Here on Whop, you can create your very own whop - a collection of different apps that makes up your online space. The apps that you decide to add determine the type of online space you are building and the experience that you create for your users.

There are many different types of Whop apps - from Courses, to Affiliate Links, Content, Forums, and Chat. In this article we take a look at the Chat app and how you can use it.

What are Whop Apps?

We've briefly touched on apps, but let's take a deeper look. Apps on whops can be explained as modules of our platform.

Think of it this way - Discord has chat rooms and video call rooms (voice channels), but you can’t create a course within Discord. Udemy has courses and forums, but you can’t create video call rooms or host giveaways in it. On Whop, you can do any or all of these. This is why a modular platform is the best - it can adapt to your plans. No matter if you want to create a community, a sports picks platform, a course, or anything else - you can do it on Whop.

Whops are modular hubs, meaning that each whop uses a different set of apps. While a whop that focuses on sports betting might use the Chat, Sports App, and Affiliate Links apps, a whop that focuses on creating a community of cat lovers might use Chat, Forums, and Content apps.

There are more than 20 apps you can add to your whop (with more on the way), and you can add an individual app more than once - how cool is that? One of the most popular apps you can add to your whop is the Chat app - a live chat room that allows people to communicate with each other.

What is the Chat App on Whop?

The chat app can simply be explained as a chat room - a place where users can live chat with each other in your whop. It is one of the most popular apps on Whop. Just like other apps, you can add multiple Chat apps to your whop and customize their name and icon.

The Chat app has settings that allow you to determine who can access the app, who can chat in it, which words are banned, if users are allowed to send URLs, and more. It also has features like reply, react, mute, mention, and more, just like any other developed instant messaging app.

How to Add the Chat App to Your whop

You can add the Chat app to your whop just like any other app - and it’s really easy to do. But first, you have to have a whop. If you don’t already, check out our guide on creating your first whop.

To add the Chat app to your whop, you should navigate to the Add apps section of your whop, which can be done by clicking on the Add apps button on the left-hand side under the “Admin Area” and then clicking the Add app button next to the Chat app.

The Chat app's Add app highlighted on the Add apps section of a whop

After adding the Chat app to your whop, you’ll be automatically directed into the Set up section of the app. Let’s examine each section.

Sections of the Chat App

There are three sections of the Chat app: Set up, Preview as user, and Access. As you add more apps to your whop, you’ll see that all apps have these sections, and some have additional ones. You can see all the sections of an app at the top of your screen. Most of the settings regarding the Chat app will be adjusted within the Set up section. Let’s take a look.

Section 1: Set Up

As we mentioned, the first section you’ll see when you add the app is the Set up section. There are four sub-sections:

Who can post? - In this section, you can select who can send messages into the Chat app. The options are everyone, only admins, and only product owners. If you select everyone, every user will be able to send messages to the app.

If you select only admins, only users with the admin role in your whop will be able to send messages. You can see the team members of your whop in the Dashboard > Settings > Team section. Lastly, if you select only product owners, you’ll be prompted to toggle a product, and only the users who have obtained that product will be able to send messages.

The Who can post? part of the Set up section of the Chat app in a whop

Who can react? - If you use a modern instant messaging app like iMessage, Discord, WhatsApp, or Telegram, you’re familiar with the reaction feature. Reactions allow you to add emojis below messages. For example, when your friend sends you a message saying that they just won the championship match, you can react to the message with the 🥳 emoji.

The Chat app has this feature as well, and under the Who can react? Setting, you can choose whether everyone is allowed to react to messages or not.

The Who can reast? part of the Set up section of the Chat app in a whop

Banned Words - Right next to the Banned Words section title, you’ll see the “Add +” button. Clicking on it will display an input modal that allows you to add banned words (can be multiple). When a user types the word in the Chat app, the system won’t let the user send the message. You can also see a toggle option for “Block URLs.”

When turned on, the system won’t allow users to send URLs into the Chat app - this is a great way to prevent spam, but it blocks all URLs, meaning that if a user wants to send a funny cat video to the chat, they won’t be able to.


Muted Users - Admins of your whop have the ability to mute users, and this section will list all the users who are muted.

The Muted Users part of the Set up section of the Chat app in a whop

Section 2: Preview as User

By clicking on the Preview as user button at the top of your screen, you can navigate to the Preview as user section. You can think of this section as where you will use the app.

When you want to chat with users, you go to this section. It’s also how the users will see the Chat app - in their perspective, there won’t be sections like Set up or Access.


Section 3: Access

The Access section contains the setting on which users can access the Chat app. There are two types of access: Free, which means everyone on the internet will be able to access the app, and Paid/Private, which means only people with a certain product in your whop can access the app.

Changing the access type is simple - just click on the type you want. If you want to select the Paid/Private access type, you’ll then have to select which product you want to link to the app. If you don’t have a product, you can create one by clicking on the Create Product button and following the steps your whop prompts you to.


Using the Chat App

The Chat app has all the features you expect from a Chat app to have. Let’s take a look at the reply feature first. When you hover over a message, you’ll see a reply icon appearing - clicking on it will attach the message to your input box, and when you send a message, you’ll be replying.

You might’ve also noticed that when you hover over a message, you’ll see an emoji icon appearing as well. Clicking on it will open up an emoji list, and you can react to a message by clicking on an emoji.

If you click on the kebab icons (three dots), you can see all the options about the message, such as view reactions, add reaction, edit, reply, pin, and more. When you click the pin button, the message will be pinned at the top of the Chat app. This is a great way to let people see announcements or rules.

You can also see a delete button at the bottom of the kebab icon (three-dot) menu. Once you click the delete button, the message will be immediately deleted.


Another great thing you can do with the kebab icon menu is to mute users and unmute them if they’re already muted. There are five duration options you can choose from: 60 seconds, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 1 day, and 1 week. Muted users can be seen at the bottom section, Muted users, of the Set up section of the Chat app.


Using the Chat App to Send Private Messages to Other Whop Users

The Chat app is an great tool to make way for communication within whops - but did you know that you can DM other Whop users as well? When you visit a Whop profile using a link or by clicking on another user’s avatar, you’ll see a little chat bubble icon on the right-hand side of their profiles. Clicking on it will open up the private Chat app between you and the other user.


Create a whop and Sell Access to Your Online Community

Now you know how to use the Chat app in your whop - very nice. Did you know that thousands of people have been generating an income with their own whops?

Your whop can be your own online community, where you share knowledge, resources, and experiences. Create your whop in your style and sell access to online services and digital products with ease.