Everyone wants to be a little bit more productive each day. Whether that be work, school, or just day-to-day life, some productivity hacks can help you out and get things done faster. Now, I can safely say that I’m not the best when it comes to productivity hacks.

But plenty of Discords out there can help you (and me) become more productive, or even automate some mundane parts of your work. These can range from business communities that help you optimize your business operations to servers offering their bots to automate parts of your workload.

We’ll go over 8 of the best productivity Discords you can find on Whop. First, let’s see why so many people are turning to Discord for productivity advice.

Why Turn to Discord for Productivity Advice?

Discord has tons of different productivity communities where experts share their tips and advice for you to be more efficient and, thus, more productive. There aren’t many other places where you’ll find such a variety of servers. Plus, you can access Discord from everywhere, so you can always keep yourself accountable.

Whop is home to plenty of these groups, and we gathered the best productivity Discord servers you can find on Whop. That way, you’ll get plenty of variety and be able to join the best of the best.

🏆 The Best Productivity Discord Servers

Here are the best Discord servers on Whop that are dedicated to making you more productive. As we mentioned above, we’ve included plenty of business-related Discords, as well as some productivity-centric ones and communities around productivity tools.

🥇 1. Majestic Transformations

Majestic transformations

One of the best productivity Discords you can find online is Majestic Transformations. The community is owned by Jon, who’s a business coach. The great thing with Majestic Transformations is that when you buy a membership, you get access to a Discord, a Telegram, and a whop, so you can reach out to the man on all 3 platforms.

Now, the main audience for this community is business owners. Jon basically coaches all members and helps them become more productive through his own experience and by helping them set goals. Once you’re in, you’ll also be able to chat with the rest of the community and hop on calls throughout the week to keep yourself motivated and accountable.

Pricing: To gain access to the Majestic Transformations community, you’ll need to pay a monthly fee of $100. You can also go for longer plans, which come at a slight discount, namely $291/3 months and $1000/year.

You can check out Majestic Transformations here.

2. Break The Chain

break the chain

Another business-focused discord that will help you be more productive is Break The Chain (or BTC; no, not Bitcoin). BTC helps its members with self-improvement in general, with a focus on creating their own business and “breaking the chain”, be that financial, physical, or academic.

The server itself is full of like-minded individuals who always share ways that help them with their productivity. When you join the community, you’ll also get the chance to hop on 1-on-1s with the team for personalized advice.

Pricing: Break The Chain’s monthly membership is $49.99. You can also get 3-month access at the price of 2 months, costing you $99.99.

Learn more about Break The Chain here.

3. Sacred Society

sacred society

Going back to a server dedicated to overall productivity, we have Sacred Society. The community is run by Mike, or King Mike, as he’s known on social media, who has achieved a pretty significant following.

Sacred Society focuses on accountability and productivity across all parts of life, from fitness to work and everything in between. When you join the Discord server, you’ll be met with plenty of like-minded members ready to help you out. 

Besides that, Mike also offers a set of courses to help you in business, as well as personalized fitness plans so that you can get straight into your fitness journey without all the hassle.

Pricing: Monthly access to the Sacred Society costs $87, but you can get 1-week access for just $1. If you’re in it for the long run, you can opt for the yearly access, which will cost you $499.

You can learn more about Sacred Society here.

4. Liberty Walk Exclusive

liberty walk

If you want a server that’ll help you be more productive and focus on becoming successful and reaching your goals, check out Liberty Walk Exclusive. LBE is more of a tight-knit group where you connect with other members and help each other out.

When you buy a membership, you’ll get immediate access to the Discord, which has plenty of tips on setting up your online business, as well as beginner guides to be more productive. On top of that, you can have 1-on-1s with the team and communicate with all other experts on the server daily through the Discord chats.

Pricing: Liberty Walk Exclusive has a single plan starting at $7.50/week. This goes up to $25/month for immediate access to the community or $120 for 6-month access. You can also get yearly access for $250.

Check out Liberty Walk Exclusive here.



A more general business server that’s worth noting is FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). The server is primarily focused on helping its members build their wealth but does so by providing business tips, including how to be more productive.

There are tons of resources within the Discord, and every member is available for you to chat with and exchange productivity tips. The great thing about FOMO is that you can hop on at any level, regardless of how experienced you are. You’ll be able to grow within the community and join weekly calls to get all the advice you need from business experts.

Pricing: Access to FOMO will cost you $50/month.

You can check out FOMO here.

6. Group Essentials

group essentials

Group Essentials is one of the highest-rated communities on Whop and is known for offering some of the best Discord bots out there. Many of these bots will automate your business operations or help you be more productive in your personal life by automating the mundane stuff. That said, this is more of a community for community owners.

If you are a community owner, this will be the best server for you. As soon as you join, you’ll be able to chat with plenty of like-minded creators who’ll help you optimize your operations to be more productive. The bread and butter of Group Essentials are their bots, though. They create branded bots for every community out there.

Pricing: You can access the Group Essentials Discord for $50/month. If you want more bots for your community, like sports picks bots, the price goes up to $150/month.

Learn more about Group Essentials here.

7. Lit Arena

lit arena

Another noteworthy Discord bot community is Lit Arena. Instead of just focusing on communities, Lit Arena has a suite of bots that will help you be more productive by cutting down on the time you’d spend to find deals.

For example, if you’re selling trading cards, you can get one of their bots, which searches through eBay to find the average price, depending on your card’s grade. There are plenty of other bots within the Discord.

And, let’s not forget about the community, where you can chat with other like-minded folks and exchange tips to automate some of your business processes. 

Pricing: Access to the Lit Arena Discord costs $5/month. You can also go for the yearly membership, which comes at a slight discount, costing $40.

Check out Lit Arena here.

8. The Early Byrd

the early byrd

If you’re an online seller, The Early Byrd is one of the best communities you can join to automate plenty of mundane tasks, like monitoring prices and product sales across different stores and platforms. This, in turn, will help you focus on improving your store and increase your productivity.

On top of this, you also get access to the community within the Discord, where you can get insights and tips from all the other sellers.

Pricing: Buying a membership to The Early Byrd will set you back $19.99/month.

You can learn more about The Early Byrd here.

How to Find the Right Productivity Discord for You

There are so many different productivity Discords out there that it can be hard to find the right one. Here are some things to keep in mind when you want to find the right server for you.

Productivity Tools vs Community Tips

Many of the Discords we mentioned above primarily offer productivity tools and bots, while others focus on giving you tips, either through the owners or the community itself.

If you just want tips to become more productive, you have to go for the latter. Most Discords that sell bots primarily focus on these, and so their communities aren’t always the most active. That said, if you want to get tools to help you automate business operations and be more productive, you won’t find as much value in communities that only give out advice.

Consider Your Budget

Budget is a pretty important thing to consider when choosing a Discord. Many of these servers only have a paid version, so you’ll have to set aside a budget that you’re comfortable spending every month or year.

If, instead, you’re looking for a free server, there are still some communities out there that can offer some tips. You can check out the Productivity Cafe or r/Productivity, both of which are free communities that have plenty of members to keep each other accountable and help you be more productive.

Business or Personal

The last thing you’ll need to consider is if you want a server that’ll help you be more productive in your business or personal life. The Discords we mentioned above are almost exclusively business-related, so the tips or bots you’ll find within these might not help you in your personal life.

If you want a server to help you be more productive in, say, your studies, you should look for a free community that’ll keep you accountable. Again, Productivity Cafe and r/Productivity are pretty good examples, and they’ll be a great fit.

Get Productive with Whop Today

whop home

These were just some of the many productivity Discord servers you can find online. They’ll help you be more productive in your personal and professional life and allow you to connect with like-minded folks ready to share the tips that have worked for them.

If you’re still looking for a productivity community, you’ll find many of them on Whop. There, you’ll find plenty of other whops that offer advice and tips, as well as some with top-of-the-line productivity tools.

If you’re ready to join these Discords, head over to the Whop Marketplace. Simply choose the one that fits you best, buy the membership, and get ready to chat with plenty of other members in the same boat as you.