There are many powerful apps on Whop, and their numbers are increasing every day. One of the latest additions to the app roster is the Twitter Tracker app, which allows you to create Twitter feeds based on a Twitter account right inside your whop.

In this guide, we’re going to remember what a Whop app is, what the Twitter Tracker app is, and how you can use it.

What is a Whop App?

Before we examine how you can use the Twitter Tracker app on Whop, let’s first understand what “app” means in terms of Whop. First, let’s imagine a whop as a modular hub - you can add, remove, and switch its modules, which is going to change the features that it has. For example, when you first create a whop, it’s not going to have a chat room built-in. However, if you add the Chat app to it, boom - you now have a chat room. Same with other apps - adding the Forums app creates a forum within your Whop, Video Calls app allows you to host video calls, and so on.

Whop offers many apps, each catering to a specific need. This allows you to build your Whop with the features that you need, unlike other platforms where you may not be able to find the feature you need, or have a handful of features that you’re not even going to use. This allows you to create a lightweight, easy-to-use platform for your business.

What is the Twitter Tracker App on Whop?

The Twitter Tracker app is an app that allows you to create Twitter feeds directly in your Whop.

Imagine you’re running an NBA fan community. Many of your members who use X (Twitter) most likely follow the official NBA account, Adrian Wojnarowski, Shams Charania, and other Twitter accounts.

This is a great common ground for most of your members - most of them follow the same accounts. Since you can create Twitter feeds using the Twitter Tracker app, adding a bunch of Twitter Tracker apps and setting them to create feeds of a few key Twitter accounts is a great way to both generate automatic content for your whop, and increase the amount of content you are sharing with your community.

Of course, the app isn’t just for tracking the feeds of other accounts - if you do have a Twitter account yourself, you can connect it so that your followers don’t miss your tweets.

How to Add the Twitter Tracker App to Your whop

Now, the Twitter Tracker app sounds great, but how do you use it? Well, using the app is easy, but first, we need to make sure you have a whop to begin with. If you don’t already have one, check out our guide on creating your own whop in under 5 minutes, then click the button below to get started.

If you already have a whop, let’s see how you can add the app to it. First, let’s click on the Add apps button under the Admin Area of your whop. This is going to take you to the app list, where you can see all the apps that you can add to your whop. There, find the Twitter Tracker app and click on its Add app button. You can also use the search bar at the top left of the list to make a quick search for the app.

Steps of adding the Twitter Tracker app to a whop

Using the Twitter Tracker App

Once you add the Twitter Tracker app to your whop, you’re going to be directed to its Set up section. Almost all apps on whop have three sections: Set up, Preview as user, and Access and each allows you to access a different view of your app. Since you’re the owner of the whop, you have access to all three. The “App manager” staff role and the ones above it have the access to these tabs as well, but regular users don’t.

Let’s start with the Set up section to see how you can connect the app to a Twitter account.

The three section of the Twitter Tracker app on Whop: Set up, Preview as user, and Access

1. Set up

One of the first questions that pop into mind is how am I going to “connect” a Twitter account that I don’t own to the Twitter Tracker app? Well, that’s the beauty of the Twitter Tracker - you don’t have to own the account - you just need to know its user handle.

Once you’re viewing the Set up section, you’re going to see a single input field and the Add Twitter Account button. After you input the Twitter handle that you want to track, click the Add Twitter Account button.

The Set up section of the Twitter Tracker app on Whop

Once you do this, you’re going to see the new “You are currently tracking” section appearing on your screen with the account below it. If you want to remove that account, you can click on the Remove button or enter a new Twitter handle and click the Change Twitter Account button to switch.

The Set up section of the Twitter Tracker app on Whop

2. Preview as user

Now that you’re tracking a Twitter account let’s take a look at the Preview as user section. As its name suggests, the Preview as user allows you to see the app from the perspective of a regular user.

In the Tweets feed, you’ll be able to see all tweets from the account you’ve connected to. One feature of this app is that if you click on the Follow button next to the handle, the like, or the reply button, you’re going to be directed to those action’s URLs, meaning that if you click on the Follow button, the Twitter page you’re going to be directed to is going to display a confirmation message asking if the user if they want to follow the account or not. This is a great way to drive up engagement.

The Preview as user section of the Twitter Tracker app on Whop

3. Access

The Access section is where you determine how people access the app. As you can see in this section, the Twitter Tracker app has two access options: Free and Paid/Private - unlike the Discord app, for example, which has Paid/Private only.

If you select the Free option in the Access section, everyone on the internet who has the link to the app itself or your whop will be able to access the Twitter Tracker app. You can copy the link to the app itself by clicking on the Copy URL button (chain icon) on the top right of the Free option.

The Access section of the Twitter Tracker app on Whop

If you select the Paid/Private option, you’re going to see a list of all the products you have in your whop below it. There, you can use the toggle buttons next to the products to link the app with the product. Meaning that only the users who own that product will be able to access the app. Since the products you create can be free, paid, waitlisted, or private, you’re going to have greater control over who accesses the app and how.

If you don't have any products, you can use the Create Product button in the Paid/Private option. Clicking the button will display a popup that has a few very simple steps that you can follow to create a new product. If you want to learn more about creating products, check out our How to Create a Whop Product guide to learn all the details.

The Access section of the Twitter Tracker app on Whop

Monetize Your whop and Start Earning Today

Whop has been helping thousands of creators monetize their platforms and generate income - it can help you, too. Using the powerful tools that Whop offers, like advanced analytics, hubs with customizable features (apps), 7/24 support, and more, you can create your dream platform with ease.

Signing up to Whop, creating your own whop, and starting to sell access takes less than 10 minutes - sign up today.