Whether you're structuring an essay, planning your finances, or piecing together the inner-workings of your Fortune-500 company, having an organized and clear-cut system for management and organization is critical.

Within this article, we will showcase how you can sell these systems using Notion templates, as well as cover the basics of:

  • Identifying which Notion template is ideal to sell
  • Pricing your Notion template
  • Places to sell your Notion template
  • Getting feedback on your Notion template
  • Maintaining and keeping your Notion template relevant

Identifying which Notion template to sell

The beauty of Notion is that it gives the you - the creator - the opportunity to be individualistic. When creating your template, it's important to ask yourself a few critical questions.

  1. What are my strengths?
  2. Who is my target audience?

It is important to be yourself and stay realistic. If you're a great task planner, build something that helps people plan their tasks. If you are an effective note tasker, showcase the secrets to your success. It is always important to recognize your skillset so you can create a product people can resonate with. You don't need to reach into the great beyond to find something people will like!

Pricing your Notion template

Now that you have created your first Notion template, how should you go about pricing it? It's a very important question and can make or break your business model.

The general price points for Notion templates are as follows:

  • Low-tier ($10-$20)
  • Mid-tier ($40-$80)
  • High-tier ($100+)

When pricing your template, ask yourself a few questions. How easily can my template be recreated? Is my template solving a general issue, or one that's very specific? Is my template designed for long-term success or short-term gain? Don't swing for the fences on these. If you know your niche, stick to it.

Places to sell your Notion template

Although there are a few differing places to sell your Notion templates, the best Notion marketplace currently available is on Whop. Whop's Notion marketplace is designed to benefit the creator, not the company. To learn more, click the attached link on selling your Notion templates.

Getting feedback on your Notion template

So you have just published your template and sales are coming in - how will get you get user feedback?

As a creator of any kind, it is important to receive constructive criticism to improve your product. You can find out what users love - and what they don't.

Receiving feedback on your templates is extremely easy. As a creator, you can embed a Notion or Google form for users to communicate with you and voice your concerns - or the most easiest method is to go to your 'feedback' tab on the Whop dashboard. You can ask them specific questions such as;

  • Which aspects of the template could use improvement?
  • How is this template compared to others within the relative field?

It's the stuff like this that separates the great creators from the ok ones. Recognizing room for improvement and growth is what will make you better and make your Notion experience more worthwhile.

Keeping your Notion template relevant

If your template has been uploaded for some time, maybe consider alterations in order to keep it as 'current' as possible. You might have moved on to other templates or simply just forgotten about your first, but nonetheless dusting the cobwebs off is extremely beneficial.

If you remain updated on your user feedback, this will kill two birds with one stone. It's democratic, in a way. If you do make updates, however, whether large or small, it's important that you let your users know so that there's no confusion. A simple news bulletin can knock this step out of the park.

Notion makes it easy for you to develop your rough draft into a clean and polished product, so start selling Notion templates and give it a try!