beehiiv is one of the most popular newsletter platforms out there, and while it’s quite young, it has managed to create quite a lot of hype. The content-focused service with monetization and growth features like no other helps this notoriety - but is it worth it?
In this article, we’re going to take a look at everything beehiiv offers to its users: its features, pros, cons, and comparisons with other platforms.
Why choose a newsletter platform like beehiiv over a regular email marketing campaign?
Being able to publish content on both websites and newsletters is one of the most popular features of beehiiv since it greatly reduces the time wasted between managing blog and newsletter content.
Although the platform is a bit new (2021) when compared to its competitors, it has made a name for itself for being easy to use and offering a variety of tools that others don’t. Features like the referral program, boosts, or magic links only play into this.
People have been using both email marketing campaigns and newsletters for a long time now to create engagement for their products or brands - if you’re new to this scene, the first question you might ask is, well, which one do I use?
Email marketing campaigns are mainly used to promote products, brands, or services, and make online sales. They direct users to checkout links or marketplaces so they can buy a product.
The general purpose of a newsletter, on the other hand, is to inform the reader. A newsletter doesn’t -usually- promote a product but rather pushes people to learn more about it.
While regular email marketing campaigns aim to make sales, newsletters aim to bring growth to your brand. Keeping users engaged with regular newsletters - with engaging content- will benefit you more in the long term.
In the end, we come to the conclusion that newsletters are great - but what’s the best way you can make one?
Let’s take a look.
Getting started with beehiiv
Before we take a look at how you can sign up for beehiiv, you must know that there are four plans you can subscribe to to unlock different features.
The free plan, called Launch, is the default plan, and it allows up to 2,500 subscribers.
The other plans scale off of the subscriber limit, but we’re going to get in-depth about the plans later in the review.
Signing up to beehiiv
To sign up for beehiiv, you can simply visit the website and click on the Login button at the top right of the page. This is going to take you to the login/signup page, where you should click the Create one button at the bottom of the screen to create a new account.

Doing this will take you to the beehiiv plans page, where you can see all the platform pricing options.
You can select a plan here to start with, but as an example, we’re going to go with the “Launch” plan since we can always change the plan whenever we want.
Let’s click on the Get Started with Launch button at the bottom of the Launch plan card.

After you select a plan, you’re going to be taken to the account creation page of beehiiv, where you’re prompted to enter your first and last name, email, and password - or you can simply sign up using Google.

After you click the Get Started button (or sign up via Google) in the previous step, you’ll be taken to the Verify your phone number step, where you’ll be prompted to enter your verified account using a phone number.

After the phone verification step, you’ll be met with a series of questions for beehiiv to make your onboarding easier. The first question you’re going to see is your experience level.
Keep in mind that these questions are optional, and you can skip them by clicking the Skip button at the bottom right of your screen.

Once you’re done with all the questions, you’re going to have to create a new publication. In this section, you should select a logo (800x800 px), a name for the newsletter, its subdomain name (custom domains are supported on all plans), and tags (up to three).
You can always change these settings, so don’t stress about it too much for now.
Once you’re done, let’s click on the Continue button to proceed.

After clicking the Continue button on the publication creation page, you’ll be taken to the dashboard of your beehiiv newsletter - this is where the magic happens.
Now, you can play around a bit to get used to the dashboard - or read on to the next section where we explore it together in depth.

Creating content with beehiiv and sending a newsletter
Creating blog and newsletter posts on beehiiv follows the same process and differs only in the last step.
First, let’s take a look at how you can create a post on beehiiv. The first thing we want to do is to click on the new post button (pen and paper icon) which gives you two options.
One: a blank draft, which means you’re going to get a page where you can start editing from scratch. Two: a template, which means you’re going to select a template that you’ve made before and use it as a base.
Since you won't have any templates yet, let’s select the Blank draft option here. We do advise creating a template in the future as it's well worth the time invested in the long run.

After you click on the Blank draft button, you’ll be taken to the Compose step of the post. This is where you actually create the post. When you first see this page, it’ll be blank - just like a new Microsoft Word or Google Docs page, until you start writing down the contents of the post.
Of course, that’s not the only thing you can do here - you have access to loads of tools which are highlighted in the image below.

Let’s break down these highlighted sections:
- This is the status indicator of your post. The “Draft” text means the post isn’t published to emails or a web page yet - it’ll change to “Published” if you do. The “Synced” text next to it indicates that your edits are saved - just like Google Docs.
- These are the undo, redo, and search (and replace) buttons. Clicking the undo button will take back the last edit you made, clicking the redo button will remake the edits you undid, and clicking the search button will display a search and a replace fields where you can search for content in the post and replace them if you want.
- The Next button allows you to go to the next step, which is Audience.
- These six buttons allow you to access some cool settings about the post. Respectively, they let you see the outgoing and incoming links; see and add comments to the post; see its version history and revert to them; save the post as a template; access the theme settings (like colors, paddings, fonts, their sizes, and more; see the support page of beehiiv).
- The Preview button allows you to preview the final look of the post, and its dropdown menu (downward arrow) will allow you to share a link to the draft and send preview emails.
- The title and its subtitle will determine the subject line and preview text of the mail, as well as the meta title and meta description of the web post.
- Here, you can add, remove, and change the main and guest authors of the post.
- Lastly, this is the actual body of the post, which you can fill out using all kinds of formatting.
Once you’re ready to move to the next step, let’s click on the Next button (3) at the top right of your screen.
In the Audience step of the post creation, you’re going to select which audiences you’re going to send the post to.
Next, you'll see two sections: email audience, which will send the post as an email, and web audience, which will publish the post as a blog post. You can select both of them, but you have to select at least one.
After you’re done, let’s click on the Next button at the top right of your screen to proceed to the next step.

For this example, we’re going to select each option so that we can see both the Email and Web steps.
It's worth noting that deselecting either of them will remove that step from the process.
In the Email step, you’re going to see five total settings, which will determine how your email looks and acts.
Let’s examine each setting:
- Subject line: This is the title you’ve set in the Compose section, but you can always modify it. As its name suggests, this will be the subject of the mail.
- Preview text: Just like the subject line, this is the subtitle you’ve set in the Compose section. This will be the preview of the email that gets displayed right next to its subject before it’s opened.
- Social buttons: Toggling the social buttons will display a bunch of social media buttons on your posts that allow people to share your content across different social media platforms.
- Likes & Comments: As its name suggests, this setting will allow users to like the posts and leave comments on them.
- Custom Read Online URL: Your emails will come with a “Read Online” button - toggling this option on and setting a custom URL in its input field will change that button’s link.
After you’re done with the settings for the Email step, let’s click on the Next button to proceed to the Web step.

The Web step of the process is the longest one, so we’ll break it down into three parts.
The first part consists of four settings:
- Post URL: You can see and change the URL of the post here (Pro Tip: keep it simple and somewhat short!)
- Post thumbnail: You can set the image that’s going to be the thumbnail for the post. The recommended image size is 1200x630px.
- Advanced email capture: This dropdown field has three options: none, gated, and popup. If you select the gated option, visitors to the post will be forced to subscribe to your newsletter using their email. If you select the popup option, they will get a popup while reading the post telling them to subscribe, but they can close it any time they want.
- Comments: The comments dropdown field has four options: all subscribers, which means all of your subscribers can leave comments; paid subscribers only, which means only your paid subscribers can leave comments; disabled, which means the comments section will be hidden, and; locked, which means the comments section will be displayed, but people won’t be able to leave new comments.

Continuing into the second part of the Web step’s settings, we see five other settings.
- Audio newsletter: Toggling this setting on is going to create an audio transcript of your post, which will be displayed to the users with a “listen online” button on the post.
- Meta title: This field will be adopted from the title of the post, but you can change it. The recommended character count is 60 for the meta title.
- Meta description: This field, just like the meta title, will be adopted from the subtitle, and you can change it. The recommended character count for this field is a maximum of 145 characters.
- Open Graph: This field allows you to change the embedded look of the post on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn.
- X: Just like the Open Graph section, this field will allow you to change the embedded look of the post on X (Twitter).

The last part of the Web has three settings, and they are:
- Hide the post from feed: Toggling this setting on will hide the post you’re adjusting from the feed of your website.
- Feature the post: Toggling this setting will feature the post on the home page of your website. You can feature up to 6 posts.
- Custom display date: Adding a custom date to this section will change the publish date of the post on your website.

After you’re done with all the settings, let’s click on the Review button at the top right of your screen to finalize the process.

After clicking the Review button, you’ll be taken to the last step of publishing a post. Here, you can see an overview of all the settings you’ve made in the previous parts.
If they all look good, click the Schedule button to proceed.

The Schedule button is going to display a popup where you can select if you want to schedule the post for later publishing or publish it right away.
If you want to schedule it for later, enter a custom date into the date input field and click Publish. If you want to publish it right away, select Publish now and click Publish.

And there you go - you just published your first newsletter! Great job.
Now, you can see it in the Posts section of beehiiv, which you can go to by clicking on the Posts button on the left side of your screen.

A look at beehiiv’s customization options
beehiiv offers many customization options to its users, and we’re going to take a look at its two main pages: the Design page and the newsletter settings.
As their name suggests, the Design page allows you to change the look of your newsletter and blog posts, while the newsletter settings allow you to change some core settings of your newsletter.
Let’s start with the Design page.
Design settings on beehiiv
If you click on the Design button on the left side of your screen, you’ll see a popup with two options: Website Builder and Newsletter Builder. Since beehiiv allows you to send posts as emails and publish them as blog posts, they need different styling.
Let’s click on the Website Builder first. If you’re not interested in using beehiiv for blogging purposes, you can skip to the “Newsletter Builder” section.

Website Builder

Once you click the Website Builder, you’ll be taken to the builder itself. At first glance, the builder might be a bit confusing. Refer to the image above as we break each section down:
- The builder has three tabs: Styles, Layout, and Settings and these are their buttons. We’re going to examine each in the next three sections.
- These are the contents of the tab you’re viewing. When you first open the Website Builder, you’re going to see the contents of the Styles tab.
- These three buttons (desktop, mobile, and fullscreen icons) are your preview buttons. The desktop is selected by default, and you can switch between the mobile and fullscreen versions of your website by using the other buttons.
- This is a dropdown list of the pages on your website. The Home Page will be selected by default.
- The search bar allows you to search all kinds of things, from settings to tutorials.
- The Example Site toggle button will display a “more complete site” when turned on. It’s very useful to see what a finished website would look like.
- The Settings button allows you to access the settings of the page you’re viewing (see #4). You can change the meta title and description of the page in the settings.
- The Publish Styles button will publish all the changes you’ve made to your website.
Now that you know what’s on the Website Builder, let’s take a look at the three sections so you can learn how to actually change the look of your website.
Styles tab
The Styles tab is home to eight different sections, and each allows you to change a part of your website’s looks, from the radius of buttons to font sizes.

The first section of the Styles settings is the Logo & Identity. Here, you can see the logo that will be displayed on the navigation bar, favicon, footer, and various other places on your website.
As the section states, you can’t change your logo here - it’s pulled from the publication settings, but don’t worry, we'll cover how to do this later too.

The Global Colors section of the Styles settings is exactly what its name suggests - your website's colors. Here, you can change all the color styles that your website uses, from the primary color of your website to the color of hyperlinks.
Clicking on any of the hex codes will display a color selector where you can change the color.

The Typography section allows you to change your headings, body, and button fonts. The dropdown menu lists 45 fonts for you to choose from, and while uploading custom fonts isn’t an option, you can import Google Fonts, which is pretty cool.

The Radius & Shadows section is a simple one with two settings. The Border Radius setting is going to determine how rounded the corners of your borders are. This affects things like your logo and buttons.
The Shadow setting is for all the instances of your logo across your website. Both settings share the grid scaling method (none, sm, md, lg, etc.)

The Global Navigation section is the place where you determine how the navigation section at the top of your website looks. The Global Navigation section has three parts, each allowing you to change the background, text, and border colors of various sections of your top navigation.
The Top Navigation Bar part is the bar that holds the logo. The Primary Button is the Subscribe button in this case, and the Secondary Button is Login.

The Subscribe Widget section allows you to change the looks of the main subscribe section of your website. In this section, you can change a bunch of details like the font family, the body color, the button’s text, and more.

The Post Styles section allows you to change the looks of the post pages and their list on your home page. You also have the ability to change the header of your home page under the Home Page Header Style section.
Selecting the Default option will display the logo and description of your blog, the News option will list a bunch of your blog posts above the subscribe widget, and the Headliner option will feature a single article with a list of other articles next to it.

The Global Footer section is the last section with only four settings that change the background and text color of the bottom footer bar and the font and underline color of external pages.

Layout tab
The Layout tab is home to 13 different sections that change with which page you’ve selected from the dropdown at the top of your page.
These sections allow you to change the layout of objects and whether they’re visible on your website.
Let’s start with the sections of the Home Page first.

The Global Navigation Layout section allows you to alter the objects on the top navigation bar of your website.
The Add Menu Item under the Navigation Menu Groups is going to create a group in your top navigation, which you’ll need to add some custom pages into.
You can do this using the Add Page buttons under the Standalone Pages and Draft Pages sections.
After you create pages using the Add Page button, they will be listed under the respective section, and you can move them to the navigation menu group you created using the page context menu.

The Hero Section section will affect the part of your website that sits below the top navigation.
As you’ll see in the section settings, you have the option to change a lot of things within your site, like the text on the hero section, their colors, whether your logo is displayed or not, and more.
Some of the settings here will be adopted from the Styles tab of the website builder.

The Posts section is home to two settings only.
The Add Featured Post dropdown menu allows you to select a post to highlight it on your home page as the featured post. The Latest Posts toggle button, which is turned off by default, will display a list of all the latest posts you’ve published on your website when turned on.

The Side Widget Section is the place where you determine what kind of widgets your website has to the right of the Archive section (by default).
The options you have are authors, sign-up, categories, and social buttons. If you take a look at the example image below (right), you can see the social and sign-up widgets to the right.

The Archive Section settings, as the section name suggests, allow you to change the name of the section header, its font size, the article display pattern, and more.

If you change the page using the dropdown menu at the top of your screen, you’re going to see different sections. These are the Hero Section, Testimonial Section, Features Posts Section, and FAQ Section.
Since we've just discussed the Hero Section, let’s take a look at the other three.

The Testimonials Section setting allows you to add a, as its name suggests, testimonial section to your website’s Signup Page.
The section allows you to change the overline of the section, the headline, and the testimonials themselves. You can add and customize them however you want.

The Featured Posts Section allows you to create a list of highlighted articles on your website. Just like the testimonials section, you can change things like the section's headings and which posts are featured.

The FAQ Section setting allows you to add a list of questions that you think could be helpful to your visitors.
Like other settings, you can change the headings and the content as you wish. Adding FAQs consists of writing down a title and its answer.

If you change the page you’re viewing to the Upgrade Page, you’re going to see two new sections we haven’t touched on yet: Hero Copy Section and Hero Tiers Section.
Let’s take a look at them.

The Hero Copy section allows you to change settings, such as if you want to display your logo on the Upgrade Page, its background, the overline, headline, description, and the redirect link of the upgrade button itself.

The Hero Tiers Section allows you to alter the layout of your subscription tiers. We’re going to take a look at creating and managing subscription tiers later in the article.
In this section, you can choose whether you want to use the external Stripe checkout feature enabled or not, as well as a number of different settings.

Settings tab
The settings tab is home to 12 different settings for your website. They can be as simple as enabling the comments section or as complex as how the signup flow goes.
You can navigate to the Settings tab by clicking on its button next to the Styles and Layout tab buttons.

The first section you’ll see in the Settings tab is the Pixels. There, you can use pixels (special codes) to track conversions from ads on social media platforms and add a verification token for the Google Search Console.
The changes will be saved as you move on to other fields.

The SEO section has two settings: Breadcrumbs, which will list a history of the pages your traffic visits at the top of your website to help users with navigation, and Remove Indexing, which will prevent Google from indexing your posts, keeping them from appearing in Google search results.

The Social Links section, as its name suggests, allows you to add up to eight social media links that will appear on your website wherever you enable social media buttons.

The Email Capture section only has a single setting, the Email Capture Type.
Your posts will have email capture features, but you can turn them off by selecting None here. Selecting the Gated option will force the users to enter their emails to read the post, and a Popup will display a similar but closeable modal.

The Signup Flow section is where you determine how the redirect affects your new subscribers after signing up to your website. Here, you can set up an avatar, a success message, and which pages they’ll see.

The Comments section allows you to turn on the Post Comments Section setting, which will enable the comments section under your posts where users can leave comments.

The Notifications section allows you to turn on the Enable Notifications setting, which will notify your subscribers through the notification icon at the top right of your website.
The notifications are currently available for new comments only.

The Mobile App section allows you to turn on the Enable Mobile App setting. This will allow people to download an app from your website so they can have longer login sessions, get push notifications natively, and more.

The Security section has four settings.
Turning on the Cookie Banner setting, which is disabled by default, will display a cookie banner that will ask the user if they’re with cookies upon visiting the website for the first time.
Enabling the Signup ToS & Privacy Policy setting will ask your subscribers to accept your terms upon signing up for your website. You can edit your ToS using the Edit signup ToS button.
The last setting, Subscriber Password Log In, allows your users to set up passwords and log into your website using them.

The Static Pages section allows you to customize the authors that appear on your website’s Author page. Once you enable the toggle option, you’re going to see a list of authors, and you can hide them from the Authors page.
The Subscriber Preferences section below the Authors Page setting allows you to create custom preferences that your subscribers can fill out in their account settings. This allows you to segment the emails based on the users' preferences.

The Embed Recommendations Widget allows you to add a recommendation popup to your website so you can boost your or others’ websites/newsletters.
In this section, you have the ability to choose the triggers of the recommendations widget (On page load, Email Submission via Subscribe Form, or Manual) and the redirect that will happen after the user finishes interacting with the widget.
You can either choose to close the widget or redirect them to a custom URL.

The last section you’ll see is the Theme Reset. As its name suggests, this section has a single setting that allows you to reset the site theme.
If you click on the Reset Site Theme button, you’ll see a confirmation message prompting you to type “RESET” in all caps and click the Proceed button. Doing this will reset all the themes on your website, and it is irreversible.

Newsletter Builder
Now, let’s move on to the Newsletter Builder that allows you to change the looks of your newsletter, instead of your website.
You can access the Newsletter Builder by clicking on the Design button on the left side of the beehiiv dashboard and selecting the Newsletter Builder option.

When you visit the Newsletter Builder, you’ll see 14 different sections, each having different settings about their respective content.
For example, the first three sections are background, body text, and header text.

If you click on the Background section, a menu will open below the button, revealing settings like outside and post background colors, border radius and border thickness, margins, and more.
In fact, if you take the total settings across all sections, there are over 200 - this is customization at its best.

Newsletter settings on beehiiv
We’re not done with the settings regarding your newsletter - in fact, we’re going to take a look at the core settings now. Let’s click the Settings button (cogwheel icon) on the bottom left of your dashboard.
This is going to take you to your beehiiv settings.
In the settings screen, you’re going to see the “My Newsletter” (or “[your name]’s Newsletter”) section and nine sections below it.
Each section allows you to change different settings for your newsletter, but the most important ones are in the General Info section. There, you can change settings like the newsletter’s name, one-line description, logo, tags, language, content access settings, and more.

beehiiv’s most helpful features
beehiiv stands out from other newsletter builders with a couple of impressive features. We’re going to take a look at our favorite six features that beehiiv offers, starting with email sequencing.
1. Email sequencing options
Emailing sequencing can simply be explained as automated emails.
Imagine you sign up to a website. Upon signing up, you’ll most likely receive a welcome email. If you open that, there’s a chance that you might receive an “explore more” email.
If you visit the website through the "explore more" email, you’ll receive a discount code in your email that night. This is called email sequencing - sending emails to your subscribers with all kinds of triggers and conditions.
beehiiv allows you to grow your website and/or newsletter by utilizing email sequencing.
To set up email sequences, you need to be a Scale plan subscriber - you can access the settings for this feature by clicking on the Audience button (people icon) at the left side of your beehiiv window and selecting the Automation option from the list.

2. Subscriber segmentation
You can think of subscriber segmentation as a way to categorize your subscribers.
There are three types of subscriber segments: Static, which will prompt you to set conditions to create a segment that won’t be automatically updated after creating; Dynamic, which will prompt you to set conditions to create a segment and will update daily after creating; and Manual, which will prompt you to upload a list of subscribers and it won’t be updated automatically.
Keep in mind that if you’re going to create a Manual segment, all users you upload should have consented to it - otherwise, you’d be breaking beehiiv’s Terms of Service.
After creating a segment, you can send a specific group of emails, newsletters, and even premium subscriptions. This allows you to make your services feel much more personalized to your users and greatly increases the chances of them engaging with your product/brand.

3. Subscriber acquisition source
Although very simple, subscriber acquisition source is one of the most useful tools in beehiiv. It basically tells you where your subscribers come from so that you can track your metrics with even greater detail.
If you click on the Audience button on the left side of your beehiiv window, you’re going to see a list of all your subscribers. There, one of the columns of the list will be “Acquisition Source” - that’s where you can see how and where those subscribers came from.
When displaying the subscriber acquisition source, you'll see details like if they were imported or came from a website and the source like Whop, Google, or Twitter - you’ll also be able to see how the user found you, like cost per click ads or organic traffic.

4. Built-in recommendation feature
When a user subscribes to your newsletter using your website, they will be redirected to the recommendations page - the best part of this is that you control which newsletters are recommended there.
If you click on the Grow button (upward trend arrow icon) on the left side of your beehiiv window, you’ll see four different options.
Select Recommendations there to go to the Recommendations section, where you can click on the Add Recommendation button to see a list of newsletters you can recommend.

5. Magic links
Magic links are links that people can click on, which will immediately subscribe them to a newsletter.
They work on emails, so when you put a magic link in an email you send, and a user opens that email and clicks on the link, their email address will be tracked by beehiiv and added to the subscriber list of that specific newsletter.
If you click on the Grow button (upward trend arrow icon) on the left side of your beehiiv window and select the Magic Links in the context menu that appears, you’ll be able to see your magic link, which you can share with other newsletter owners so that they can put your link in their emails and get you subscribers.
What’s even cooler is that under the Advanced options section, you can customize things like the UTM Source, Medium, Campaign, and Redirect URL. This will help you with your subscriber analytics and user segmentation.

6. beehiiv Boosts
The Boosts feature on beehiiv is one of the best ways to grow your subscriber base.
The feature allows two things: explore offers from other newsletters, monetize your newsletter by promoting them, and make offers to newsletters to promote yours.
The advantages of the Boost feature are that it relies entirely on first-party data, you don’t need to know any code or fancy APIs, and it only takes a short time investment to set up.

How to make money with beehiiv
There are a couple of ways you can make money with beehiiv - and since you can create blogs and newsletters, the potential doubles.
Let’s take a look at four ways you can monetize your beehiiv website/newsletter.
1. With paid subscriptions
The first and one of the most popular ways you can make money with the content you create on beehiiv is through paid subscriptions.
If you think people would be interested in paying in order to access the content you create, paid subscriptions are the way to go.
With beehiiv, you can create subscription tiers with monthly and annual pricing - on top of this, you can customize your tiers with benefits and after-purchase redirects (they will be redirected to your homepage by default).
You can create tiers by visiting the Paid Subscriptions page, which you can find by clicking on the Monetize button on the left side of your beehiiv window.
2. Running featured ads - beehiiv Ad Network
As you grow your newsletter, you might be contacted by beehiiv via email, telling you that you have some advertising opportunities.
You can also see available opportunities on the Ads page, which you can visit by clicking on the Monetize button on the left side of your screen. Upon accepting an ad, you’ll be able to add an Advertisement block (using the editor menu, which you can open by typing a slash (/) in the newsletter editor.
Doing this will add the “Presented by” heading to your email and the advertisement itself into your newsletter in the place of the ad block you’ve added. This is a super easy way to monetize your newsletter with cost-per-click payments.
3. Boosts
As we mentioned, Boosts are one of the best ways to grow your newsletter - but did you know that you can help other newsletters grow and get paid for it?
Well, just like how you can boost your newsletter and pay other newsletters to promote yours in their emails, others can pay you, too.
If your newsletter is popular and has a high open rate, you might want to head to the Boosts page of your beehiiv dashboard by clicking on the Monetize button at the left side of your screen.
This will take you to the Boosts Marketplace, where you can see the available offers. The offers pay you a certain amount, which the newsletter owner determines upon someone subscribing to the newsletter via yours.
In the Boosts Marketplace, you can click on the Apply button under offers to start monetizing your newsletter via Boosts.
4. The beehiiv partner program
The Partner Program is super simple - when someone signs up to beehiiv and subscribes to a plan using your partner link, you’ll earn 50% commission for the price of the plan they subscribed to for a year.
On top of this, the user gets 20% off for the first three months and a 30-day free trial at beehiiv.
You can sign up for the program using the Share & Earn button at the top right of your beehiiv dashboard and fill out the forum that opens. After that, click the Accept & Join Partner Program button.
After joining the program, you can start sharing your partner link and earn commissions.
beehiiv’s pricing - how much does all this cost?
beehiiv offers four subscription plans: Launch, Scale, Max, and Enterprise.
One thing that sets beehiiv apart is that the plans except Launch allow you to select how many subscribers you’re planning to have and get a price based on that.
The base pricing (1k subscribers for all except Launch) for each plan is as follows:
- Launch - 2,500 subscribers - $0
- Scale - 1,000 subscribers - $39
- Max - 1,000 subscribers - $99
- Enterprise - custom count - custom pricing
The Scale and Max plans’ subscriber counts have these options: 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, and 100+ - of course, as the subscriber number increases, so does the price.
For example, while the Scale plan costs $39 for 1,000 subscribers, it costs $99 for 10,000.
Let’s take a look at the feature differences between the plans:
Launch | Scale | Max | Enterprise |
Custom Website | Ad Network | Remove beehiiv Branding | Concierge Onboarding |
Custom Newsletters | Boost Network | NewsletterXP Course | Designated Account Manager |
Campaign Analytics | Paid Subscriptions | Up to 10 Publications | Dedicated IP Addresses |
Unlimited Email Sends | New Website Templates | Priority Support | Infinite Subscribers |
Up to 3 Publications | Email Automations | RSS to Send | and everything on Max |
Recommendation Network | Referral Program | and everything on Scale | |
Optimized Deliverability | 3D Analytics | ||
Subscriber Tagging | beehiiv AI | ||
Audience Segmentation | Survey Forms & Polls | ||
Custom Domains | Unlimited Teammates | ||
API Access | Community Access | ||
Webhooks | |||
and everything on Launch |
What beehiiv does well
There are a lot of things that beehiiv does well, and perhaps the feature that takes the crown is the ability to monetize your newsletter. It’s so easy to monetize one in beehiiv, and there are multiple ways to do it, each easier than the other.
With features like the Ad Network, Boosts, Partner Program, and more, beehiiv is really strong in this area.
Other features like the built-in recommendation feature, being able to publish posts to both your own website and newsletters, magic links, and segmentation just play into how good beehiiv is for creators - the platform helps you with growing, improving, and earning from your content really well.
On top of all this, the platform overall is easy to use, allowing beginners to take advantage of what it offers.
Where beehiiv falls short
While beehiiv is generally a great platform, it has its downside, too.
The first thing that comes to mind is that while it allows creators to publish both on the website and in newsletters, the customization capabilities of the website are pretty limited, unlike the newsletter.
The layouts are restrictive, there’s no third-party addon support, and users can’t create their own themes.
Another thing that might be considered a negative based on whether you’re willing to use beehiiv for all things newsletter-related is how much it requires you to rely on it or not.
The built-in recommendation feature, the ad network, and the Boosts are all amazing features, but they only work if both sides are using beehiiv.
Is beehiiv right for you?
There are a lot of things that will determine whether beehiiv is the right platform for you to use and it can make it a daunting decision. To help, here are some of the key criteria to consider when deciding if beehiiv is right for you.
You should use beehiiv if:
- ✅You think it’s important for a platform to be easy to use
- ✅You’re planning to monetize your content
- ✅You want to collaborate with other beehiiv newsletters
- ✅You want extra tools to help you grow your newsletter
- ✅Publish your content as not just a newsletter but a blog as well
You shouldn’t use beehiiv if:
- 😥You’re not really into monetizing your content
- 😥You’re planning to integrate third-party services into your blog or newsletter
- 😥You cater to multiple specific time zones
- 😥You want to create an advanced website
- 😥If you want to utilize other third-party platforms to aid with your newsletter project
Take your beehiiv newsletter to the next level with Whop
Now you know how to work beehiiv like a pro, it's time to use Whop to make the most of your newsletter.
With Whop you can create (and monetize) a community for your newsletter. Make your own whop, share the link with your subscribers, and let your readers communicate with you (and each other) in a private online hub.
Plus, with Whop, you can easily expand beyond newsletters and integrate multiple revenue streams, like ebooks and online courses.
Here are just a few reasons why you should use Whop with beehiiv:
- You can create exclusive, paid communities for your VIP readers in seconds
- Simplify your newsletter subscriptions, manage payments, and improve customer relations, all from within your whop.
- No upfront costs - Whop takes as little as a 3% fee on your earnings.
Signing up to Whop takes less than 10 minutes - join us today.
Is beehiiv or Substack better?
beehiiv and Substack are both super popular platforms in the newsletter field, but they have distinct features. The biggest difference between the two is Substack is older, more known, and has a larger user base - beehiiv, on the other hand, offers more powerful tools for growth and monetization.
If you want an easy-to-use platform that considers your community and creates a non-monetized newsletter, Substack is the platform you might want to check out.
If you want a more customizable newsletter and/or blog with better monetization and growth features, check out beehiiv.
beehiiv vs MailChimp
MailChimp is 20 years older than beehiiv - but is it better? Both platforms have comprehensive editors and offer advanced user segmentation, boosts, and more features. When it comes to ease of use, beehiiv is the undoubted champion, but MailChimp, on the other hand, has more advanced features.
If you’re a creator or a small business and you think ease of use, monetization, and growth are important, beehiiv should be your choice.
If you’re a business that wants a comprehensive email marketing solution with a lot of automation and integrations, MailChimp comes forward.
Is beehiiv or Converkit the best?
beehiiv and Convertkit (now known as “Kit”) are great platforms for email marketing, so let’s see which one fits your needs better. The first difference that should be pointed out is that beehiiv is content-focused, while Convertkit focuses more on making digital sales and email marketing.
If you’re looking to create content, monetize it, grow your influence, and have advanced features to help you with all of those, choose beehiiv.
If you’re looking to sell products or services with advanced automation and segmentation features to help your direct sales, you should choose Convertkit.