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Cash+ Indicators

(2 reviews)

Level Up Your Trading

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Realtime Alerts
Alerts when trade entry criteria are met based on the indicator/strategy being used
Support and Resistance Levels
Display your favorite EMA's or Key Levels based on various technical strategies such as ORB, The System, SORBET, etc
Price Targets and Stops
Automatic Price Targets when a potential Trade is alerted
Strategy Backtesting
Backtest the Strategies yourself in the TradingView Strategy Window
TradingView Strategies
The System, ORB/SORBET, Peaky Blinders EMA Crossovers
TradingView Indicators
Key Levels (Premarket, Prior Day, ORB, ATR), Golden Pocket, Daily Fib Pivots
Market Scanners
ORB Scanner, SORBET Scanner, Peaky Blinders Scanner
Customer Q&A

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Customer reviews
5 out of 5
(2 reviews)
User avatar
1 year ago
Cash+ Indicators really helped me gain consistency, especially around the ORB strategy and The System. Cash is always adding something new. I hope everyone gets as much out of these indicators as I have.
User avatar
1 year ago
Excellent indicators that are extremely beneficial for understand the market with a quick glance. The sorbet method, vomy, and Golden pocket are my favorite indicators in this pack!
Where can I find the Indicators in TradingView?
You will be able to find these indicators in TradingView under Indicators > Invite Only Scripts. If you donโ€™t see it yet or it is locked, please restart/refresh your TradingView app.
Are these Indicators going to make me super rich?
The indicators alone won't make you super rich. They may help you be more selective on your entries, and will encourage you on where to target your trims. 80% of the battle with trading is psychological. Building up confidence to take trades, controlling emotions, and executing with a clear strategy are the ideal ingredients to become successful. These indicators will help with some of that. The rest is up to you.
About the seller
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Trading โ€ข Trading Indicators

2 reviews

Our mission is to help traders make smarter decisions when entering and exiting trades based on back tested strategies. We created the Best Indicators and Strategies on TradingView, and have back tested them over months of price action to find the best setups that you can follow, with an easy to read design.

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