With nearly a billion active monthly users, Telegram is one of the top messenger apps in the world today. Its popularity has skyrocketed thanks to its sleek interface, robust security and privacy features, and powerful tools that help communities thrive and grow.  

But that’s not all – Telegram is a game-changer for entrepreneurs, linking them directly with customers and boosting their brand visibility. With incredible monetization opportunities, creators can generate substantial income right from the platform. But the big question is: how do you advertise a Telegram channel in 2024? 

In this guide, we will walk you through the most effective ways to advertise your Telegram account, including both free and paid strategies so you can start earning.

What is Telegram? 

What is Telegram?

Before we dive into how to advertise a Telegram channel, let's recap what Telegram is and what a Telegram channel is. Founded in 2013 by brothers Nikolai and Pavel Durov, Telegram is a highly secure, cloud-based messaging platform.  

You can access Telegram on iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, and Linux. There’s also a web app available. You’ll need a mobile phone number to register. 

Telegram can be used to send messages and files, as well as link and share media. You can also have one-to-one and group voice/video calls on the platform, and hold livestreams. 

Stand-out benefits of the software include: 

  • Encryption for messages, along with video and voice calls 
  • Advanced security features 
  • Cross-platform, so you can access messages across multiple devices 
  • Privacy options, including secret chats and self-destructing messages 
  • Social features, including: 
  • Channels for sharing posts to unlimited followers 
  • Public and private social groups with up to 200,000 members 
  • Public live-streaming  
  • Ability to post stories 
Want to know the 411 on Telegram? Learn key statistics about the platform to boost your knowledge.

What is a Telegram Channel? 

Telegram news channel

Telegram channels allow you to send messages to unlimited subscribers on the platform. In these channels only the admins can post, however followers can respond to messages.  

As your audience receives a phone notification with each post, Telegram channels are a useful tool to boost your reach and visibility.  

These channels can either be public or private. When you create a channel, it is set to private, but you can change this to public. To join private channels, a user will require an invite link or need to be added by the channel owner.  

Meanwhile, public channels can be shared, even with those who don’t have the app. They can also appear in search results. When clicked on, users can choose to preview the channel or install the app. 

For example, the platform’s own Telegram News channel can be viewed from browsers, with an option to download the app. The channel highlights new features, updates, and more, with embedded media and links to blog posts. 

How to Advertise a Telegram Channel For Free 

First, let’s take a look at some advertising strategies that won’t cost you anything. Many of these options could boost your income if you want to monetize your Telegram channel. 

1. Get your channel on an online marketplace 

Platforms like Whop’s marketplace make it easy to get your Telegram in front of millions of potential customers, and even sell access to exclusive Telegram channels. This is a real win/win. For example, listing your Telegram on Whop puts your channel in front of 4 mil+ unique monthly users. On top of that, you can make money as you gain new followers.  

With Whop, you’ll only pay when you make a sale as Whop takes a cut of your sales. Otherwise, it’s free to list, with no platform membership fees. Don’t worry if it’s not a paid offering either, you can still list your channel on Whop (and maybe make some sales through ebooks, courses and more). 

Looking to expand the reach of your channel? Through our affiliate marketing scheme, your community members can earn a commission for bringing new people to your channel.  

For example, Nasdaq Scalpers provides Nasdaq Forex signals and training through their Telegram channel. They sell paid access to this exclusive channel via the Whop marketplace. 

Nasdaq Scalpers

So, how does it work? Setting up is simple and takes just a few minutes.  

Create a Whop account 
First, sign up to Whop. From your whop dashboard, link up with your preferred payment gateway to receive payments. 

Add a product 
Add a product to your whop. Ensure the title is clear and includes SEO keywords. For example, in this case, aim to include “Telegram Channel” in the title. 

Select “Telegram” 
On the “What’s included” tab, select the “Telegram” icon.  

Click “Add channel” 
Next, select the “Add channel” button. This will take you through to the next steps to connect your Telegram channel. 

Add “Whop bot” to your channel 
You’ll now need to add “Whop bot” to your Telegram channel. There are short tutorial videos on the page to guide you through this easy process. 

Enter a code 
Once the above step is completed, click the “Generate code” button. Next, copy and paste this code into your Telegram channel chat. Whop bot will then connect the channel and set up your dashboard automatically. 

Now anyone who buys your product (whether paid or free) can access your private Telegram channel via their Whop dashboard.

2. Set up a public Telegram group 

Public Telegram groups are a great way to share your channel. For one thing, they’re on the same platform, making it easy to signpost. Beyond this, they’re also highly visible. Viewers don’t have to join the public group to see it – though they’ll usually need Telegram downloaded to view it.  

For example, Bitcoin trading community, Whalepool, has a public Telegram group with over 6000+ members. 

Bitcoin trading community, Whalepool

Plus, if viewers are interested in your group, it’s also highly likely they’ll also be invested in your channel. Ensure your public group contains engaging, high-value content. Don’t just use it to promote your channel. Give members a reason to stay – and to access your channel. 

Alternatively, you might like to do the opposite. Promote an exclusive Telegram group via a public channel. 

3. Share your Telegram channel on social media 

Never underestimate the power of social media. If you have an active following on X, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, or other platforms, be sure to share your Telegram channel.  

Join Facebook groups and Reddit threads, and provide meaningful answers to user questions. Build a reputation in the community – don’t just spam promotions. You can then, where relevant, link back to your channel.  

Double-check the group/subreddit rules first, as some won’t allow promotions or links at all. For example, r/trading has a specific rule against soliciting services, including linking to content that forwards to a paid service. 

r/trading rules
Want to promote your Facebook group too? Discover how to spread the word in our complete guide.

4. SEO optimization 

Make sure your Telegram channel is optimized for search engines. For example, make sure to: 

  • Choose a unique Telegram channel name that includes relevant keywords 
  • Include keywords in your channel description (without overusing them!) 
  • Add keywords to your whop marketplace description  
  • Create keyword-optimized blogs on your website and link to your Telegram channel  

You can also make it easier for followers to find your other content by linking to your website, social media, or whop marketplace in your Telegram channel description. Personalize your Telegram channel with a profile picture or logo to keep branding consistent across platforms. 

To find relevant keywords, you can use websites like Google Trends. Keyword research websites like Ubersuggest are also very helpful. Not sure where to start? Ubersuggest’s founder Neil Patel has a helpful video on how to learn SEO:

5. Set your channel to “Public” 

We've already mentioned creating a public channel, but what if you have an existing private channel? Luckily, you don't have to start all over again. If your private channel is struggling to get seen, you have the option to switch it to “Public”. You don’t have to keep it on this setting in the long-term. It can be used as a temporary fix to make the channel easier to find. Public channels appear in search engine results and can be shared more easily. 

The only issue with this option is that if the channel is public, you obviously won’t be able to monetize access to it.  

How to Advertise a Telegram Channel with Paid Strategies 

Whilst free strategies to advertise a Telegram channel are great, sometimes paid methods are what you need. Below are promotional strategies that require some financial investment – but they can also pay it forward with new channel members. 

1. Telegram Ads 

Altogether, Telegram's public channels reach around 1 trillion views per month. So, Telegram ads on popular channels can be a huge promotional tool. That’s especially true when your ad is also promoting a Telegram channel.  

Telegram ads

These ads are very precise – you can select the exact channels you’d like them to appear on to ensure relevancy, such as sports betting. Plus, if you’re a crypto aficionado, you can even pay with TON. 

With just 160 characters, you’ll need to keep your message short and sweet. Get right to the point about the benefits of your Telegram channel. 

2. Giveaways 

Sometimes people need an incentive to join your channel. Giveaways offer just that. Telegram provides unique tools to help you to host giveaways. With Telegram’s Giveaway tool, randomly selected winners will receive a free gift code. These codes all include a free Telegram subscription, but you can also add your own prizes. 

Telegram giveaways

You can set your own requirements for these giveaways, including: 

  • Requiring participants to subscribe to certain channels 
  • Deciding whether all subscribers or only new subscribers are eligible 
  • Duration of the giveaway 
  • How many winners there should be 

You’ll need to pay in advance for any premium Telegram subscriptions you intend to provide as prizes in the giveaway. 

There are other contests you can offer, including referral contests. With these, you’ll offer a prize to members who refer the most people to the channel – for example, via Whop’s affiliate program – within a set period. 

3. Creator promotion 

Remember – you’re not alone on Telegram! Whatever your niche, there are bound to be other Telegram creators. In many cases, they’ll be looking for others to collaborate with.  

As with all social platforms, it’s possible to find “influencers” with a reasonable following in your niche. Reach out to them and ask if you can pay them to promote your channel. Be selective with who you choose. That way, you avoid being scammed or promoted to an irrelevant community. 

You’re not just limited to Telegram either. There are plenty of YouTubers, TikTokers, podcasters, bloggers, and more who could be a good fit for your Telegram channel.

Not sure where to start? Discover how to find influencers for your brand in 2024.

Not all creator promotion has to cost money, though. As you grow your following, you may naturally find collaborators to work with. They may even reach out to you!  

Together you’ll work on content that appeals to both your audiences, including Q&A sessions and YouTube videos. This way, you mutually promote one another’s content. 

Grow, Advertise, and Monetize Your Telegram Channel with Whop

Monetizing Telegram is simple, but there are challenges to advertising. Whilst it’s easy to promote your channel to other users on Telegram, it’s harder to reach people outside of the platform. You’ll typically need to have an established social media following.  

That’s where Whop can make the difference. If your Telegram channel is listed on an online marketplace (like Whop's marketplace), it’s immediately in front of millions of interested eyes.  

whop marketplace

Plus, you can monetize access to your channel and even sell other digital products, including ebooks, audio files, and online courses. 

Unlike other online platforms, we don’t charge a monthly subscription fee. You’ll only pay when you make a sale. So, transform your Telegram Channel into a bestseller with Whop. Sign up for a free account and start selling today.