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Trader Treehouse

Trade Smart. Trade with Confidence. Learn from Us.

Hello and welcome to Trader Treehouse, a home for all things stock and options trading, a home on a foundation built with math!

We serve all levels of traders with many different risk profiles including beginners with zero trading experience. Within months, a person with zero experience can shorten the learning curve by years.

Trading isn’t easy, and without mentorship, lessons can be prolonged and exceedingly expensive. Traders with different levels of proficiency, and time to commit, can benefit from our service. Traders that haven’t found an edge to become consistently profitable can benefit. Traders with busy schedules that aren’t willing or able to dedicate 8+ hours a day to the market can benefit.

If you don’t have time to participate in our community, set the notifications for the Trade Alerts and dismiss the rest. We’ve got you covered.

We know people are busy. We know it’s not always fun. We also know the market is not a casino, and we don’t treat it as one.

We’re a team of serious, for-profit traders willing to share our information.

Here is what you can expect from Trader Treehouse:

Trade Alerts

Our Trade Alerts channel offers real-time trading alerts, (entries and exits) for the following:

(0dte) Zero-days-to-expiration options

Weekly and monthly options

Stock trading, both day, and swing time frames

(LEAPS) Long-term equity anticipation securities

Our optimal selection of options strike prices set us apart from the average, middle-of-the-road options trader. Considerable mathematical analysis of strike prices across the chain have been made to reach game-changing conclusions. We’re not your average service, we know the numbers. Most of the trade entries are generated from custom coded TOS trading models developed for each of the above referenced trade types. All of them have been backtested. All of them work superbly.

Market Notes

Our Market Notes channel offers real-time market commentary, charts, news articles, a weekly earnings calendar, a weekly economic data calendar, and notes on upcoming market events. A one-stop shop for current market information and breaking news.

Live Streaming

Our Main Stage channel hosted by the Trader Treehouse team discusses real-time setups, issues real-time alerts, and offers real-time trade management with trade entries and exits. Additionally, the Trader Treehouse team will often share a screen to give context to concept – a look onto the screen of a professional trader.

Our Open Mic channel, hosted by the Trader Treehouse team is available for all members to participate in with market questions or commentary.

Our Private Mic channel is available for private consultations upon request of a member. A place for members to ask questions specific to their individual needs. All discussions will be confidential.


Join our Chat for real-time updates and analysis from our team and community. Engage with fellow traders, share strategies, big wins, losses, and discuss market trends. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, you’ll find valuable insights here. We are here to support you!

Earnings Blogs

You will find unique earnings analysis and insight in our Earnings Blog channel from Trader Treehouse contributor, Mattoneday. Mattoneday is a former accountant, current day trader, that has a celebrated understanding of corporate balance sheets. He exhaustively scrutinizes all the fine print. With his mastery, he’s put the team on countless profitable trade ideas.


Get ahead of the game with full access to Treehouse 101, a brief but comprehensive guide that provides new and experienced traders a shortcut to information only years of experience, outside-the-box thinking and mindful calculation can provide.

Our FAQ channel will help new traders get up to speed with our broker preferences, our preferred time frame & indicators for charts, performance tracking ideas and more.

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Trade Alerts
Our Trade Alerts channel offers real-time trading alerts, entries and exits.
Market Notes
A one-stop shop for real-time market commentary, charts, breaking news and upcoming market events.
Live Streaming
Have a look onto the screen of a professional trader. Market insight along with entries and exits will be shared.
Engage with fellow traders here.
Earnings Blog
Find unique earnings analysis here from Trader Treehouse contributor, Mattoneday.
Treehouse 101
A brief but comprehensive guide that provides traders a shortcut to profitability.
Customer Q&A

Be the first to ask Trader Treehouse a question. If answered, your question will show up here for future customers to see.

Who can benefit from this service?
New or experienced traders looking to gain an edge. We offer trade alerts, commentary, live streaming and education.
How will I receive trade alerts?
You will be invited to join our Discord Server. All trade alerts will be posted in real time on our Trade Alerts channel
Can I get trade alerts on my phone?
Yes. Discord will send notifications to your phone in real time just like SMS texts. We do not offer SMS or X alerts.
What types of trades do you alert?
Weekly and monthly options, (0dte) Zero-days-to-expiration options, along with stock trading, day and swing setups.
About the seller
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Trader Treehouse
Trading • Options

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About Trader Treehouse: We understand charts on all time frames are perfect representations of the past, not the future. We understand trading is a game of probabilities. We understand anticipating directional moves, (guessing), is less successful than simply participating in confirmed directional moves. Our key differentiators:  We understand math.  We understand markets and price action.  We know optimal strike selection.  We know fair value for premiums.  We know how to react to market news, quickly.  We know how news for one company impacts another.  We know when to press it and when to sit back. Our education services and alerts are designed to make trading easy and profitable for everyone.

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