Giveaways are an amazing way to keep a community engaged but they pose a disadvantage to the creator - if you’re not currently earning enough from your platform to host giveaways, you have to pay for it out of your pocket.

Well, not anymore. The Whop Wheel app allows you to keep your community engaged with daily prize wheel spins, and the prizes are provided by Whop itself!

In this guide, we’re going to remember what a whop app is, take a deep look at the Whop Wheel app, and walk you through setting it up.

What is a Whop App?

To understand what a whop app is, let’s first remember what a whop is. Think of it as your own little corner of the internet. A whop is a blank canvas with huge potential, but it needs you to add stuff to it. And by stuff, we mean apps.

Apps are the very things that people interact with on your whop. Imagine you want to create a community where gamers get together and play. You would need a place for them to talk with each other - so you add the Chat app to your whop and create a chat room. After some time, you see that while people try to talk about games, others interrupt them with messages like “Looking for 5 people to hop on Deadlock,” so you add the Forums app to your whop to allow people to create their own individual threads.

There are many apps on whop, and each one serves a different purpose. Since you can add multiple instances of the same app, the combinations are endless, and it’s very easy to create your dream platform.

What is the Whop Wheel App on Whop?

The Whop Wheel app on Whop can help you create an active and engaging community. As its name suggests, the Whop Wheel app is basically a roulette with prizes on it - but how does that influence your community in a positive way?

Well, you may know that whops can be monetized. While some whops are totally free to join, some are completely paywalled, and some whops paywall a couple of their apps while keeping others free. If a member has bought a product that’s worth at least $5, they are going to get the chance to spin the wheel. Even better, if a member buys a subscription for a whop that’s worth at least $5, they can spin the wheel once every day until their subscription ends – how cool is that!?

I hear you saying, “Well, what if a member of my whop actually wins something?” The answer to that question is the best thing you’re going to hear in this article. When a user wins a prize on the Whop Wheel, they’re actually going to get that prize from Whop!

So what does this mean for you, a whop creator? Everyone loves free prizes, and it’s a bonus that the prizes are as cool as the ones on the Whop Wheel. Having the Whop Wheel app on your whop will incentivize your members to visit your whop at least once every day to try and win a prize. This is an amazing boost for your whop’s engagement, and there are no tradeoffs. You’re the one winning in this case.

Of course, the prizes you see in the Whop Wheel aren’t limited to what Whop offers – you can add custom prizes like free membership or anything you want, with three levels of probability and custom stock.

Whop Wheel app

How to Add the Whop Wheel App to Your whop

Adding the Whop Wheel app to your whop is as easy as adding any other app, but first, you need your own whop. If you don’t already have one, check out our How to Create Your Own whop guide to see how you can create a fully-fledged whop in under 5 minutes.

Now, once you get your whop ready, let’s click on the Add apps button under the Admin Area to view the list of all available apps. Then, find the Whop Wheel app and click on its Add app button. If you don’t want to bother with finding the app in the list, you can use the search bar at the top left of your screen.

Add app

Using the Whop Wheel App

Unlike some other Whop apps, the Whop Wheel app is ready to use straight out of the box - meaning that you and your members can start using the app as soon as you add it to your whop. But still, we want to walk you through all of its sections.

After you add the Whop Wheel app to your whop, you’ll be directed to its Set up section. Almost all apps on Whop come with three different sections: Set up, Preview as user, and Access. As you might imagine, all three serve a different purpose. Let’s examine each section of the Whop Wheel app.

Set up

The Set up section of the Whop Wheel app allows you to do two things: create custom prizes and view the winners in your whop. You can switch between the two views using the Prizes and Winners buttons at the top of the prizes list to the right. Let’s click on the Add Prize button to create a custom prize for your wheel.

Add prize

When you click the Add Prize button, you’ll see a popup window with two sections: Free Days and Custom Prize. In the Free Days section, you have three settings:

  1. Which product do you want to give away? This dropdown menu will list all the products in your whop. After selecting one, move on to the next step.
  2. How many free days should the winner get? This input field allows you to determine how many free days of membership the winner will get. You can make it as low as one day or as high as 9999 – it’s all up to you. 
  3. What probability should this prize have? This section has three options: Low, Medium, and High. They respectively provide the chance of winning in 500, 200, and 100 spins.

Once you’re done with all the settings, click the Add button to finish the process.

Add custom prize

If you want to add a custom prize instead of free days, you should select the Custom Prize option at the top of the popup. Doing this will display four different settings that you should fill out:

  1. What do you want to give away? This input field is basically the name of the prize that will be displayed on the wheel. You should keep it short and to the point.
  2. How many do you have in stock? This setting determines how many people can win this prize until it’s removed from the wheel.
  3. What probability should this prize have? Just like the Free Days custom prize setting, this one will determine the chance of winning the prize.
  4. Instructions to show the winner Since this is a custom prize, you’re responsible for providing it to your winners. This input field will be displayed to the winner. You should write down what the winner should do to claim their prize.
Add customer prize

The Preview as user section of the app, as you might expect, allows you to see the app from the perspective of a regular user – someone who’s not a part of your whop staff. There, you can see the global winners of the Whop Wheel app and the prizes they’ve won. As a Whop user yourself, you can use the Preview as user section to spin the wheel if you meet the requirements.

Preview as user

Setting Up Access to the app

Except for a few apps, almost every single app you can use on Whop has two access types. The first type is Free, which allows everyone on the internet to access and use the app as long as they have the link to your whop or the app. This is ideal for people who want to create public communities. If you select the Free option, you’ll notice the red lock icon next to the app’s name, and the Access section will disappear.


The other default option is Paid/Private. This option allows you to link the app with a product. Since products can be free, paid, unlisted, whitelisted, or even hidden behind custom passwords, you’re going to have much greater control over who accesses the app and how. When you select the Paid/Private option, you’ll see that all the products on your whop are listed under the option with toggle buttons next to them. Clicking on the toggle buttons will link the app with the product - meaning that only the users who have obtained the product will be able to use the app.

If you don’t have any products, you can use the Create Product button to create one. For a step-by-step guide, check out our How to Create a Whop Product article.


Create Your Own whop Today and Start Making Money Online

Thousands of people have been using Whop to create their own dream platforms and monetize them. Even if you’re new to Whop, our 7/24 support and guide articles are here to help you start.

Getting started with Whop and creating your own platform takes less than 10 minutes. Sign up today and get started with your very own Whop Wheel!