Recently, we’ve been exploring different ways you can monetize your TikTok account and turn it into a side hustle (or potentially, something more). 

From direct creator payouts to audience gifting, sponsorships, TikTok Shop, and brand partnerships, TikTok has moved far beyond just dance trends and viral memes. For many, it’s now a viable career path. And on that note, there’s another method of making money on TikTok that’s been steadily growing and expanding over the years, a method suitable for almost all creators: affiliate marketing

Forget what you know about old-school methods of selling and promoting online. TikTok’s algorithm and user base allow you to tap into a new approach to earning through promotion. Capitalizing on two key factors (growth and influence), TikTok has built itself into an ideal platform for affiliate marketers who know how to harness its potential – which is what we’re here to show you. 

However, despite all its perks, affiliate marketing on TikTok is about more than posting the occasional product review and plugging a link into your bio. Cashing out requires strategically integrating your promotions into the platform’s trends and viral content. Once you can nail this formula, it’s simply a matter of rinse and repeat. And there you have it: another scalable TikTok income stream. In this guide you will learn everything you need to know to become a successful TikTok affiliate marketer.

What is Affiliate Marketing on TikTok?

TikTok affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a cornerstone of ecommerce. Creators (aka affiliates) promote products or services through links and earn a commission for every sale made through those links. On TikTok, this takes on a new dimension, leveraging the platform’s unique viral nature and highly engaged user base.

Here’s a (simplistic) overview: as an affiliate marketer, you partner with brands or affiliate networks to promote their products. You’re given a bespoke affiliate link for each product or service, which keeps track of your sales. When you create and share content on TikTok that includes this link, your followers can purchase the products directly. If they do make a purchase, you earn a commission.

So, what makes affiliate marketing on TikTok different from other platforms? It’s simple, really. Due to a rare opportunity for views and exposure, TikTok amplifies your promotions further than other platforms. The platform’s preference for short, engaging videos with high shareability makes it ideal for affiliate marketers who can create authentic content. If this sounds like you, know that you can use your content to promote products and drive sales in a way that traditional advertising methods struggle to. Plus, features like TikTok Shop facilitate a smooth and seamless checkout experience, without customers having to leave the app. 

TikTok marketing is successful because the user base is highly receptive to recommendations from trusted sources, making integrated affiliate links in content more effective. Really, don’t just take our word for it – 71.2% of users have purchased simply after stumbling across a product in their feeds or stories. 

Why TikTok Affiliate Marketing is So Successful 

While it would be easy for us to tell you affiliate marketing works on TikTok because of the algorithm alone, the reality is that TikTok’s popularity among affiliates is contingent on several factors.


Firstly, let’s talk about the main users of TikTok. Gen-Z and millennial accounts significantly influence TikTok’s affiliate marketing success. These demographics are most receptive to digital marketing and making (often impulsive) online purchases. With users spending an average of 58 minutes daily on the app, TikTok provides affiliates with an engaged audience that is attentive and responsive to promotions. So, demographically, TikTok is an ideal environment for affiliate marketers. Not only can you reach a wider audience, but they’re also largely custom to purchasing online.

Social proof 

Social proof is a funny thing. Psychologically, social proof is the term to explain the phenomenon humans experience of being ‘influenced’. Whether from product reviews, TV ads featuring celebrities, or our favorite TikTok content, social proof is a constant driver of consumer spending. When TikTok users see their favorite creators endorsing a product, it adds a level of credibility and relatability that static digital ads often lack. TikTok’s emphasis on user-generated, unfiltered, and raw content means that personal recommendations and experiences on the app are highly coveted. 

tiktok viral trend

The viral nature of TikTok significantly boosts the effectiveness of affiliate marketing. Trends and challenges spread quickly across the platform, turning products into overnight sensations. Affiliate marketers can expand their reach and impact by creating content that taps into these viral trends and places you on the For You Page. Compared to other platforms, the ability to capitalize on fleeting (yet potentially powerful) trends is a novel advantage of TikTok.


TikTok’s algorithm is an obvious contributor to affiliate success. Unlike other social sites, where reaching a broad audience can require significant ad spend, TikTok’s algorithm rewards engaging and relevant content. Well-crafted videos can gain significant organic traction and reach a wide audience without substantial costs. TikTok offers a cost-effective solution for affiliate marketers, if you’re ready to do the work.

Authenticity and unfiltered content

tiktok content

TikTok’s focus on authenticity aligns perfectly with effective affiliate marketing. It ties back into social proof, trust, and impulse buying. Creators can seamlessly slip products into TikTok content naturally. Authentic content is a fast track to building trust with viewers, who are likelier to purchase from relatable creators. It also allows you to create authentic and relatable content without feeling pressured to perform and stick to a sales script. 

Creators like beauty guru Claire Bridget often slip product recommendations into authentic, genuine content filled with advice that is still otherwise valuable to audiences who aren’t seeking to purchase. 

How Affiliate Marketing Works on TikTok

tiktok affilaite program

Understanding how affiliate marketing works on TikTok depends on which camp you fall into. From product creators to affiliate marketers and buyers, TikTok has created distinct avenues and opportunities for everyone. Here’s a breakdown of how TikTok supports and enhances affiliate marketing for each group:

TikTok for product creators

tiktok shop

If you’re a product creator, TikTok allows you to showcase your wares, make sales, and partner with popular creators.

TikTokkers can highlight your products in a fresh, authentic, and entertaining manner. Say you sell handmade clothing. You can use TikTok to partner with creators who often create styling content for your demographic and tap into their trusted audience. Not only can working with TikTok creators help sellers attract more aligned customers, but its built-in tools streamline the process of discovering and collaborating with these influencers. The Creator Marketplace connects your brand with influencers with the reach and engagement needed to promote your products effectively. 

TikTok for affiliate networks

tiktok agencies

Affiliate networks work to set up partnerships between creators and businesses, and these networks often collaborate with TikTok to create exclusive affiliate programs and campaigns tailored to the platform’s unique ecosystem.

An affiliate network might partner with a popular skincare brand to run a campaign featuring top TikTok influencers who promote the brand’s products. The network provides affiliates with tracking links, promotional materials, and performance analytics to manage and optimize their campaigns. As a result, TikTok’s ad formats and targeting options further enhance the network’s ability to reach potential affiliates and audiences. 

TikTok for affiliate marketers

tiktok affiliate marketing

It may be obvious by now, but affiliates should no doubt leverage TikTok as part of their strategy.

Incorporate affiliate links naturally into content forms such as product reviews, tutorials, or general lifestyle content, and you can tap into a well of potential. TikTok’s ‘link in bio’ feature is a key component of this process, as it allows marketers to place direct links where viewers can easily access them.

Additionally, the algorithm promotes engaging content, increasing the chances of content reaching a broader audience, especially compared to other platforms where fighting for views and searchability can feel like an uphill battle. TikTok also offers analytical tools that allow affiliates to continue to refine their strategies by monitoring performance metrics. 

TikTok for buyers of affiliate products

So we've covered how affiliate marketing works for product creators, affiliate networks, and individual affiliate marketers. But what about the buyers of these affiliate products? TikTok creates a streamlined, engaging, and, in many ways, superior way to shop online. 

The platform’s content-driven approach allows its users to see products in action, often through videos created by influencers they trust. TikTok’s integration with ecommerce features such as in-app shopping and product tags makes it easy for users to buy products directly from the app. 

As we discussed earlier, the social proof provided by creators and the platform’s viral nature contribute to higher trust overall. And that trust? It encourages a lot of impulse buying. 

Now that you know how it works, let's take a look at how to do affiliate marketing with TikTok.

How to Use TikTok Affiliate Marketing: For Sellers and Affiliates

Chances are, if you’re here, you fall into either seller or affiliate camp. Whichever party you’re in, we’ll take a detailed look at how you can effectively use TikTok for affiliate marketing, with practical tips and real-world examples to help you get started.

Promoting products on TikTok to earn affiliate income

Find affiliate products to promote

While it’s true that a lot of companies and networks will reach out to creators, this tends to only be once you have established a following within your niche, and have shown an ability to market products previously. Therefore, it’s important to be proactive about securing products to promote early on in your affiliate marketing career.

So, where do you begin? Many big brands like Sephora, Shopify, Go Pro, and Nordstrom (to name a few) offer affiliate programs with little to no entry barriers, which can be a great place to start.

As well as applying for these more easily accessible affiliate programs (which tend to have lower commissions and payouts), you can reach out to brands yourself. TikTok Shop and the Creator Marketplaces are ideal places to connect with programs actively seeking affiliates – plus, connecting through the app itself allows brands to see your content, niche, and personality natively, which is a huge plus. And, of course, you can join online affiliate marketing networks like ShareASale, which give you access to a wide range of programs and companies.

Create authentic content 

promote products tiktok

When promoting other people’s products, authenticity is key. Begin by crafting content that genuinely showcases how the products fit into your daily life or solve specific problems.

For example, if you were endorsing a skincare product, you would be smart to create a get-ready-with-me series covering your morning and evening skincare routine. Then, slip the products into the routines naturally. For any product, the key is to show it when it is in use, discuss its features, and give your honest opinion on its effectiveness.

TikTok is driven by trends, which remain an effective way to promote products to a larger audience. To integrate products into trending content, keep an eye on popular hashtags and challenges relevant to your niche. By aligning your product promotions with current trends, you engage with a broader audience and capitalize on the high engagement associated with trending content. It’s a small but mighty tip. 

Focus on engaging visuals and stories

Visual appeal is crucial on TikTok, where users scroll quickly through their feeds. FYI, almost 50% of users consider videos over one minute long to be stressful. To capture shorter attention spans, use TikTok’s creative tools, like filters, effects, and music, to enhance the presentation of the products you’re promoting. And when it comes to nailing those hooks? Don’t forget the power of storytelling. Share narratives of how the product has helped you in a stitch, or tell a relatable story where you could’ve used the product before you knew of it. Keep your content engaging and memorable, and achieve higher engagement and conversions.

Use subtle yet strong calls-to-action

Calls-to-action (CTAs) are essential and guide viewers toward making a purchase through your affiliate link. Trust us, you’d be surprised at how often people simply do what they’re told! Ensure your promotional content has clear, actionable instructions, like “Check the link in my bio for more details” or “Swipe up to buy now.” Not every piece of content needs a CTA (that’s actually annoying and the opposite of subtle), but they’re effective now and again. Providing a straightforward path for viewers to follow can significantly increase the likelihood of converting them into buyers.

Leverage your organic reach

You don’t need to spend a fortune (or anything) boosting your content with ads. TikTok’s algorithm offers an exclusive advantage by allowing even new creators visibility through organic reach. But to really get the most out of the app’s potential, focus on high-quality, engaging content that aligns with your target audience’s interests. You can check what’s trending by country, demographic, or creator. 

link in bio

While it can be annoying that TikTok restricts you to a single clickable link in their bio, you can overcome this by using a link-in-bio tool like Linktree (or, if you want, creating a custom landing page). Both methods allow you to consolidate multiple affiliate links into one URL, making it easier for your audience to access various offers.

To set up a link-in-bio, first, switch to a TikTok Business Account, enabling clickable URLs. Update this link regularly, and don’t be afraid to get creative and feature different products or promotions. A tip? URL shorteners can help keep your bio link clean and user-friendly.

Promote discount codes

Discount codes give your audience a real incentive to purchase through your affiliate links, so negotiate with the brands or networks you work with to obtain discount codes to share in your TikTok content. This way, you can create content demonstrating the benefits of a product while highlighting a discount code viewers can use at checkout.

This two-pronged approach will help to nab people who are on the fence about purchasing then and there. Mention the codes verbally and include them in captions or on-screen text, as you never know who is watching without sound or could be hearing impaired. 

While TikTok does not support clickable links in video descriptions, you can still include URLs for manual entry. 

The truth is though, very few people can be bothered with something that takes extra effort, like switching to another window and manually typing in a URL (that they have to commit to memory). Some creators still use this method, so perhaps there’s something to it. We advise ensuring these URLs are short and easy to remember to minimize viewer effort (you can use something like TinyURL for this). And perhaps only promote these links in video descriptions when there’s something in it for buyers (discounts, secret sales, etc). 

Cross-promote on your other social platforms

The more the merrier! Engaging with your audience on multiple platforms also helps build a more robust online presence and boosts your affiliate marketing effectiveness. Just make sure you’re consistent with your brand and authenticity across all platforms.

Share your TikTok videos on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter to drive traffic to your TikTok profile and increase engagement. One method might be to post a teaser of your TikTok content on Instagram Stories with a swipe-up link to your TikTok video. You can also place your TikTok profile link in your other social media bios. 

Consider TikTok’s paid advertising 

tiktok paid ads

If you’re daunted by the proposition of growing your account from scratch, TikTok offers various paid advertising options to help you reach a targeted audience quickly. The TikTok Ads Manager allows you to create ads tailored to specific demographics and interests. 

TikTok ads can be particularly useful for new affiliate marketers with a smaller following, but they aren’t necessary for success. If you do want to try out ads, start with a small budget and experiment with different formats and targeting options. This will help you find the best approach for your affiliate promotions, seeing what works and what doesn’t. 

Track and analyze your metrics and performance

tiktok analytics

Lastly, none of these efforts would be worth it if you weren’t actively monitoring and analyzing your TikTok strategy. 

Adaptation is key to survival in any environment, with TikTok being no different. Monitoring the performance of your affiliate content is vital for refining your strategy and improving results. Plus, the brands and networks you work with are more easily convinced by impressive stats. TikTok’s analytic tools can track metrics such as views, likes, shares, and click-through rates. They can tell you which types of content perform best and identify trends in viewer behavior. 

Promoting your own affiliate program on TikTok

Say you’re a seller and think TikTok affiliates could be a good option for your business. It’s time to create an affiliate program! Don’t worry, it’s nowhere near as complicated as it sounds. In fact, it really just involves the following:

Create an enticing affiliate offer

tiktok affilaite

Start by creating appealing, profitable offers to attract affiliates to your program. Of course, what you can offer affiliates will depend on sales, cash flow, and business size. Your program should benefit both your affiliates and your business, so try to select successful products you can pair with a strong commission structure. Consider factors like profit margins, market demand, and competitive pricing. 

From there, you can start creating organic content to find these affiliates, and you could sponsor that content for extra reach, too. Use tools like the Creator Marketplace to promote your program, and consider partnering with networks or agencies that can match you with the right creators.

Establish your program

The next step is deciding how you want to manage your affiliate program. You can either use a self-managed system or join an affiliate network. Self-managing involves setting up an affiliate tracking system and handling payments directly, and while this does offer greater control and flexibility, it may require more effort and resources. 

On the other hand, affiliate networks provide an established platform with built-in tracking, reporting, and payment systems, simplifying the management process but often involving network fees. Weigh the pros and cons of each approach based on your business needs and budget.

Sellers on Whop receive affiliate codes for all of their product listings, and our native tools make tracking and analyzing your affiliate performance and metrics a breeze.

Enlist your affiliate partners

itsnirin tiktok

The quality of your affiliates can make or break the success of your program. Start by promoting your affiliate offers through your own TikTok account and other social media platforms. Create content highlighting the benefits of joining your program, such as potential earnings, free products, exclusive perks, and any support resources you offer. And remember to explain how to sign up!

Beyond that, don’t be afraid to actively reach out to TikTok creators who align with your brand’s values and audience. Send personalized invitations explaining how your affiliate program can benefit them and how it fits with their content. Building relationships with relevant influencers and content creators can lead to valuable partnerships and increased program visibility.

Even if you are self-managing your program, consider using affiliate agencies to find and recruit affiliates. These platforms often have a pool of potential affiliates looking for new opportunities. 

Set up collaborations on TikTok Shop

tiktokshop affiliate

Setting up collaborations on TikTok Shop makes the affiliate process much smoother for both you and your affiliates. It gives you access to features that help you find affiliates and can take care of commissions for you automatically, too. Creators can then list your products directly on their profile through TikTok Shop, facilitating the check-out process entirely on the app and negating the need for customers to visit external links. This is a huge win for sellers, as getting link clicks can be half the battle for your affiliates in the first place. 

To set up affiliate collaborations on TikTok Shop, log in to the TikTok Shop Seller Center and go to ‘affiliate’ followed by ‘get started’. From there, you can switch on collaborations. 

Management is key 

You need to provide the right support and resources to your affiliates, and you can do this in a few simple ways. Start by orienting new affiliates with your brand’s values, guidelines, and promotional strategies. Then, develop and share comprehensive resource packs that include product information, useful visuals, and brand messaging. Be sure to host regular livestreams to provide training materials and further educate your affiliates on best practices. You can even offer your affiliates sample products or access to your services to help them create authentic and effective content. 

Remember, you motivate continued success by recognizing and rewarding your affiliates who excel. Lastly, it pays to provide ongoing support and maintain open communication to address any questions or issues that may arise.

With Whop, you can build private communities, offer gifts and prizes, create chatrooms, and host live webinars. You can keep all your affiliate onboarding and resources in one spot, and it’s totally free to set up. Read more about what a whop is.

Should You Use TikTok for Affiliate Marketing?

Like any platform, TikTok has advantages and challenges, specifically for affiliate marketers and those running affiliate programs. Understanding these can help you determine whether TikTok is the right choice for your affiliate marketing strategy.

Advantages of TikTok affiliate marketing

Reach and engagement

One of TikTok's biggest advantages is its ability to reach a large and diverse audience quickly. Content is promoted based on engagement rather than follower count, so even new users can go viral if their content resonates well. This potential for visibility can be highly attractive to affiliate marketers.

Additionally, TikTok's format encourages creativity and authenticity, which can lead to higher engagement rates compared to more traditional social media platforms. Videos that are entertaining, informative, or relatable have the potential to generate significant interaction, including likes, comments, and shares. This engagement can translate into increased interest in the affiliate products you’re promoting.


TikTok can be the most cost-effective solution for affiliate marketers compared to other advertising options. Creating and sharing organic content on TikTok is free, and even a small budget for paid advertising can yield substantial results if managed correctly. TikTok’s ad formats are designed to provide flexible options that accommodate all creators' budgets.

However, TikTok’s approach to content discovery allows for effective organic reach without the need for substantial ad spend. By learning to leverage the algorithm, affiliates can achieve significant visibility and conversions with minimal financial investment.

Creative content opportunities

Focusing on short-form, engaging video content allows affiliate marketers to get creative with their promotions and eliminates monotonous sales content. Variety is the spice of life, and in this case, it gives marketers a way to experiment and find the most effective way to promote their affiliate products. Plus, user-generated content has been proven to be an effective marketing strategy for sellers – 85% of people say UGC is more influential than content made by brands directly. 

Limitations of TikTok affiliate marketing

Platform limitations

Despite its benefits, TikTok does have some limitations for affiliate marketers and sellers alike. Firstly, digital products cannot be listed on TikTok Shop like physical products. While affiliates can still use TikTok to create promotional content and direct traffic to their link in the bio, this is unlikely to convert the way in-app purchases do.

Another significant restriction is that TikTok’s link-in-bio feature allows for only one clickable link, which can be restrictive if you promote multiple products. Although workarounds like link-in-bio tools or landing pages can help, these solutions may still require additional effort to implement and maintain. 

Content saturation and competition

TikTok is constantly growing in popularity, and more creators and brands are using the platform for affiliate marketing. This means increased competition, making standing out and capturing your audience’s attention challenging.

To be successful, you’ll need a strategic approach to content creation and a thorough understanding of what resonates with your target audience.

Platform-specific strategies

For better or worse, TikTok’s unique content format and audience behavior necessitate platform-specific strategies. 

What works on other social media platforms probably won’t translate directly to TikTok. Successful affiliate marketing on TikTok requires a tailored approach, including understanding the platform’s trends, effectively leveraging its features, and creating content that aligns with TikTok’s style and user expectations. If you’re willing to learn and put in the work, there’s no reason you can’t be successful. But it takes just that, effort. 

Looking to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing? Check out Whop

whop affiliates

Whop is a social commerce platform is designed to help entrepreneurs and creators streamline their sales processes and manage their digital products. Whether you're a creator looking to promote your own digital products and services (like communities, coaching, and courses) or an affiliate marketer seeking to earn commissions, Whop offers valuable tools and opportunities.

Not only does every product on our marketplace have its own affiliate code, but you can also receive a reward for referring new creators to start selling on Whop.

Creating affiliate programs with Whop

Whop allows you to set up and run your own affiliate program to promote your digital products or services – in fact, every product on the Whop marketplace has an affiliate code. 

Once your affiliate program is established, you can recruit affiliates through our marketplace. We connect you with an exclusive network of potential affiliates interested in promoting digital products, services, and creators. You can also manage your outreach efforts and onboard affiliates directly through the platform, streamlining the recruitment process.

Promote your program on social media

This is a great time to start using TikTok and other social media platforms to spread the word about your program to affiliates. Create content targeting the right demographic, clarify your value proposition, and be consistent. You can also use social media to reach out to successful affiliates and pitch your program, too. 

Manage and track your program

Leave the technical stuff to us – we’ve already built the tools you need to manage your affiliate program easily. You can track performance in real time, monitor sales, and analyze metrics such as click-through rates and conversion rates. 

Marketing affiliate products with Whop

whop affiliate markeitng

Whop offers affiliate marketers opportunities to earn commissions by promoting various digital products listed on the platform. Here’s how you can leverage Whop’s affiliate program:

Search affiliate opportunities

As we said, every product on the Whop marketplace has an affiliate code. Visit the Become an Affiliate page to browse opportunities by product, category, or creator. 

Promote products

Once you join an affiliate program, we’ll provide you with personal affiliate links and marketing materials. You can use these links in your content, such as blog posts, social media updates, and video descriptions.

Track your metrics and earnings

Whop offers detailed tracking features to monitor the success of your efforts. You can access reports on clicks, conversions, and commissions earned, allowing you to gauge the effectiveness of your promotional activities and make adjustments to improve your results.

It’s really that simple. 

Whop streamlines the affiliate process for sellers and affiliates. Whether you're setting up your own program or promoting products from our marketplace, we provide all the tools you need to succeed – all while keeping more cash in your back pocket.


How can I start affiliate marketing on TikTok?

You can start affiliate marketing on TikTok by following a few simple steps. First, identify the niche or type of products you want to promote. Next, look for affiliate programs or networks that offer access to relevant products and apply to join. It helps to have a media kit or portfolio of your social channels, content, and engagement rates to show to the networks, agencies, and companies you apply with. 

When it comes to creating your TikTok content, aim for engaging and authentic videos that integrate these products naturally. Use native features like your link in bio, video descriptions, CTAs, and even paid ads to drive traffic to your affiliate links. Consistent and creative content will help you build an audience and drive conversions. 

What are the best practices for promoting affiliate products on TikTok?

To promote (and sell) affiliate products on TikTok, you need to create the right kind of content that resonates with your audience. Stuffy, generic content won’t convert into clicks or sales. Authenticity is key, so promote products that you genuinely believe in and that fit your content style.

Use engaging visuals, hooks, and clear calls to action to encourage viewers to click your affiliate links. Don’t be shy, leverage TikTok trends and challenges to increase the visibility of your content. Consider offering discount codes or exclusive deals to make your promotions more enticing.

How does TikTok’s affiliate marketing compare to other social media platforms?

Compared to other platforms, TikTok’s affiliate marketing does offer creators unique advantages due to its algorithm-driven content discovery and high engagement rates. Unlike Instagram or Facebook, TikTok’s emphasis on creative, short-lived, and viral content provides rapid exposure for affiliate promotions. The platform's ability to reach a broad audience with organic content and its various ad options allow for innovative marketing strategies. However, each platform has its strengths, and the best choice depends on your target audience and marketing goals.

What tools and features on TikTok can help with affiliate marketing?

Certain TikTok tools and features can make your affiliate marketing efforts much easier. The link in bio feature allows you to include a clickable link to your affiliate products or a bridge page. Paid advertising options, such as the Branded Hashtag Challenge, can increase your reach and target specific audiences. By learning to understand TikTok’s analytics, you can track the performance of your content and optimize your strategies. 

How can Whop help with affiliate marketing on TikTok?

Whop can support your affiliate marketing efforts. We provide sellers with a platform to manage and promote affiliate programs and offer marketers unique referral opportunities. 

As a creator, you can manage a whop hub for your affiliate program, recruit affiliates, and track performance analytics. For affiliate marketers, we offer access to a marketplace of digital products and creators that you can promote for cash.