We are all using websites in the digital age - they’re integrated into our lives. But having to switch between a thousand tabs is exhausting not only for your computer but for you as well. On top of this, if you’re a platform owner, you might know that directing your users to external websites is a way to let them lose interest in your product.

This is why Whop offers the Website Embed app to its creators - an app that allows you to integrate webpages directly into your whop. In this guide, we’re going to remember what a Whop app is, how you can add the Website Embed to your whop, and how you can use it.

What is a Whop app?

Before we start examining the Website Embed app, let’s first refresh our memory about Whop apps. Perhaps the easiest way to understand what an app is is to think about it as a feature of a platform. Let’s take Udemy or Coursera, for example - their primary features are online courses. What about WhatsApp or Telegram? It’s online chat rooms.

Now, how cool would it be if you could swap, add, or remove features from your favorite platforms - imagine if Netflix had a feature that allowed people to chat with others who are watching the same show at the same time. Unfortunately, almost no digital platform allows you to do this - well, except Whop.

When you create a whop for the first time, it will be a blank canvas, you can’t do anything with it. All your members would see is a blank screen. But when you add the Chat app to your whop, it will now have a place where people can chat with each other. So, you add Courses, Forums, Suggestions, Links, and more to transform the blank canvas into the perfect internet hub.

By utilizing the powerful apps that you can add to your whop, you can create all kinds of digital platforms - the best part is that all apps on whop are free to add, and you can add multiple instances of the same app.

What is the Website Embed App on Whop?

There are a lot of great and powerful apps on Whop, and one of them is the Website Embed app, the focus of this guide. As its name suggests, the Website Embed app allows you to embed a web page into your whop. This allows you to direct your members to web pages without them needing to leave their current tab. While this does not seem like a big deal, it actually applies really well to the 3-click rule.

Whether you want to embed your own webpage or an external one, you can do so with just a few clicks using the Website Embed app. So, let’s see how you can add the app to your whop and use it.

How to Add the Website Embed App to Your whop

Before we examine how you can add the Website Embed app to your whop, let’s make sure you actually have a whop to begin with. If you don’t already have a whop created, you should check out our How to Create Your Own whop guide to see a walkthrough of creating your first whop.

If you got your whop ready to go, let’s see how you can add the Website Embed app to it. Our first step is clicking on the Add apps button under the Admin Area of your whop. Once you click on the Add apps button, you’ll be directed to the available apps list, where you can find all Whop apps.

The Add app button on a whop

Once you’re on the app list, search for the Website Embed app and click on its Add app button. You can also use the search bar at the top left of the app list to search for it. Once you click the Add app button, you’ll be directed to the apps’ Set up section.

The apps list on Whop with highlight to the Website Embed app's Add app button

Now that you’ve added the app to your whop, let’s examine how you can use its sections Set up, Preview as user, and Access to use the app.

Using the Website Embed App

Almost all apps on Whop have three sections: Set up, Preview as user, and Access. Each section allows you to access different parts of the app. Of course, as their name suggests, these sections are only available for staff members of your whop. If you want to learn more about how you can add staff members to your whop, check out our How to Make Someone a whop Moderator guide.

Sections of Whop apps: Set up, Preview as user, and Access

1. Set up

The Set up section of Whop apps is where you adjust how the app works. This is the case in the Website Embed app, too. One difference between the Website Embed app from other apps is that the former has a super simple set up section.

As you’ve been directed to the app’s Set up section when you first added it to your whop, you should be viewing it right now. As you can see, the Set up section of the Website Embed app only has a single setting: Website URL.

After you input the URL of the website you want the app to display, click on the Save button to publish the changes. As soon as you change this URL and save it, it will be live for all members of your whop. Let’s enter the URL of Wikipedia’s main page as an example and click Save.

The Set up section of the Website Embed app on Whop

2. Preview as user

As its name suggests, the Preview as user section allows you to see the app from the perspective of a regular user. Since regular users won’t see the Set up, Preview as user, and Access sections, this will be the only page they will see.

Because you’ve entered Wikipedia’s main page URL in the Set up section, you’re going to see that webpage when you take a look at the Preview as user section.

The Preview as user section of the Website Embed app on Whop

3. Access

Almost all apps on Whop have two access types: Free and Paid/Private. You can see in the descriptions of both options in the Access section, the Free apps are accessible by everyone on the internet as long as they have a link to your whop. If you want an app to be free and accessible to the public, you should select the Free option. This is usually the case in public communities or onboarding apps (like Content) of paid/private platforms.

The Access section of the Website Embed app on Whop

On the other hand, choosing the Paid/Private option will require you to link the app to a product on your whop. Since products can be free, waitlisted, private, or paid, the Paid/Private option gives you more control over who accesses the app. When you select the Paid/Private option on the Access section, you’ll see all products of your whop being listed with toggle buttons next to them. Clicking on the toggle buttons will link the app to the product.

If you want to learn more about what Whop products are, how you can create them, and all of their settings, check out our How to Create a Whop Product guide.

The Access section of the Website Embed app on Whop

Create Your Dream Platform and Monetize It

There are a lot of digital platforms out there, but none offers the customizability that you can get by creating your own whop. Whop has been helping thousands of creators with creating the perfect digital platform and monetizing them - it can help you too.

Signing up to Whop, creating your platform, and starting to sell access to it takes less than 10 minutes - don’t wait any longer, sign up today.