Kostenloser Online Kurs: Verstehe Bitcoin & Krypto Investiere mit Leichtigkeit und Vertrauen auf Basis von fundiertem Wissen
Du möchtest verstehen wie Krypto & Bitcoin funktionieren?
Du möchtest auf Basis von fundiertem Wissen in Krypto investieren?
Dann bist du hier genau richtig.
In nur 2,5h Stunden bekommst du das Wichtigste einfach und verständlich erklärt.
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Online course
Crypto Online Kurs
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benedikt68 5 months ago Finally a course that teaches the essentials and doesn't get lost in complex details. It is a solid foundation and ideal for beginners.
I also use the monthly subscription and it has already paid off. I would not invest in cryptocurrencies without professional support.
I can recommend the course without reservation. First of all, it costs nothing and you get an important insight into one of the most important technologies of our time. And if you really want to invest, you should use the monthly subscription, at least at the beginning. I am sure that it will save you a lot of trouble and losses. Signed up and paid 6 months ago |
1 review