If you’re thinking of creating your own Facebook group to attract attention to your online business, you need to know which groups are the most popular. By researching the most popular groups, you can get an insight into what sort of content tends to pop off on Facebook.
Research is time-consuming, but fear not, as we’ve done the work for you. We’re going to be looking at the 15 most popular Facebook groups and dive into what they do and why they work so well.
We’re also going to have a look into how they make money and some alternate options for earning online, such as Whop.
15 of the Most Popular Facebook Groups
1. Marriage & Relationship Counseling (MRC)

- 7.6 million members
- Opened in 2018
As the name suggests, this group offers support and advice to married couples or people in a relationship. The admins act as coaches for couples having difficulties. Although there is no evidence that this counseling and coaching is professional, the group can still be a useful resource for anyone looking for unbiased advice when dealing with a difficult relationship.
The only posts accepted by the MRC group are posts that “help in fulfilling the vision of [the] group.” The admins have some pretty strong opinions on what qualifies as a good marriage or relationship. While these opinions aren’t going to be to everyone’s tastes due to the strong religious elements, the group still manages to be the most popular on Facebook.
2. English Learning Group

- 7.3 million members
- Created by Anna Azmina
- Opened in 2015
This community was created for users looking to improve their English language skills. The admins, moderators, and members of this private group do this by sharing resources and having chats to see how well their English skills are developing.
The group's goal is to bring together budding English learners, no matter their skill level. Whether they are beginners to the language or advanced learners, they aim to create a safe and helpful learning space for anyone looking to improve their English abilities.
As mentioned, this is a private group, so only members, admins, or moderators can see the content that is posted. This makes the huge numbers all the more impressive, as potential joiners can sometimes be put off if they can’t immediately see the kind of content that a group is posting.
3. Our Evergreen Bangladesh

- 6.1 million members
- Created by Md Syful Islam
- Opened in 2017
The description of this Bangladesh-based group is written almost entirely in Bengali. However, thanks to the help of some handy online translators, we’ve got the basic gist of the group’s ideals and goals.
The group aims to appeal to people - both Bengali and other nationalities - from around the world and bring them together in one place to appreciate the country. They also want to provide certain services to those who are marginalized, such as IT services.
The translations of the description discuss how the group plans to use Facebook to “make pragmatic and public use of the power created by the union of millions of people.” The group creators clearly know the importance of using a platform such as Facebook to gain as much traction and attention as possible. They have been successful in this too, with more than six million users.
4. Cheap Meal Ideas

- 5.7 million members
- Opened in 2010
This is a simple group idea that took off when it was created over a decade ago. Cheap Meal Ideas is all about ideas for food and meals on a budget. As well as recipes, members can share any budget cooking tips that they might have.
Posts in this group can vary widely. One example is members sharing lists of ingredients they have at their disposal and asking for ideas on the best way to make the most of them. Another example is personable chats about what everyone’s favorite soup recipe is. There’s something for everyone interested in food, but particularly for those trying to budget their meal plans.
It’s not surprising that this group has so many members, as the general idea of budgeting meal plans is guaranteed to appeal to a broad audience. This becomes even more apparent when considering how challenging the current economic climate is for millions of families. The group takes a common issue for people around the world and allows people to come together to help each other tackle the problem.
5. Netflix Recommendations

- 4.7 million members
- Opened in 2013
There are currently more than 260 million paid subscribers to the streaming service Netflix, so there are plenty of Facebook groups related to it. The most popular - and one of the most popular groups as a whole - is Netflix Recommendations.
This group brings together Netflix users to share the Netflix shows and movies that they love with each other. In the group's description, the admins and moderators state that “thoughtful considered reviews” of various Netflix movies and shows are what they are looking for.
There are a fair few rules for those looking to post in the Netflix Recommendations group, which is understandable for such a large group. Users can make requests for recommendations, but they are not allowed to post spoilers anywhere to the public. Group members are also forbidden from trying to buy or sell Netflix accounts. Any attempts to do so will lead to an immediate ban and block.
Netflix Recommendations is basically an entertainment hub for users to chat amongst themselves and exchange their show recommendations. It’s a simple premise, but one that resonates with millions of people.
6. Makeup Artists

- 4.7 million members
- Created by Sam Ade
- Opened in 2017
At first glance, a Facebook group about makeup for makeup artists might seem like a niche market. However, the Makeup Artists Facebook group shows there is a huge market for those interested in makeup, as it boasts an impressive 4.7 million members.
The group is for both established makeup artists and those looking to get into that field of work. Members can share makeup ideas, learn from established artists, and discuss the latest trends with one another.
In the description, creator Sam Ade describes the group as “a one-stop service” that includes tutorials, tips, requests, and videos, to name a few pieces of makeup-related content that the group focuses on. There is clearly a business mind behind the group too, which is sure to help with the money-making aspects.
7. Kersh Keepers Official Group

- 4.6 million members
- Opened in 2018
Kersh Keepers is another food-related Facebook group that has managed to attract millions of users. As per the information in the description, the group began as a small group of friends sharing their favorite foods, recipes, and cooking tips. It quickly grew into what it is today, with around 4.6 million members.
Food is a topic that has a massive following, and for good reason. We all need it after all. The broad demographic that food-related groups can appeal to is undeniable, but it also means that the market for food Facebook groups can easily become oversaturated.
It’s impressive when a group focused on such a vast and popular topic can stand out, and that’s exactly what Kersh Keepers does.
8. Pray Until Something Happens
- 4 million members
- Opened in 2014
Next is a religious group that has amassed four million members in a decade. The PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS! group - which we will refer to as PUSH from here on in for the sake of everyone’s sanity - is a group that is focused on offering religious guidance whilst encouraging persistent prayer.
PUSH offers a broad range of religious content. According to the group description, this includes prayers, Christian music, preaching, Christian celebrations, and more. As mentioned, prayer is a particularly important feature within this group. Prayer seems to be emphasized as a tool for members seeking spiritual growth, as well as members looking for guidance to overcome personal challenges.
The content that is shared aims to foster religious habits, such as consistent prayer. There are also plenty of Biblical resources shared within the community to encourage members to focus their learning. Religion might not be the go-to topic for everyone, but it clearly has a place in the online world if the group numbers are anything to go by.
9. View From My Window

- 3.8 million members
- Created by Barbara Duriau
- Opened in 2020
This next Facebook group was created during the COVID-19 pandemic by a Belgian graphic designer named Barbara Duriau. The group was initially created to be an outlet for those struggling during the lockdown period caused by the pandemic. It quickly grew to become one of the largest Facebook groups in the world.
View From My Window kept people connected during a difficult time in history when we were all feeling the isolation caused by lockdown. Group members were encouraged to snap pictures of their homes and share them in the group. By doing this, members could feel connected to people from all over the world despite being unable to travel or even leave their own homes.
The group was officially closed in March 2023, but the content is still accessible to the public. Members can also still post to the group, and there are plenty of pictures from around the world being uploaded to this day.
It’s impressive that the group still manages to be one of the largest on Facebook despite no longer being open. Not only that, but the group also spawned a website, two books, and even an exhibition that was held in Brussels at the Atomium from March 2022 to May 2023.
View From My Window had its start due to a global crisis. However, its popularity demonstrates the way that we band together in difficult times to offer support, guidance, and a place to feel connected.
10. Maths Formulas

- 3.5 million members
- Created by AllMath
- Opened in 2020
Math. We all know it. Some of us love it. Some of us hate it. Most of us have struggled with it at some point in our lives. That’s where this next group comes in. Maths Formulas is an educational group intended to offer math support.
In Maths Formulas, members can post a range of content related to math. From math equations that people are struggling with to daily challenges, riddles, and even math-related memes. There’s something for everyone here.
As well as being a great resource for students having a tough time with their numerical studies, Maths Formulas is a group that can easily be used by educators looking for ways to engage their students.
The group can also be of use to general math enthusiasts (there are enthusiasts for everything these days!) who want to chat with like-minded individuals, get some advice, or post taxing equations.
Students struggling to engage with math will get the most out of this group, but there is something to be said for the other kinds of members we discussed too. If the 3.5 million members are anything to go by, it’s safe to say that there is probably a nice mixture of all students, teachers, and math aficionados within the Maths Formulas group.
11. Global Bible Study Forum

- 3.4 million members
- Created by Kelechi Nwabebu
- Opened in 2020
This next popular Facebook group is another religious one that offers a platform for Christians to come together and study, discuss, and interpret various elements of the Bible.
The posts found in the Global Bible Study Forum range from threads relating to certain Bible passages to personal experiences. The group is well suited to people looking to dive further into the Christian faith, as well as Christians who want to join a like-minded community.
12. Home Buddies

- 3.3 million members
- Opened in 2020
Home Buddies is a group that allows home and everyday living enthusiasts a chance to join together and share experiences with home design and decorating. Members can also share inspiration and tips to help others find their dream home.
This group also hosts a selling day called #MondayMarket where members can buy and sell any items related to the home. For all things home improvement and interior design, this is the best choice for a Facebook group.
13. Instant Pot Community

- 3.2 million members
- Opened in 2015
Another cooking-themed group, Instant Pot Community is about sharing recipes and cooking tips with fellow Instant Pot users.
Members of the group will often post their photos of food made with the Instant Pot, but there is also plenty of other content on display, such as questions and success stories.
There is a lot of heavy moderation within the Instant Pot community, making for a safe and positive space that is thoroughly monitored to avoid trolls and spam.
14. WWE Monday Night Raw

- 3 million members
- Created by MD Mehedi Hasan Shanto
- Opened in 2016
This WWE group is a unique one on this list, as it is the only specific entertainment group (other than the very broad Netflix Recommendations group).
This private group is a fan community for those interested in the WWE RAW television show. The show itself is one of the longest-running wrestling programs on television, so it’s no surprise that there is an active and dedicated fan base.
15. Cooking Made Easy with Amabel Essang

- 2.9 million members
- Created by Amabel Essang
- Opened in 2014
Last but not least is another cooking group that focuses on learning, sharing, and inspiring others with food.
Cooking Made Easy encourages members to share ideas for anything food-related, such as recipes, presentations, and preparations. Along with practical food topics, creative endeavors are also supported, such as food art.
Food-related comments, contributions, questions, and constructive criticism are also key elements of the group. There’s plenty for foodies to enjoy with this group, which is likely why it’s so popular.
Why are These Groups So Popular?
With focuses like cooking, religion, photography and even math, it is clear to see that there are many differences between the top 15 Facebook groups. But there is one major thing that ties them all together - and that is engagement.
All of these groups have a high level of member communication, from sharing recipes, to solving problems, and even praying together. This makes the members feel like they are a part of something bigger, and each group member can form a relationship with one or even many people within these communities. That's what keeps members coming back and makes these Facebook groups so popular.
How Do These Facebook Groups Make Money?
So, now on to the big question: how exactly do these huge groups make money? The answer isn’t as simple as you might think, as there are quite a few different ways that they might be doing so. Let’s take a look at some possibilities for money-making with popular Facebook groups.

Take a look at the image above. This comes from the description of the most popular Facebook group: the Marriage and Counseling group we mentioned earlier. At the bottom of the description, the creator has included a WhatsApp number for any inquiries regarding advertising of products and goods.
This is the perfect example of how many of these groups make their money. The creators or admins of groups can integrate ads in a few different ways and get paid directly for this type of promotion.

Some groups will offer their contact information, such as in the image above, so anyone interested in advertising within the group can get in touch. By doing this, creators add a personal touch to advertising. Specific requests can be managed too.
Social media links

Drawing attention to other social media platforms can help generate more revenue in the long run. Doing so extends the reach of a group and can lead to more avenues of income on different platforms. Above you can see a great example of this with the links included in the description of the Instant Pot Community group - if the Instant Pot community has monetization turned on for all of those social media platforms then they can earn fives times more revenue than if they used just Facebook alone.
Facebook ads
Facebook has its own advertising platform that can also help with generating income. The ads on Facebook work by targeting members of groups based on how they are engaging within that group. It’s a structure that works well for some of the groups that cater to larger demographics, like the cooking groups we discussed.
Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is when someone (the group admin, who is the affiliate) inserts promotional links into their posts for someone else's products. This could be a cooking community linking a specific set of knives, or a parenting community sharing a diaper bag link. Each time a member of that community clicks on that link and makes a purchase, the affiliate - aka the group - makes a commission on that sale.
Selling products
Some groups make money the old fashioned way - by selling products. Popular ways to sell products through Facebook groups include dropshipping, print on demand, and digital products - because these options do not require the purchase or storage of products.
Alternatives to Facebook Groups
Facebook groups do have their positives, but there are other ways that you can start building an audience and making money online. Let’s check out some of the alternatives.

Whop is a standout choice for making money online while building an online presence. Whop offers everything under one roof, as users can build membership-based communities, showcase their products, and sell them within the same space.

Telegram is a messaging service that allows users to create public or private channels. These groups can be monetized in a few different ways, such as by sharing links to products or services within large groups (Whop even has a service that allows you to sell access to your Telegram group for profit!).

For creators looking to monetize their content, Patreon is a solid choice. Users can build communities based on subscriptions. These subscriptions include exclusive content for their members- known as Patrons- that can’t be found anywhere else.
Looking to Monetize an Online Community? Whop is the Way to Go

When it comes to creating your own groups and making money, Whop is the best option out there.
With Whop you create your own whop, which is your online hub. Within your whop you add the apps you want to build your community - like a chat app for conversation, a forums app for Q and A, the Whop Wheel for giveaways, files app to sell digital products, and even a video calls app for webinars, coaching, and more.
There is so much that you can do with Whop. Thousands of creators are already monetizing thriving communities in niches like sports betting, ecommerce, and personal development.
You can set down your own ground rules, implement strategies, build communities, and sell your products all in the same space. There’s no back and forth between websites, as Whop offers it all in one platform.
So why wait? Sign up to Whop today and start building your online strategy. You’ll be establishing a community and monetizing your hard work in no time!