Getting into the world of digital products is a smart move thanks to the many benefits that they present compared to more traditional business models - most notably the low cost of starting and scaling.

However, many people get stuck in the process of creating products, never coming to completion or taking much longer than they had initially planned.

Private label rights (PLR) digital products solve this issue by giving you a ready-made product that you can resell as your own, so you can enter the market quickly and monetize straight away if you already have an existing audience. Today, we’ll look at the best options if you want to get PLR digital products at no cost. You’ll also learn some general guidelines for picking a quality PLR product so you can have the best shot at creating a profitable and thriving business.

The 9 Best Free PLR Digital Products

PLR digital products come in a plethora of formats. The following are the most in-demand, and best of all, you can find them totally for free if you know how and where to look.

1. Coloring pages

A screenshot showing free coloring pages

Potential sale price: $7-$10

A trend that picked up immensely during the pandemic and has remained strong is digital coloring books. These can be marketed to a broad audience, from parents looking for activities for their children to adults who are craving mindfulness and a form of art therapy.

Rather than go through the time-intensive process and thoughtfulness of creating these from scratch, you can get these pre-made as free digital PLR products that you can sell to your target audience.

Choose a theme that resonates best with your audience, which can be anything from seasonal and trendy to kid-friendly to spiritual mandala designs framed as meditations.

2. Journals

A screenshot of free journal templates

Potential sale price: $7-$15

Everyone who is goal-driven and focused on self-improvement is bound to have a journal of some sort, so getting them ready-made as PLRs is a great way to enter this market quickly.

Journals work best if you frame the offering to resonate with your audience and add your unique voice and branding to them to increase value. Good target audiences include busy professionals and entrepreneurs, those with specific fitness goals, and people seeking a structured way to organize and reflect on their thoughts.

3. Trackers

A screenshot showing a habit tracker calender

Potential sale price: $5-$15

Similar to journals, trackers are used by those setting goals and monitoring progress in various areas of life, such as health, finance, behavior, and productivity. Framing these templates as trackers will allow you to attract an audience who are specifically seeking to understand their habits in a measurable manner.

Getting them for free as PLR digital products will allow you to shortcut the process of creation–with the right tracker, you can potentially sell it as-is while only adding relevant branding.

4. Templates

Screenshot of a course template

Potential sale price: $7-$20

Anything that makes the process more clear with plug-and-play resources is appealing to busy and driven individuals, and with templates, you’ll be able to satisfy the need for convenience and speed.

Framing these templates as must-have resources that provide clarity and a proven process will drive sales. Selling them in easy-to-modify formats such as a Canva file will allow you to offer the option for further customization so your audience can make changes as needed.

5. Digital products

Screenshot of lead magnets creation site

Potential sale price: $10-$100+

One of the most lucrative PLR products that you can get for free is lead magnets. These have the potential to make a huge difference in the profitability and effectiveness of customer acquisition for businesses that are sometimes selling high-ticket products or services.

In addition to buying pre-made lead magnets targeted towards a specific persona, such as a life coach or real estate agent, you can also sell customizable templates and other types of products like checklists or planners as a lead magnet.

Highlighting effectiveness in increasing conversion rate and bundling these magnets with supplementary resources such as email marketing follow-up templates can allow you to justify higher price-points.

6. Graphics

Screenshot of free PLR graphics

Potential sale price: $2-$7

Sometimes business owners and those building out personal brands can’t make or find the image that reflects their brand, and before going the potentially costly route of hiring custom help, many browse the market for graphics a-la-carte. 

This market has been proven by Canva and also on Etsy where many sellers are actually selling graphics that they got from a PLR marketplace.

Stock your store with as many different graphics as possible, offer watermarked previews, and deliver them in quality, high-resolution formats so you can justify good prices while finding your target audience.

7. Ebooks

Screenshot of free PLR ebooks

Potential sale price: $3-$50

As any author knows, writing a full book, even if it’s a shorter ebook, can be incredibly time-intensive with the potential for delay. Every day, week, or month spent crafting and finalizing an ebook is time that could have been used to get sales. Having pre-made PLR ebooks lets you avoid the opportunity cost of lost time. Even though you will likely need to make slight modifications to increase the ebook’s alignment with your business or brand, you’ll get to completion much quicker than those who are making them from scratch.

When it comes to selling your ebook, you have many different options in terms of where.

8. Stickers

Screenshot of PLR Christmas planner stickers

Potential sale price: $2-$5

People such as scrapbookers, journallers, and planners are in the market for printable graphics that they can use as stickers for decoration, encouragement, or both.

As with other printable graphics, the best marketplace for these products is Etsy, as there is a strong demand for those who want physical custom arts and crafts such as stickers.

Creating unique content that showcases how your stickers can be used and sharing it on social media and in advertisements can help you to attract the right customers that you’ll then direct to your online storefront. 

9. Planners

Screenshot of a free weekly planner kit

Potential sale price: $5-$25

Achieving a goal systematically is best done with a plan, and having the physical framework of a planner in digital or physical format is something that more individuals are seeking to help keep themselves on track.

Planners work best if you position yourself or your store as an expert in time management and proven processes while finding your audience at the time that they are looking for a solution. Pay attention to seasonal trends for planners as well, as there is a huge spike in demand for them surrounding New Year's.

How Much Can I Sell Free PLR Digital Products For?

The bad news is that you can't price them as high as other digital products like online courses or memberships. The good news - since you’re not paying for them, you’re working with profit margins that have a baseline of 100%, allowing you to maximize earnings even with lower price points.

The general range that you can sell free PLR digital products starts at a few dollars but can go all the way up to $50 or even $100+, depending on how you frame the product and how willing your audience is to pay you.

Conveniently bundled products can be sold to a targeted audience who are solving a clear problem. For example, real estate agents or life coaches wanting lead magnets and email marketing templates can easily pay around $100 for a PLR product that you rebranded and acquired at no cost.

The key to pricing your PLR products is considering the amount of value you’re adding to a product that should already be of good quality, combined with how strong the product-market fit is with your target audience.

How Do I Find Free PLR Digital Products?

While access to PLR products is often paid per product or by membership, there are a few ways that you can access them for free.

Free sections of marketplaces

While browsing a PLR marketplace, you will often be met with a large variety of categories and items, many of which have different price points attached to them.

However, many of these marketplaces have a dedicated section for free products. It might take some digging through different pages to find it, but you should know that it’s not unheard of to see free products amongst paid ones in the PLR world.


Some personal brands and influencers run giveaway promotions that include free PLR products. Their goal is often to grow their audience by providing value while enticing visitors to sign up for their email list to receive the free product. This is often with the goal of selling a service or product down the line.

Reputable influencers with large audiences are more likely to conduct such giveaways, so keep an eye out for any of these calls to action that include freebies like PLR products.

Trial memberships

Another way to access PLR products for free is during the trial period of a paid, premium membership. 

Larger and more reputable marketplaces will sometimes offer a trial period that you can use to get limited access to PLR products at no cost, so use this period wisely to strategically pick products that you can potentially sell without having paid for them.

What to Look for in PLR Digital Products

If you’re on the search for PLR digital products, either free or paid, here are the most important factors to consider before pulling the trigger on them–even if they’re free, if they don’t meet these qualifications, they could be a waste of time.

Licensing and terms of use

The first and most important consideration you should have while looking for any PLR content, free or paid, is the terms and conditions surrounding the licensing and use of the products. 

Some licenses can have restrictions on how the content can be modified or where you’re allowed to share it, and in some cases, you may have to even link back to the original creator.

Make sure you understand and abide by these terms to avoid any potential legal hold-ups.

Relevant topics

Your PLR content needs to be relevant to what people want in general but more importantly to your specific existing or intended audience. Before seeking the type of products you want, you should have already figured out which ones have the potential to be most appealing to your target audience.

Additionally, you need to make sure that the content itself isn’t outdated or inaccurate, which is more often the case in fast-moving niches and trends.

Quality content

The moment you get your PLR products, take time to review the quality of the content in addition to its accuracy. Make sure it’s easy to read, clear, and logically written by an author who sounds like a topical expert.

You’ll most likely need to put some degree of effort into adding more value to the content by rewriting, organizing, or both in addition to customizing it to fit your brand’s image and voice. 

Usable format

Check that the files of the PLR products come in formats that you can work with. You should be able to see the file type or ask the seller before getting the products so you know that you’re able to edit them.

If you are getting PLR graphics, make sure that the files are high-resolution while also being workable, so you can make the most use of them.

Sell All Types of Digital Products With Whop

Ready to join the group of savvy entrepreneurs who are capitalizing on the golden opportunity of selling digital products? Whether you’re offering repurposed PLR, paid memberships, SaaS, or a combination, Whop is an existing home to all of those products and more. 

Whop has a thriving marketplace that is categorized in almost every niche imaginable, and with the ability to quickly launch a professional store there in multiple formats, you’ll be equipped with all the tools you need to launch, market, sell, and grow your digital product empire no matter what level you’re currently at.

So, if you want access to the full potential of digital products, make sure you’re positioned to take the most advantage of it with Whop.

You can launch your future digital products empire with Whop right here today–the process takes mere minutes, and 24/7 support is available along the way to answer any questions you might have.