Every digital platform has a team that governs its operation. Discord servers have moderators, online role-playing games have GMs, Twitter has moderators, and so on. Whop is no different - all whops have at least one staff member, the creator of the whop.

Creators have the option to invite additional team members to their whops with four role options, each having unique permissions.

In this guide, we’re going to examine what a whop team is, how you can add people to your team, and how you can remove them if you want.

What is a whop Team?

Your whop team is basically the staff of your whop. Just like any other digital platform, your whop needs a team that governs it. Of course, this doesn’t mean you can’t do it by yourself - but splitting the work might be beneficial for you, especially if you have members from all over the world.

There are four types of staff members: owner, admin, moderator, and app manager. If you’re the creator of the whop, you’ll be automatically given the owner role.

Each team role has different permissions, and as their name suggests, they follow a simple hierarchy. Let’s look at each role and learn what they can do:

  • Owner: The owner of a whop has access to every single setting and interaction you can make on a whop. This means total control over the platform.
  • Admin: Users with the admin role can access every part of the platform except the company (whop) settings. This means they won’t be able to change the main settings of the platform.
  • Moderator: Moderators in your whop team have view-only access to your customers, links, affiliates, raffles, waitlists, and promo codes. And they don’t have manage-level access to other sections of your whop.
  • App manager: The app manager role allows your staff members to manage the apps on your whop - they won’t be able to access any part of your whop’s dashboard.

You should be cautious and make a recruiting and onboarding plan for your staff members no matter the role - all roles grant the user some kind of control over your whop after all, it’s always good to be cautious.

How to Add People to Your Team

Adding people to your whop team is really simple. But before doing that, you need to have a whop ready to go. If you don’t already have your own whop, check out our step-by-step guide on creating one.

If you do have your whop ready, let’s move on to the steps of adding people to your whop team. As our first step, let’s click on the Dashboard button under the Admin Area of your whop to navigate into your dashboard.

The Dashboard button of a whop

Once you’re in the dashboard, you’ll see its home page - the team settings have its own page so let’s scroll down until you find the Settings dropdown and the Team page button under it. You’ll be directed to the team settings once you click on the Team button.

Steps of navigating into the Team settings of a whop on the dashboard

Let’s break down the Team settings page together.

The first thing that captures the attention is the Invite team member button on the top right - we’ll get into this later on. Then comes the two-factor authentication section. As you might know, you can enable two-factor authentication via the Security section of your account settings. Two-factor authentication is one of the best ways to keep your digital accounts secure, and we suggest you turn it on. In this section, you can choose whether you want it to be a requirement for your team members to turn on two-factor authentication. This will help you keep the management team of your whop secure.

When we take a look at the two-faction authentication part, we see two tabs: Members and Invites. The members tab of this section will list all the members of your whop team with their usernames, email, roles, and authentication methods. If you click the Invites tab, you’ll be able to see the pending invites.

Team settings page of a whop dashboard

Now that we’ve broken down the Team settings page let’s see how you can actually add a new team member. To do that, you should click on the Invite team member button on the top right of your screen. This will display a single-step popup window where you can invite members from.

Invite team member button on a whop

In the invite popup, you should fill out two parts: email, which should be the email that the user registered with, and role, which will determine the user's manage-access level. After you fill out each part, click the Invite button to send the invite.

Invite team member popup

Once you invite a team member and they accept the invite using the email the system automatically sends them, you can see them being listed under team members. If the invite is still pending, you can see it in the Invites tab next to Members. In the team members list, you can change the role of the team member by clicking on their role.

Example of a two-people whop team

Adding a team member was a simple and easy process. Now, what if you want to remove a team member? Maybe you realize they’re not the perfect fit for the job. So, let’s see how you can remove a team member.

How to Remove People from Your Team

Removing a team member is super easy and it takes only a few clicks to do. The first thing you should do to remove a team member is hovering over them in the team member list. When you hover over members, you’ll see a Remove user button appearing next to their Auth column. Clicking on it will display a confirmation message.

The Remove user on the whop team list

If you click the Remove user button in the confirmation message, the user will immediately lose their team member access to your whop and go back to being a regular user. If you happen to remove a user by accident, you can always re-invite them.

Remove team member confirmation message

Start Generating an Income With Your whop

Now you know how you can make your whop stronger by adding team members to it. Great team members can be a great helping hand, but they’re not the only improvement you can make for your whop. If you want to learn more about improving your whop, check out our comprehensive guides for whop managers.

Whop has been helping thousands of creators like you with generating an income - it can help you too. Signing up to whop and starting to monetize your platform takes less than 10 minutes. Sign up today.