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Alliance Trading

(2 reviews)

An exclusive group made by traders for traders.

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Real-time Market Data & Alerts
We analyze the market and notify our members of anything we see as important!
1 on 1 tutoring
We offer free 1 on 1 tutoring for those who are struggling to be successful in the stock market.
Stock Flow Information
This involves observing the volume of orders being executed at different price levels to gauge the market sentiment.
Educational Resources
Articles, videos, webinars, and courses on various trading topics, from beginner to advanced levels.
Trading Challenges
This includes $250 to $1,000 trading challenges managed by staff!
Chat support
You'll receive access to our exclusive group of traders.
Customer Q&A

Be the first to ask Alliance Trading a question. If answered, your question will show up here for future customers to see.

Customer reviews
5 out of 5
(2 reviews)
User avatar
1 year ago
I joined the Alliance Trading with high hopes, but I never could have imagined the incredible impact it would have on my trading journey. Over the past six months, my experience with this group has been nothing short of exceptional, and I am thrilled to share my thoughts in this review. From day one, it was evident that Alliance Trading operates on an entirely different level. The level of expertise and dedication exhibited by the group's leaders and members is truly remarkable. The educational resources provided are not only comprehensive but also delivered in an easily digestible manner, making them suitable for traders of all skill levels. Whether you're a novice like I was or a seasoned trader, the group's resources cater to everyone.
User avatar
1 year ago
Great group of guys and girls who have helped take my day trading abilities to the next level. The mods and owner are always on answering questions. They’ve also helped me make some good $. 10/10
What is this Discord group about?
This Discord group is a community of traders who share insights, strategies, and discussions related to stock trading. We aim to create a supportive environment for traders of all levels to learn, collaborate, and grow their trading skills.
Can I share my own trading insights and strategies?
Absolutely! We encourage our members to share their experiences, insights, and strategies. Feel free to start a conversation in the relevant channels. Remember to provide clear explanations and be open to constructive feedback.
Can I ask for trading advice?
Yes, you can ask for advice and opinions from fellow traders. Keep in mind that the advice you receive is based on individual experiences and opinions. Consider reaching out to our staff for advice.
Are there any educational resources available?
Absolutely! We provide educational materials, articles, videos, and occasional webinars to help you expand your trading knowledge. Check out the "Resources" channel for more information.
About the seller
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Alliance Trading
Trading • Investing

2 reviews

Welcome to Alliance Trading, where we revolutionize your stock investing experience. Our team of experts provides personalized 1 on 1 stock advice, in-depth analytics, and carefully curated stock picks tailored to your unique goals. With our user-friendly stock platform, navigating the market has never been simpler. Invest with confidence and stay ahead of the game with Alliance Trading.

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