Gathering feedback and suggestions from users of a platform is one of the most important things to do in community management. This is why Whop offers the Suggestions app to all of its creators. The Suggestions app allows the members of your whop to share their ideas with you and vote on each others’.

In this guide, we’re going to take a look at what Whop apps are, how you can add the Suggestions app to your whop, and how to use it.

Whop Apps Explained

You can think of apps on Whop as features of a platform. Let’s take Zoom, for example. Its primary feature is video calls. Or Discord, which would be text channels. Now, think of those features as building blocks of the platform.

Since whops are modular platforms, you are the one who selects which apps there will be on the platform. Do you want to provide an online course to its users? Use the Courses app. Or if you want to create multiple chat channels alongside giveaways and online content, you use the Chat, Giveaways, and Content apps.

Adding apps to your whop is free, and perhaps the best part is that you can add as many instances of the same app as you want. If you want to create an online training community, you can layer your course by using multiple Courses apps.

What is the Suggestions App on Whop?

The Suggestions app on Whop, as its name suggests, is an app that lets the members of your whop submit suggestions for the platform and vote on each other’s suggestions. While the app has a simple promise, it’s an important one. Especially if you’re looking to create a community on your whop.

When it comes to online communities, it’s important that its members feel heard - and one of the best ways for this is gathering feedback and suggestions from them. This is where the Suggestions app comes in - it’s a super easy way for your members to share their ideas with you.

How to Add the Suggestions App to Your whop

All right, the Suggestions app sounds amazing - but how do you add that to your whop, exactly? Well, first you need to have a whop to begin with. If you don’t, however, we urge you to take a look at your walkthrough on creating your own whop. It’s a simple process and won’t take more than a couple of minutes.

If you have a whop ready, great. As the first step, let’s click on the Add apps button under the Admin Area of your whop. As you might expect, the Add apps button will direct us to a list of all available apps on whop.

Add apps button on a whop

In the app list, you can see all available apps listed. As we mentioned, you can freely add them to your whop - even more than one of the same app. Let’s find the Suggestions app here and click on its Add app button.

Add app button of the Suggestions app on Whop

Once you add the app to your whop, you’ll be directed to its Set up section. Now that you’ve added the app, let’s move on to examining its sections and learning how to use it.

Using the Suggestions App

To better understand how you use the Suggestions app, you should first know that almost all apps on Whop have three sections: Set up, Preview as user, and Access. Let’s start with the Set up section.

Three sections of Whop apps: Set up, Preview as user, and Access

1. Set up

The Set up section of the Suggestions app is very simple. There’s a single setting that you can adjust: the description of the app. You should fill out this input box with a text that explains what kind of suggestions you’re expecting your members to share. There isn’t a limit on how long this description should be, but you should keep it simple - no longer than a few sentences so that it doesn’t take up too much space on your users’ screens.

Once you fill out the input box, you can click the Save button on the bottom right of the description section.

The Set up section of the Suggestions app on Whop

2. Preview as user

The Preview as user section is probably the section that you’re going to use the most. As an admin, you can add suggestions on this section - just like regular users. When you initially look at this section, it won’t have any suggestions in it. We just added the app, after all. So, let’s try adding one ourselves.

The Preview as user section of the Suggestions app on Whop

Let’s click on either of the New Suggestion buttons to start the process. Once you click on those buttons, you’ll be directed to a new, “Post your suggestion” page. There, you have two simple input boxes: title and description. There, you should enter a title for your suggestion and a description. Make sure they’re both descriptive enough so that other people can understand what the suggestion is. Once you’re done, click the Submit button at the bottom right to submit the suggestion.

The Preview as user section of the Suggestions app on Whop

Once you submit the suggestion, you’ll see it listed on the Preview as user section. There, you have a bunch of options:

  1. Upvote: Clicking the upvote button will add a positive vote to the suggestion.
  2. Downvote: Clicking the downvote button will add a negative vote to the suggestion.
  3. Approve*: Clicking the Approve button will ask you for a comment and mark the suggestion as approved.
  4. Reject*: Clicking the Reject button will ask you for a comment and mark the suggestion as rejected.
  5. Delete*: Clicking the Delete button will remove the suggestion.

* Only admins can see these buttons and interact with them.

The Preview as user section of the Suggestions app on Whop

3. Access

There are two access types of apps on Whop: Free and Paid/Private. Both have self-explanatory names. Choosing the Free option under the Access section of an app will make it free for everyone on the internet. This means that anyone who has the link to your app or your whop will be able to use this app. This is ideal for public communities and platforms. But if you want to paywall the app or make it private, you’d have to go with Paid/Private.

The Acess section of the Suggestions app on Whop

When you select the Paid/Private option, you’ll see that all products on your whop will be listed under it. Since products on Whop can be paid, free, whitelisted, or private, you can control how people access the app. When you click on the toggles of the products, you’ll be linking it with the app.

If you don’t already have products, you can use the Create Product button under the Paid/Private option and check out How to Create a Whop Product guide.

The Acess section of the Suggestions app on Whop

Monetize Your Platform with Whop

Whop is the perfect place to create your dream platform and monetize it - and doing so has never been easier. Thousands of people have been creating their own whops and generating an income with it.

With the use of features like 7/24 support, advanced analytics, and an easy-to-use interface, you can create your platform and monetize it in under 10 minutes. Sign up to Whop today.