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Trade With Titans

(34 reviews)

Trade on Shoulders of Titans

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Orderflow Bot Algorithm
Our bot uses machine learning to analyze order flow & provides bullish and bearish signals on the S&P and Nasdaq.
Live Trading
Get access to our live trading (text & voice) - where our experts provide their analysis & trades in real time.
Trading Education
Exclusive education from our team of traders who have years of institutional trading experience.
Community of Traders
Trade With Titans has thousands of members constantly on the lookout for everything that's going on in the stock market.
Customer Q&A

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Customer reviews
4.94 out of 5
(34 reviews)
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1 month ago
This is the best group that is worth paying for if you're interested in learning how to trade. Good educational combined with very experienced traders responding to any question with full clarity and live trading every morning.
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3 months ago
If you like pissing away money, sign up for someone else's Discord. Because this one is nothing but buying the bottom and selling the top. Mostly ES/NQ futures, but they have plenty of options, crypto and anything else you desire. Jay, Whale, Gamma, Poppa and sometimes 'Hank'. Hank doesn't say much anymore but it is a good time. Come join, it is well worth your money.
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3 months ago
This review is long over due, but I want to make sure my thoughts are in order. First, we need some context. There are generally a few types of sub services for trading out there. Ones which are completely fake and the guy running it has no idea what he is doing preying on noobs, ones where the guy is legitimately experienced but doesn't teach you a damn thing holding all his cards and faulting you for not figuring out the other 80% when they give you 20%, ones where they give you trades with zero explanation ever, ones where the guy teachs you theory but never helps you fill the gap to where you execute, and then there are ones that are just the flat out fake ones where they are mad successful trading on SIM and somehow never has losing trades. TWT is NONE of these horrible subs. To be fair, TWT is not perfect (doesn't exist), but they are about the best of everything available out there. The reason is because there is a decent balance between explaining to you context of price action, as well as share with you trades. The latter is important because it helps you build your account up and atleast survive if you are new to trading. The former is important so you can learn what these guys see so you can conduct the latter yourself in time. Only downside I suppose is sometimes Set is not easy to understand what he is talking about and TWT does not run the entire day. Ideally you are present about 30 minutes prior to market open and here for around 2 hours after market open. This is because TWT is run by a few dudes who have other things going on, but they will take turns hopping on live in the morning almost everyday the market is open. They're not just winging it, but they actually have the talent and demonstrable skill to trade, shown through sharing trades which are profitable most of the time. This one is BIG. The environment is more casual than some hardcore trade groups, but somehow it works out. The sub is not cheap, but you can honestly make it back and then some within 1 session of trading. And umm...not sure what else to say. Oh yeah to make the most of it, make sure you have intelligent questions to ask. A lot of times these guys won't know what to explain unless you speak up, so please make sure that you do. If I can only sub to one place, it is 100% going to be TWT, so please give them a try. This is as honest and fair as I can be, having been trading for about 11 years now so I have seen my share of good and terrible subs.
How does the membership work?
When you sign up for a membership, you get access to multiple premium discord channels, that contain our trading bot alerts, trading journals, live voice sessions, and active chats with other members. Typically, our days start off with the morning live sessions around 9 AM EST, where Strizzij will live trade in front of our members, explaining his analysis and answering questions along the way. He prefers to make his money quickly and is usually done by 11 AM, so he can enjoy the flexibility of being a full time trader. In parallel, Adam Set and Gamma Labs will post their analysis and trades in their respective trading journals. They will also participate in the chat to interact with all of our members. And lastly, our order flow bot will provide directional alerts on the S&P throughout the day too. We find the community is typically most active in the mornings, and our members will often lock their profits in within a couple of a hours to avoid over trading and instead continue on with their professional or personal obligations.
What instruments do you trade? And on what timeframes?
We have members who will trade almost anything! That being said, the team's speciality is in trading the big indexes (S&P and Nasdaq) and mid-large cap individual stocks when they see a good swing trading opportunity. Typically, they trade options or futures for leverage and to hedge various risks.
Who is on the team?
1) Strizzij (twitter.com/strizzij) and Adam Set (https://twitter.com/Adaamset): They are two former professional gamers who went from having no trading experience to trading at the institutional level. Their speciality is trading the S&P and Nasdaq using order flow. 2) Usual Whale: A Wharton educated quant who builds machine learning algorithms to help refine your trading edge -- including our proprietary order flow bot. He specializes in algorithmic and quantitative trading. 3) Gamma Labs: A former hedge fund trader who is an options expert. He used to single-handedly account for 10% of the 0DTE S&P futures options volume. His expertise is in short dated options.
What is the order flow bot?
The order flow bot is our proprietary machine learning algorithm that provides directional signals on the S&P. It was developed by a Wharton quant in an effort to automate the order flow analysis Strizzij and Adam Set use to make successful trades on a daily basis.
I need more help. Where can I contact you?
Feel free to e-mail us at support@tradewithtitans.com anytime. You can also open a support ticket in the Discord server!
About the seller
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Trade With Titans (formerly TradeAtEase)
Trading • Trading Indicators

34 reviews

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The only trading community run by ex-hedge fund traders focused on liquid instruments! No pump and dumps, no crypto, no scams! We trade options, stocks, and futures using order flow based analysis. Members get access to our proprietary order flow bot, trading journals from our team, live voice trading sessions, and educational seminars. To learn more, sign up for our free newsletter, open a support ticket in our Discord server, or email us at support@tradewithtitans.com

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