Links are one of the most popular ways that people use to navigate around the web. They’re an irreplaceable part of our daily life in this digital age. This is why Whop has the Links app - a page where you can create link directories for the members of your whop to use.

Links app can be used in a lot of ways, the most common being related-link listing. Adding the Links app to your whop and setting it up takes less than 5 minutes. In this guide, we’re going to remember what Whop apps are, how you can add the Links app to your whop, and how you can set it up.

What are Whop Apps?

Whop apps

Whop apps can simply be explained as modules or features. When you first create your own whop, it will be an empty canvas - nothing for users to interact with. As you add apps to your whop, it will become a usable platform.

Let’s imagine you have a whop called SuperReader’s Book Club - it’s basically your good old local book club turned digital. You and the members of your whop focus on reading books and improving yourself at it. A community like that will require at least one place to communicate with each other, so you add the Chat app to your whop. Now, your members have a chat room to talk in. Then, you add the Forums app so that users can create individual conversations to talk about specific books - now you have organized communication.

There are a lot of apps on Whop that serve unique purposes, and they will define how your whop operates. One of those useful apps is the Links app. Let’s examine what it is.

You can think of the Links app on Whop as a link directory - a place where you list links. You might think, “why would I need a link directory? I can just post them in the chat”. You're right, you could, but that doesn't mean that you should. When you post links to a chat room (or a forum), they will be pushed back by new messages or posts - that’s the nature of free communication apps. The Links app allows you to create a fixed page that will display the links forever.

An example of the Links app on whop

As you can see, you can use your links app for anything. Use it to share blog posts or books that you've recently read. Use the links board to share your best selling physical products, or you can even use it to share links to your favorite local businesses in your area. It doesn't matter what you want to share, the links app makes it simple by keeping them all in one place.

The Links app is great - but how do you add it to your whop, exactly? Let’s see.

Adding the Links app to your whop is just like adding any other app - it can be done with only two clicks. But before walking you through how to add apps, we want to remind you that you need to have a whop before you start adding any apps to it. If you don’t already, visit our How to Create Your Own whop guide to see how you can create a whop in under 2 minutes, or use the button below to get started.

Once you have your whop and you’re ready to go, let’s see how you can add the Links app to your whop. First, let’s click on the Add apps button under the Admin Area of your whop.

Highlight to the Add apps button on the whop Admin Area

When you click the Add apps button, you’ll be directed into the apps list where you can find all apps available to add. Scroll down a bit until you find the Links app, and click on its Add app button. Clicking that button will immediately add the Links app to your whop and you’ll be directed to its Set up section.

The app list on whop with highlight to the Add app button of the Links app

Now that you’ve added the Links app to your whop, let’s examine how you can use it and its sections.

Almost all apps on Whop have at least three sections: Set up, Preview as user, and Access. While some apps have additional sections, these three sections are always present. Let’s examine each one in detail.

The three sections of the Links app on whop

1: Set up

The Set up section is where you will add links to the directory. This section is only visible to admins, so, regular users won’t be able to see it. The first thing you’ll see once you’re in this section is the “Add new link” button.

The Set up section of the Links app on whop

Clicking on the “Add new link” button will display the Create Link popup, which has two input boxes where you should add the Link Title and the Link URL. Once you fill both out and click on the Save button, the link will be added to the directory. Remember that once you add a link to the directory, both the Link Title and the Link URL will be visible at all times.

The Create Link pop up of the Links app on whop

After you add a link, you’ll be able to see it in this section. As you can see, there are two parts of the link box that we haven’t mentioned yet: the edit button and the click counter.

Clicking on the edit button (pen icon) at the top right of the link box will open the Edit Link popup, where you can change the title and the URL of the link. The edit button is only visible to you in this section.

The click counter you can see below the URL displays how many people have clicked the link since you added it. This is only visible to you in the Set up section - regular users won’t be able to see this counter.

An example of an added link to the Links app on whop

2: Preview as user

As its name suggests, the Preview as user section allows you to see the app from the perspective of a regular user. When you visit this section, you’ll see the links that you’ve added to the directory. Notice that you won’t be able to see the Add new link button, the edit button, or the click counter.

The Preview as user section of the Links app on whop

3: Access

When you visit the Access section of the Links app, you’ll see two options: Free and Paid/Private. Most apps on Whop have those two access modes. They determine how people can access the apps on your whop.

The Access section of the Links app on whop

If you choose the Free option, everyone on the internet will be able to join your whop and use the Links app. This is ideal if you want your whop to be a public platform that everyone can access.

The other option you can see is Paid/Private. As its name suggests, selecting this option will make your app either Paid or Private, and this is determined by which product you link it to. When you select the Paid/Private option, you’ll see all of your whop products listed with toggle buttons. Toggling a product will link the app to that product, and that means only the users who obtained that product from your store page will be able to use the Links app.

The Paid/Private of an app on whop

Since products can be free, paid, or private, the settings of the product will determine how users can access the Links app after linking it with a product. If you don’t have any products, you’ll see a “Create Product” button instead of the list - there’s also a consistent Create Product button at the top right of the list at all times. Clicking on them allows you to easily create products.

If you want to learn more about creating products, you can check out our How to Create a Whop Product guide.
The Paid/Private option of an app with no products on whop

Create Your Dream Platform with Whop

Now you know everything there is to know about the Links app on Whop. Since you’re here, learning about how to improve your whop, chances are you might be interested in monetizing it. Whop has been helping thousands of creators monetize their products and services. It can help you, too.

Singing up to Whop and starting to sell takes less than 10 minutes - if you're not already selling with Whop, what are you waiting for?