In today’s economic climate, it’s often hard to find a day job that’ll pay the bills. Employers are more tight-fisted than ever and landlords are getting greedier, so it might feel like you need multiple income streams just to get by.

Well, side hustles can provide that, and also offer a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel given that they can become bona fide businesses in their own right, adding multiple zeros to your bank account overnight if you do it right.

So, to help you get started on your path toward financial independence, we’ve made a list of today’s best online Discord servers dedicated to side hustles.

Here, you’ll find not just the ideas but also the know-how and niche expertise required to get a side hustle off the ground, helping you start as efficiently as possible while avoiding all the pitfalls that catch many would-be entrepreneurs out.

What Makes a Good Side Hustle Group?

The best side hustle groups are active, positive, and efficiently run. Most good groups are led by an individual or team and are consistent in not only their engagement with the group but in the way they inject value—especially if the group charges for membership.

We’re also focusing on Discord Servers because of just how powerful of a community platform Discord is, with its server-based structure and bots making for an extremely high-quality user experience. As a group member, you should expect multiple servers for different discussion topics and plenty of links to the educational resources that the group has compiled.

Whop’s Best Side Hustle Discord Servers

1. Affiliate Farmers

Affiliate Farmers

Affiliate Farmers is an extremely highly rated side hustle Discord server focusing, as its name suggests, on the affiliate marketing niche. It offers a vast number of guides and tools that’ll help you understand how affiliates work and show you really how to work the system, and let you link up with the communities out there that give the highest affiliate cuts. 

The tools offered by the group are easy to use and extremely well organized, and it’s perfect for someone new to marketing and reselling to join up, learn at their own speed, and meet other like-minded entrepreneurs to share in their own journeys and experiences.

Oh, and best of all? Affiliate Farmers is totally free to join, although you could drop $100 bucks on the “Affiliate God” Discord role in the group as a thank you once you’ve got cash rolling in.

You can learn more about Affiliate Farmers here.

2. Militant Bread Winners

Militant Breadwinners

Militant Bread Winners is a Discord community that aims to help you unlock financial freedom by turning trading or sports betting (or both!) into a side hustle. You’ll find sections of the Discord dedicated to both pursuits and a mix of members across all skill levels to be found, ensuring that you can find your tribe as easily as possible.

MBW is known for the educational resources on offer, with guides and tutorials covering the ins and outs of trading as well as sports betting, with the latter server featuring exclusive promotions, live updates on games, and all of the data you need to make the most informed calls possible.

If you want to give Militant Bread Winners a try, you can sample their community for free or sign up for MBW Moneyline, the sports betting section, for $17 a week or check out the Tribe of Traders Group for $62 per month. MBW also has a 1-on-1 mentorship program specializing in building multiple streams of income including ecommerce, real estate, affiliates and more for just $98 per month.  

You can learn more about Militant Bread Winners here.

3. Young Wealth

Young Wealth is a side hustle Discord server founded by Maurits Neo aiming to nurture the next generation of visionary entrepreneurs. If that’s you, then you’ll find a sanctuary in Young Wealth along with all of the educational resources you need to start developing and refining your entrepreneurial skills.

The group currently offers four full business courses, and you’ll find at least two of them useful no matter which direction you’re looking to take your own side hustle in—there’s a branding course which is of universal value, and then specifics on how to build wealth from crypto, ecommerce, and biohacking.

If you want to join Young Wealth, it’s free to sign up to the waitlist. Once you’re in, you’ll have full access to their library of 100+ videos, live calls, course modules, community chat, and entrepreneur forums.

You can learn more about Young Wealth here.

4. The Syndicate

The Syndicate

The Syndicate is a Discord community that serves as your gateway to the internet’s highest-paying surveys and focus group opportunities. Participating in market research can be a great source of income, but getting the gig isn’t easy—which is where The Syndicate comes in, giving you five to ten high-paying leads every week and letting you schedule them at your convenience, as well as coaching you on how you can up your chance of getting selected.

This is something you can do from your own home to top up your weekly or monthly income, so just hop into The Syndicate for free and give it a try. There’s plenty of information within the group to help you make the most of surveys and focus groups as a consistent source of cash, and a dedicated support team to ensure you’re reaping those rewards.

You can learn more about The Syndicate here.

5. Reverse Split Snipers

Reverse Split Snipers

Trading is a category of side hustle with a whole lot of specialization in terms of asset classes and trading styles, and Reverse Split Snipers operate in an extremely interesting (and profitable) niche. Reverse stock split arbitrage is something that many traders haven’t even heard of, but you can learn all about it in this group—as well as how to make the most of the arbitrage opportunities that reverse splits provide with in-depth analytics and personalized training.

The group offers mentorship to ensure that your progress is right and what it needs to be and provides constant tracking, feedback, and education. While it’s a premium group, they’re confident in their members achieving instant success—so much so that Reverse Split Snipers have pledged to refund if members don’t make back their first month’s $50 fee, no questions asked. So, what have you got to lose?

You can learn more about Reverse Split Snipers here.

6. The Crypto Crew

The Crypto Crew

The Crypto Crew is a web3 community that aims to educate members in all things crypto, starting with the earning potential of airdrops. Their first product is “The Ultimate Airdrop DB”, a Notion database with 150 airdrop projects and more added daily—meaning that members don’t need to do their own extensive research and legwork sifting through the countless shitcoins and scams out there.

The Crew have weekly community calls and courses to help you skill up in crypto, and on top of the airdrop database they also alert members to some of the best alpha opportunities in the crypto space, giving you a heads up about all of the big presales, raffles, farming opportunities, and even meme contests. All of this for just $19.99 a month or $219 per year, but you can also jump in for free to get a limited taste of what The Crypto Crew have to offer.

You can learn more about The Crypto Crew here.

7. Mompreneur Magic

Mompreneur Magic

Mompreneur Magic, or The Ultimate Guide for Middle-Aged Moms, shows you that making a six-figure income from home is a realistic, achievable prospect rather than just a pipe dream as many would have you believe. The group specifically targets mothers who want to balance side hustles and their financial ambitions with family life, and is packed with detailed, actionable information and practical advice.

The group has comprehensive learning modules to clue you in on the opportunities out there, lets you learn from successful mompreneurs, and even gives you practical assignments where you can build your skills before putting them to the test. 

If you want to find your passion and then turn it into a profitable venture with the resources, support, and community of Mompreneur Magic, you can join up for $29.99 a month or $39.99 one time.

You can learn more about Mompreneur Magic here.

8. Bonus Buddy

Bonus Buddy

When you hit a casino, it’s commonly held that the house always wins. With Bonus Buddy, you can turn the tables on the gambling industry and make money off sweepstake sites on a daily basis, turning them into a source of passive income

Bonus Buddy is essentially a browser extension that logs into different gambling sites for you and collects the daily bonus on your behalf, saving you the time and hassle of doing so manually. The group also gives you a heads-up on all the mail-in rewards and positive EV plays that are to be had, and community members are happy to share info on all of the giveaways, offers, and other freebies to be had from their different online casinos.

Oh, and Bonus Buddy is totally free to be a part of, although you can purchase their premium Discord role for $100.

You can learn more about Bonus Buddy here.

9. Moms in Motion

Moms in Motion

Moms in Motion is a financial education group with the mission of empowering stay-at-home parents (yes, dads, that means you too!) to monetize the free time that they have by building a profitable side hustle. There are over 10 hours of course materials to be had when you join, and membership gives you access to live webinars, special guests, and mentorship.

You can do plenty with just three to five hours of free time per week, and Moms in Motion shows you just how for just $29.99 per month—with a full refund on offer if you feel that you haven’t gotten the value you expected in your first month. This is a great first step, and if you like the group, it’s worth thinking about lifetime access for $399.99, especially since it includes a one-month 1-on-1 mentorship.

You can learn more about Moms in Motion here.

10. Smart Money Cult

Smart Money Cult

Smart Money Cult is a Discord group that lets you turn an interest or passion for crypto and blockchain technology into a side hustle by mastering on-chain analysis. By learning to track and analyze on-chain transactions, the group teaches you how successful traders and investors operate—and gives you the tools to more easily follow the wallets of the world’s most profitable DeFi traders.

You’ll get a full grounding in blockchain and crypto when you join for a one-time fee of $49.99, including coaching and mastermind sessions, and each member receives cheat sheets for mastering on-chain analysis as well as a comprehensive spreadsheet tracking profitable traders as well as influencers and celebs who may or may not have a leg up on the competition.

You can learn more about Smart Money Cult here.

What to Look For in a Side Hustle Group

When you’re actively searching for a side hustle community, it’s a good idea to do a little research on side hustles in general first of all, which will give you an idea of what some of the biggest opportunities are. Then, you can check out the different side hustle communities out there with an idea of what niches interest you the most.

Beyond the specific side hustles the community focuses on, make sure that both the group’s owner and members are active. Many will let you in for free, so use that to ensure that there’s plenty of life in the group and the vibe fits what you’re looking for.

Finally, run an eye across the educational resources that the side hustle community has in store. Especially if it’s a premium group you want your money’s worth, and a good bit of that means a full grounding in the side hustles being discussed as well as practical, expert advice that can only come from people who not just talk the talk, but have also walked the walk.

Find Your Side Hustle Community on Whop


Side hustles can become valuable sources of income, so it’s worth thinking about finding a group to learn more about how to successfully plan and execute one. Most side hustles are businesses, and the easiest way to start a business is with prior experience—if not yours, then someone else’s.

So, check out the different side hustle communities on Whop to find your people today, learn about how to get started, and discuss your side hustle with others who have been there and done it, and can help you succeed.

Check out Whop’s side hustles page and get started today.