for a different type, go for it!

Step 3: Choose the associated product you’d like people to be an affiliate for.

Step 4: Customize the reward type. You can choose either:

  • Percentage fee of the sale amount
  • Flat fee

For both options, you can either have the reward payment be one-time-only (for the initial sale and nothing further) or each time the customer renews. For example, if you had a subscription tier for $50 per month for your Discord server and you set the reward to 10% one time, the affiliate would receive $5 on the first payment but nothing further for the future renewal fees from that specific customer.

screenshot of whop affiliates demo

Commission for Affiliates

Deciding on the commission for affiliates can be quite tricky. They key is to maximize your own profits while providing enough of an incentive for affiliates to spread the word about how awesome your Discord server is. So, when it comes to commission, you should put yourself in the shoes of your members/whomever you wish to become an affiliate. “What percentage/fee would be fair for me?” “Should I expect to receive a commission every time the membership is renewed?” These are the types of questions you should consider to determine a fair commission that will benefit you and your affiliates.

As Whop allows for multiple types of affiliates, it is the perfect platform for setting up the perfect commission structure. For example, you may allow a commission to anyone on Whop who refers your product to others and your paying members, while still giving your paying members a higher percentage/commission for affiliate sales. This specific structure would incentivize non-member affiliates to purchase access to your Discord server, which is a win-win situation. You may also give influencers in your Discord server’s specific niche a unique affiliate commission to incentivize them to share your server with their wide audience.

Tips and Tricks

Having an affiliate system for your paid Discord server is great, but it’s pointless if no one knows you have the system in place. Here are some strategies to maximize the success of your affiliate system.

Spread the Word: Having an affiliate system is fantastic, but its benefits remain untapped if it's a well-kept secret. Make sure your members and potential recruits are well aware of this opportunity. Consider running occasional competitions to reward those who bring in the most referrals. This not only incentivizes your current members but also creates a buzz around your affiliate program.

Leverage Influencers: Harnessing the power of influencers can be a game-changer. While this method can be exceptionally effective, it's important to be prepared for potential costs, especially if the influencer boasts a substantial following. Despite this, if you can collaborate with a suitable influencer within your niche and they endorse your Discord server, their audience is likely to follow suit and become paying members, making it a worthwhile investment.

Final Thoughts

Now that you understand the power of affiliate systems, are you ready to unlock the full potential of your paid Discord server? Setting up an affiliate system with Whop is not just a smart move - it's a game-changer.

Discover the numerous benefits and start monetizing your server today. Don't wait – empower your community and boost your revenue with affiliate marketing.