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Big Pick Energy

(33 reviews)

Our Picks aren’t overcompensating for anything!

BPE, a group of determined handicappers covering all major sports.

Focused on building a community, you will see bets which include sides, totals, props and parlays. Using a research-based approach, our team works to find the best value in the market while having some fun along the way. Our members will gain access to discord which will be locked in year round, providing the best picks in the industry.

NFL, CFB, NBA, CBB, Soccer, MLB, NHL & more

Join us in building the best sports betting community.

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💎・Premium Members

Bankroll Management
Learn how to bet responsibly with proper sizing and unit tracking fundamentals.
Analytical Data Driven Bets
Cutting-edge plays to maximize your success all with deeply researched write ups for every play.
Community of Sports Bettors
Join an unbeatable team of like-minded sports bettors. Share strategies and make friends in a great community.
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Customer reviews
5 out of 5
(33 reviews)
User avatar
2 months ago
Been apart of a couple discords, and i can say this one is the best. If you’re really trying to make money sports betting this is the place to be.
User avatar
2 months ago
Okay real spill…. This might be the greatest discord ever! They don’t play a bunch of plays. The fellas keep it short and simple and they be smackin bets daily 🤣. Legit they are all good it’s crazy! I’ll never leave this discord and I’ll be a for lifer.
User avatar
2 months ago
The only discord I’ve ever been in that has a realistic strategy for making money betting! No floods of plays, easy to track records, no nukes or 10 parlay days. Cherry on top is they always give concise but relevant reasoning! For the price, there genuinely is not a better cord out there
What’s your betting style?
We as a group do a heavy dose of straight betting with a mix of parlays to help for long term success.
About the seller
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Big Pick Energy
Sports Picks • General

33 reviews

Big Pick Energy, a group of determined handicappers covering all major sports. Focused on building a community, you will see bets which include sides, totals, props and parlays. Using a research-based approach, our team works to find the best value in the market while having some fun along the way. Our members will gain access to discord which will be locked in year round, providing the best picks in the industry.

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