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The Career Network to land your dream job !

Are you just tired of empty emails, rejections and failed interviews?

Don't worry! We all started there, even some of our early members did.

This is why CareerLaunch is here πŸŽ‰

At CareerLaunch, we believe you're network is your net worth. Connect with people at Apple, Google, Lyft, Uber, JP Morgan, Mckinsey, etc and build up your network irrelevant of your university, location or experience. All of this for the price of lunch.

It's a private community where you'll get a network, mentorship, unlimited resources, and a support system who are working at or also looking to get into a Fortune 500 company.

No need to be at an Ivy League school or a Fortune 500 company! You can meet those same people here from the convenience of your home whenever you want.

Enjoy full access to an elite network, resume feedback, interviews help, networking opportunities, and resources - all tailored to skyrocket your career.

Here’s what you'll get:

🀝 Elite Network Community: Make friends with people that are where you want to be at. Get eventual future referrals and strength your career network. (Something university will never offer)

πŸ”₯ Resume + Interview: Get personalized resume feedback and mock interview help from FAANG and Fortune 500 interns

πŸ“ž Contacts & Referrals: Get contacts to recruiters and experts in the industry that could turn into possible referrals

Ready to get into your dream company with help from people at Amazon, Lyft, Google, JP Morgan or Microsoft? Join us at CareerLaunch

Don’t miss this chance to fast-track your way to your dream offer letter. Join CareerLaunch today and fly past all your peers!

If you're ready to invest in building your career, secure your spot!

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Internz +

Supportive Community
Make friends with other ambitious interns and alumnis to get referrals, resources and strength your career network.
Direct Chat with 3x SWE Intern
Get tips and answers from a 3x Intern who has landed 15+ interviews at Fortune 500 companies and Next36 Founder.
Resume + Interview Support
Get personalized resume feedback and mock interview help from FAANG and Fortune 500 interns.
Contacts & Referrals
Get contacts to people in the industry that could turn into possible referral.
Networking Events
Be apart of our future networking events happening initially around Canada but expanding to all of North America soon!
Customer Q&A

Be the first to ask CareerLaunch a question. If answered, your question will show up here for future customers to see.

What does CareerLaunch offer?
The Community offers a supportive environment with like-minded students, personalized resume feedback & interview support, networking events and calls with members in Fortune 500 companies
What type of support will I receive from the community?
You'll receive support from an ambitious community of students & FAANG alumnis + insights from a 3x SWE Intern & Next36 + YC shortlisted founder.
What's the cancellation policy?
Cancel anytime, and you can access the community until your next billing date. You will stop getting charged, starting the next month’s billing date.
About the seller
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Students β€’ Other
CareerLaunch: Private network to grow their professional network and get into Fortune 500, become a founder or fullfill any career dream you have!

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