Efficiency is everything when it comes to running a business, and digital products are no exception. This is where PLR (Private Label Rights) digital products come in. 

Designed to make the content creation process faster and more efficient, PLR digital products are the ultimate hack for online entrepreneurs. Whether you’re looking to launch a brand-new business or expand an existing product line, this unique licensing option fast-tracks the process without compromising on quality. 

Keep reading to discover how PLR digital products can revolutionize your content strategy and set you on a path to greater profitability.

PLR: Where Smart Work Beats Hard Work

PLR stands for private label rights. It’s essentially a term for a type of content you can buy along with certain rights to use it.

When you purchase PLR content, you're not just buying the material itself. You're also getting the freedom to tweak it, put your own spin on it and – if all goes well – sell it as if it were your own creation. 

It's like buying a cake mix, throwing in extra chocolate chips and icing the top – just a few changes and you've got a cake that's uniquely yours.

PLR digital products are popular because you can start or grow a business with products that are already partially developed. This saves time and effort. Plus, you can start to generate revenue quicker, as a lot of the hard work is already done. 

Of course, you can also jump straight to the top of the food chain. You could be the one creating and distributing the original PLR digital product. If you have experience in a particular sector, you could get paid for it – repeatedly.

What are Some Examples of PLR Digital Products? 

There are so many kinds of PLR digital products. We’re talking about ebooks, software, graphics, videos and courses delivered electronically. They’re popular because they’re easy to distribute and don’t involve shipping costs or inventory headaches.

When you combine the two terms explained above, you get PLR digital products, which are a type of done-for-you digital product. Basically, pre-made content that you can customize and sell under your own brand. This can save you bucketloads of time and effort compared to creating everything from scratch. 

Digital PLR hub
Intrigued by the idea of selling digital products? This guide covers everything you need to know.

The beauty of blueprints
Let’s break it down with a real-world example. Going back to the cake analogy, say you’re a novice baker about to whip up a cheesecake for the first time. You stock up on ingredients (and rack up a huge grocery bill in the process), follow the recipe to a tee, and after hours in the kitchen, you finally have a cheesecake. Sure, it’s not perfect. In fact, the filling is runny, and the crust is crumbly. But it’s homemade, and you’re proud of it. 

Now, say you take a different approach and buy a delicious, ready-to-eat cheesecake from an artisan bakery. You can still get creative with decorations to make it your own, and your friends are equally impressed. You’re just starting with a reliable base and don’t have to invest a whole lot of time, effort and money to get there. What’s not to love?

This example should help you wrap your head around the idea that the “from scratch” approach isn't always best, especially when it comes to online businesses. 

While, building products from the ground up can be rewarding, the process chews up resources. If you’re looking to save time, effort and money while still delivering a huge amount of value to your customers, PLR digital products could be the perfect solution. Like those store-bought cheesecakes we mentioned earlier, PLR digital products are professional, ready to be customized and designed to make your life a whole lot easier. Simply purchase high-quality content, tweak it to fit your brand and sell it to your audience as a unique product. It’s a win-win.  

fitness planner

Want to know more about how PLR digital products can transform your online business strategy? Keep reading to learn more about the licensing option, how it works and why PLR digital products could be your ticket to generating income online.

9 Types of PLR digital products to resell

Finding it hard to visualize the concept of PLR digital products? Here are some examples to get you inspired. 

1. Ebooks

Buy a pre-written ebook, make some changes to suit your audience, pop your name on it and sell it as your own. For instance, ebooks target niche interests like fitness, self-help or personal investment strategies. 


2. Reports

Reports are essential for anyone needing comprehensive insights and in-depth analysis of industry trends. With PLR digital products, you can acquire reports that cover a wide range of topics, from market forecasts to consumer behavior analytics. 

3. Software and apps

Purchase a software or app blueprint, tweak its features or appearance and market it under your brand. Simple tools like calculators, planners and schedulers can be easily customized and sold to niche audiences. 

4. Graphics and templates

Customize ready-made logos, infographics or social media templates and sell them as design kits.

5. Marketing materials

Marketing materials, when utilized effectively, can dramatically boost your brand's visibility and engagement. PLR digital products shine brightly here by offering a variety of ready-to-use graphics for ads, brochures and social media posts. 

6. Video courses

Get a set of educational videos, rebrand them and sell them on platforms like Whop. Get inspired by giants like Media Metas, which includes 30+ videos in its offering, and create products that other creators can use as their own.

7. Articles and blog posts

Articles and blog posts are a staple for any content marketing strategy. With PLR digital products, you have access to a vast library of pre-written content across various topics. Edit to match your style and publish on your blog to attract readers.

8. Business solutions

PLR digital products extend significantly into business solutions, offering more complex software options such as CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) tools and project management applications. 

9. Email newsletters

Email newsletters are an effective tool for direct communication with your customers, and using PLR content can significantly streamline the process. This content can be customized to reflect your brand's voice and resonate with your audience. This might involve modifying the introductory text to be more personal or updating the content with your latest offers.

Who are PLR Digital Products For?

PLR digital products are a unique corner of the online market with BIG earning potential for creative entrepreneurs. From personal finance gurus and sports betting experts to ecommerce coaches and social media authorities, they represent an exciting opportunity for anyone who wants to save time and effort during the content creation process. 

For any entrepreneurs out there searching for a viable business idea, PLR digital products offer a compelling pathway. With a foundation already in place, you can get started quicker. 

The Advantages of Using PLR Digital Products

Still wondering whether using PLR digital products as part of your business strategy is right for you? Here are some of the key advantages to PLR products:

Save time and money

Creating quality content from scratch eats up a lot of time and money. PLR products give you a head start with pre-made content that you can easily tweak.

Easy customization

PLR digital products give you the freedom to add your own personal touch to ready-made products. The result? A digital product that’s professional, unique and fits your brand perfectly. Ivory Mix has some great examples of what can be done with PLR.


Expand your offerings

Want to diversify your product range? PLR products allow you to do that without a massive investment in time or money.

Build authority

Offering a variety of valuable content helps establish you as an expert in your niche and build trust with your audience.


What’s not to love about selling the same product multiple times to different customers? 

Low barrier to entry

One of the top benefits of PLR digital products is the low barrier to entry. Instead of creating products from scratch, PLR digital products provide ready-made materials that can be easily customized and branded. 


Experiment with different products and niches without anxiety-inducing financial risk.

Passive income

Once set up, digital products can generate passive income with minimal ongoing effort.

Global reach

Digital products can be sold to a worldwide audience and represent an exciting opportunity to significantly expand your reach.

How to Use PLR Digital Products 

PLR digital products simplify the content creation process, but you’ll still need to put a unique stamp on the blueprints. Here’s how to develop a strategic approach and make PLR digital products work for your business. 

1. Get creative with customization

Don’t just use the content as-is. Add your voice, update the information and tailor it to your target audience.

2. Invest in high-quality products

Don’t scrimp when it comes to PLR products. You typically get what you pay for, so it's worth spending a little more to ensure that the PLR digital products you buy are of high quality. Poor content can damage your brand’s reputation. These tips will help you evaluate PLR products effectively, before taking the plunge: 

  • Look for content that’s relevant to your niche and up-to-date. Irrelevant or outdated material can tarnish your credibility.
  • Content should be professional and well-organized, with an easy-to-digest layout and no major errors. 
  • High-quality PLR content should take a deep dive into the niche topic, as opposed to being vague and simply scratching the surface. 
  • PLR content isn’t unique by definition but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look for originality or creativity when sourcing products. 
  • Positive reviews and recommendations go a long way when it comes to sourcing high-quality PLR products. 

3. Know your audience

Tailor the content to meet the needs and interests of your specific audience.

4. Market smartly

Be strategic about marketing. Leverage mediums like social media, email campaigns and other channels to promote your products.

5. Bundle and upsell

Combine multiple PLR products into bundles to offer more value and increase sales.

PLR hub

What to Avoid When Using PLR Digital Products

PLR digital products can be a fantastic way to enhance your business offerings or generate online income. But avoiding common pitfalls is the key to ensuring the content you create boosts, rather than drags down, the value of your brand. Here are some common mishaps to avoid:

Overly generic content

Simplicity is one of the most appealing factors of PLR digital products. However, that doesn’t mean you should settle for content that’s too generic. This type of content is easy to customize but can water down the unique voice and USPs of your brand. Failing to engage your audience or offer genuine value to customers will result in negative reviews and set your PLR digital product up for failure. 

Low-quality content 

PLR digital products should provide you with a solid base to create unique, relevant and high-quality content. Purchasing or selling low-quality material full of spelling mistakes or lacking in consistency or structure can sully your credibility. 

PLR content is designed to be replicated but that doesn’t mean you’re free to do whatever you like. Before customizing PLR digital products, it’s important to review every word of the legal and licensing terms. This will ensure your content is aboveboard and avoid accidental copyright infringements down the line. 

Stay compliant by keeping these best practices in mind when developing your PLR content:

  • Read the license agreement: This will give you a good idea of whether your planned use for the content is allowed. Not all license agreements are the same so it’s important to treat each product as individual.
  • Modify the content: While not always necessary, modifying the PLR content will not only help you avoid legal issues but improves the uniqueness and adds value to your product. 
  • Keep meticulous records: File records of your PLR purchases and their individual license agreements. These documents can be extremely useful if you ever need to prove your rights. 
  • Avoid copyright issues: The last thing you want when developing PLR digital products is to run into copyright infringement headaches. Be aware that PLR is still protected by copyright laws, so it’s important to ensure that any text, images, graphics or other elements used are also covered by the PLR license. 

Saturated content

There’s no denying that top-selling PLR digital products with thousands of positive reviews are enticing. They have excellent potential, and it can be tempting to invest in these types of products. But on the flip side, widely distributed PLR products can compromise the originality of your product and make it harder to stand out from the competition. 

This is why it’s worth being extra diligent during the research phase. Shop around and look for PLR content that’s high quality, specific to your niche and not overly distributed. Yes, it’s out there - you just have to find it. 

Launch Your Online Business With Whop

Creating unique PLR digital products is just the beginning. Selling them is a whole different challenge. This is where Whop comes in

Whop simplifies the process with an easy-to-use platform designed to make marketing and selling digital products simple. With Whop, you can effortlessly transition from the creative phase to the sales phase, reach a bigger audience and maximize your income potential. 

whop marketplace

What is Whop?

Whop is a platform designed to help creators (that’s you!) sell digital products. The social commerce platform provides the tools and support needed to easily create, sell and distribute products to your target audience. Whop takes care of the nitty-gritty side of fulfillment and payment processing so you can focus on what you do best—creating value-packed digital products for your online business. ,

  • Easy to use. Build and grow your online business with Whop’s user-friendly interface. 
  • Flexible pricing. Choose from subscription models or one-time fees to suit your business needs.
  • Built-in marketing tools. Promote your products with powerful marketing tools.
  • Community building. Use features designed for communities (like Chat and Forum) to build and grow your community.
  • Low fees. Whop charges a flat 3% fee on sales. 

Ready to start selling PLR digital products? Whether you’re launching a new business or expanding your existing offerings, Whop has the tools you need to build and grow your online business.