When Discord was still in its infancy way back in 2015, many gamers, streamers, and other online individuals were struggling to find an adequate solution to help them communicate with the online communities they found themselves in. There were a handful of programs that could facilitate things like voice chat, but many such programs and servers were prohibitively expensive and cumbersome to maintain. Online communities also tend to evolve and adapt relatively quickly, and they needed a platform that could provide connectivity as well as flexibility. And since Discord’s humble beginnings, it has risen to mainstream popularity as one of the leading VoIP (voice over internet protocol) social messaging platforms in the world.

Users can create their own servers, join other servers, and commiserate together over shared interests – video games, music, movies and television, YouTube and Twitch streamers, clubs and organizations, and much more. If you can imagine it, there’s probably a Discord server dedicated to it, and if not then you have the power to create your own in just a few simple steps!

Many users may wish to augment their experience by utilizing plugins, integrations, and bots to help facilitate online interactions and engagement, but putting together your own Discord server can be intimidating, especially for novices. What are the best Discord Plugins? And what are the best Discord integrations? With so many options and functionalities, it can be difficult to know what the best choice is for your unique purposes. Fret not, however, because in this post, we will go over some of the most popular Discord plugins, integrations, bots, and more, so stick around to find out how you can take your Discord experience to the next level.

What are the best Discord plugins?

Discord plugins are essentially virtual add-ons that augment some of the features within a Discord server, and many are used for their functionality as well as their aesthetic. One of the best places to find new and useful Discord plugins is the Better Discord Plugins server.

In the Better Discord Plugins server, users can browse new themes, plugins, helpful documents, and more. And you can sort plugins by tags, popularity, release date, number of downloads, or how recently the plugin was updated. In no particular order, here are some of the most popular plugins:

  1. Read All Notifications Button – Sometimes the amount of notifications from various servers and channels can be overwhelming, especially if you haven’t logged on in a while. This plugin creates a simple button that allows users to mark all notifications as read quickly and easily.
  2. Permissions Viewer – As its name implies, this plugin allows a user to view other users’ permissions within a server. By clicking the ‘details’ button, a popout will display a context menu modal that shows a breakdown of permissions.
  3. Hide Disabled Emojis – One of the best parts about Discord is the many ways users can customize their experience. This particular plugin is especially useful for non-Nitro users, and it hides any disabled emojis from the emoji picker, reducing visual clutter.
  4. Translator – Another great aspect of Discord is that it enables users from all over the planet to engage with one another in real time. In some cases, especially in international servers, language barriers can sometimes pose a bit of a hiccup. This plugin provides support for incoming and outgoing messages and utilizes GoogleApi as the default translation engine.
  5. Send Large Messages – While there is a 2000-character limit for Discord messages, this plugin allows users to bypass this limit by automatically splitting large messages into multiple messages.

Of course, this is just a small sample of the hundreds if not thousands of Discord plugins that are available for download. At this very moment, more plugins are being developed and developers are working hard to provide updates and patches to existing plugins to increase their effectiveness.

What are the best Discord bots?

Firstly, a quick recap of what Discord bots are capable of – which is quite a lot, as it turns out! Discord bots are driven by artificial intelligence, and they can help Discord users by automating various tasks on Discord servers. Building a lasting community takes a lot of time and effort, and Discord bots are designed to make some of that effort a little easier and much less time-consuming.

Many of the best and most popular servers utilize Discord bots to help ensure things run smoothly. There are dozens of websites with lists touting the “best” and “most popular” Discord bots, but the only person who knows the ins and outs of your Discord server is you! There are undoubtedly numerous great bot options available for download, but you have a unique perspective and can determine which bots would be best for your situation.

We have gone through scores of those lists and accumulated some favorites because of their popularity as well as their functionalities. In no particular order, here are some of the best Discord bots to help you run your server the way you want to:


For music lovers, there are few better options than Chip when it comes to Discord bots. Server members can play songs from Bandcamp, Mixer, SoundCloud, Twitch, Vimeo, and YouTube. Users can also curate song queues, skip a song, choose to display lyrics for some songs, and much more. Chip is free to use although there are also paid subscription plans with varying levels of support.

PollBot Advanced

Sometimes it helps to pose a question or poll to your Discord server members. This bot allows users to create polls with custom answers, simple yes/no polls, and you can adjust how long polls remain open. This is a great bot to help boost community engagement and interactivity, and it’s also free to download and use, and users can create as many polls as they wish.


For Discord servers that lack the resources for human moderators, MEE6 is a popular and capable moderation bot that utilizes automation technology to scan server chats for unwanted content like spam, outside links, harmful language, and more. MEE6 can also mute, kick, and ban users who continually violate rules indiscriminately. Additionally, this bot can integrate seamlessly with Twitch and/or YouTube, making it particularly useful for streamers and viewers.

Dank Memer

A special bot for the meme lords and meme lovers among us, this bot makes it easy for server members to create their own memes to add to the conversation. With an extensive set of commands and a fun and unique currency system, this is an ideal bot for many servers with bustling, vibrant communities. Dank Memer is free to use but the creators offer paid subscription plans via Patreon for those who are interested.


Lots of Discord users like to be able to quantify things and that’s precisely what Statbot does; users can track various detailed stats about their Discord server like how many messages have been sent, how many members there are, how much time users spend in certain channels, and much more. All of the data is stored in a dashboard view, and Statbot also offers a wide range of customizable features. Like other bots in this miniature list, Statbot is free but there are additional features users can unlock with paid subscription plans.

There are scores of Discord bots with which users can customize their servers – some are more form than function, and more are being developed all the time.

What are the best Discord integrations?

Discord integrations can all be conveniently managed from the Integrations tab under Server Settings – tools like webhooks, bots, and other apps can also be managed within the Server Settings tab. Essentially, integrations allow users to personalize their servers and improve server members’ experiences.

For streamers who utilize Twitch and/or YouTube, integration management is especially important. For more information about integration specifics, Discord has a convenient Twitch Integrations FAQ with lots of helpful tips and techniques to ensure that your Discord server integrates seamlessly with your streaming operations. Discord also has a YouTube channel memberships integration FAQ with a similar guide for streamers and viewers alike.

Integration can be useful beyond streaming purposes, too. Zendesk’s Discord integration, for instance, can empower companies to provide customer support from your organization’s Discord server. When a customer has a request, Zendesk automatically generates a customer support ticket and stores all of the customer’s relevant information so support agents can access the information and keep everything organized across channels.

The best Discord integrations for your server are ultimately going to be the integrations that help you streamline your process. No one knows your Discord server better than you and your members, and you might try asking them to see if there are certain features they’d like to have access to in the future.

Ready to step up your Discord game?

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be difficult to keep in touch with friends and loved ones, especially when your friends and loved ones may be all over the world. Discord helps people keep friendships alive, make new friends, and discover whole communities of like-minded people with similar interests. There’s no platform quite like Discord that allows for such customizability and includes numerous options for integrations and connectivity.

For more information about how to get the most out of your Discord servers, and for more Discord news and updates about the latest plugins, bots, and more, visit our blog.

Do you run your own Discord server? Click here to find out how to sell access to your Discord server.