Data shows 62% of US adults under the age of 30 use TikTok. That’s no small crowd.

Part of this growth is fueled by the fact that TikTok has evolved beyond a mere social media platform and is now widely used as a search engine, due to its highly personalized content delivery system and ability to provide relevant, bite-sized information. But is that reason enough for creators and brands to work toward monetizing on TikTok

The data certainly makes a case for it. Whether you're a dance trendsetter, a comedic genius, or a master of thought-provoking content, you can achieve real financial success on the platform. According to recent statistics, TikTok's ad revenue is projected to hit $23.6 billion in 2024, up from $18 billion in 2023; a clear sign that TikTok is a rapidly growing platform for advertisers and content creators alike. With the right strategy and audience engagement, monetizing on TikTok can be incredibly rewarding.

In this article, we’ll deep dive into some of the lesser-known strategies that will help you make money on TikTok

10 Ways to Make Money on TikTok

With TikTok's meteoric rise, it's become a hub for entrepreneurs, influencers, and brands to monetize their creativity. Here are some of the top ways to make money on TikTok

1. Join the TikTok Creativity Program

The TikTok Creativity Program is a fund that enables creators in the US, UK, Germany, and France to make more money for video uploads over a minute. To join, users are required to have a minimum of 10,000 followers and 100,000 views in the past 30 days. Earnings are based on views and other TikTok engagement metrics.

Creators in Italy and Spain can still monetize their profiles through the TikTok Creator Fund. To join the program and start to receive money from the platform, creators need to hit some prerequisites. Creator Fund members earn money on the basis of the number of engagements they get on their content. 

2. Sell Merch 

print on demand

Consider designing merchandise that resonates with the TikTok audience. Items that are trendy, meme-worthy, or tie into popular challenges can create a buzz. You can turn original artwork or your brand's logo into merch or feature your existing products in tutorials and promote it on TikTok. Alternatively,  showcase your product alongside a trend. If you're still unsure what to sell, listen to your audience. Create polls or ask them directly to learn what they might buy.

With the opportunity to integrate TikTok’s in-app features like the Shopping tab, brands can seamlessly link their merchandise. This makes it easy for viewers to directly purchase products they see in videos.

For brands looking to sell merch on TikTok, the print-on-demand business model is a good idea. As the seller all you have to do is make a design and advertise it; the supplier will take care of the logistics. So it takes away all the hassles of shipping or inventory management. As long as you have a unique idea, it will sell on TikTok. GymShark, one of the leading fitness brands on TikTok, successfully sells merchandise like fitness-related apparel and accessories on the platform.

3. Take Part in Affiliate Marketing

As a creator on TikTok, affiliate marketing is a great avenue to monetize your presence - and it’s easier than it seems. Joining affiliate programs directly from companies is one way to go, though you can also find opportunities through affiliate networks. Once you're accepted into the affiliate program, you'll get a unique affiliate link or code that you can share with your audience. When followers make a purchase through these links, you'll earn a commission.

TikTok Affiliate Advice from Alex Sedlak

Alex Sedlak is a TikTok sensation. Now, Alex teaches other aspiring TikTok creators how they can increase viewership and monetize their channels. We asked Alex how he monetizes his TikTok channel, and he had this to say:

The primary way that we monetize is with the TikTok Shop Affiliate program. When making content for the affiliate program, the best performing videos are always entertaining product reviews - think UGC style content.
The biggest challenges to making money with TikTok are just staying consistent and posting every day - even when you aren’t getting the views you expected - and TikTok violations. You have to be careful with what you can say and do on TikTok, as getting violations can ruin your account and freeze your funds. Overcome that by learning about the algorithm and reading the terms of service.

4. Use TikTok Ads

tiktok ads

67% of 18-19 year olds and about 56% of 20-29 year olds are on TikTok. If you're a brand with a product to sell online and marketing to Gen Z, this makes a strong case for using TikTok marketing as an advertising choice.

TikTok ads offer simple, powerful tools to help you advertise to millions of users. Ad formats vary by region, but you can personalize targeting by age, location, interests and other factors. The platform allows you to choose one or a few formats that work best for your brand. Here are a few ways that you can use Tiktok ads:

In-feed video
In-feed videos appear on the ‘For You’ Page of TikTok users who meet your brand’s targeting parameters. Through in-feed video for the #AySauceChallenge campaign on TikTok, British ecommerce retailer ASOS managed to garner 1.2 billion video views, with 488,000 videos created and 167,400 participants taking part.

tiktok sauce

Brand takeover
Your ad expands to take over the entire screen for a few seconds, then becomes an in-feed video ad. An exemplary success story is Chipotle's #Boorito campaign, which has historically been an in-store promotion for Halloween. By taking it to TikTok and integrating features like brand takeovers, challenges, and user-generated content, Chipotle managed to translate this event into a highly engaging digital experience. The campaign encouraged users to show off their Halloween costumes under the hashtag, leading to millions of views and interactions.

tiktok chipotle

Hashtag challenges
Hashtag challenges are a great way to encourage user-generated content, as they will appear in the Discovery section on TikTok. A caveat — only managed brands that work in collaboration with TikTok sales representatives can use this option.

Known for its sleeping bags and jackets, Moncler tapped into TikTok to promote its fashion collections and drive new followers to its TikTok page. The brand used rapper Ty Dolla $ign’s hit track “Bubble” to launch the #MonclerBubbleUp challenge. This encouraged TikTokers to create looks using household items that resembled Moncler’s famous jackets. The campaign, launched worldwide, included paid TikTok ads in Italy and France, and brought in seven billion views, leading to a whopping 170,000 new followers for Moncler. 

tiktok moncler

5. Earn TikTok Referral Rewards

Did you know you can get cool stuff on TikTok just by inviting your friends to join? Here's the deal: When you share your special TikTok invite link with your buddies and they sign up, you'll start getting rewards. It's like, the more they watch, share, or make their own videos, the more goodies you can earn.

These goodies might be anything from some digital credits you can use on the app to actual gift cards! It's a win-win because your friends get to join in on the fun on TikTok, and you get rewarded for making your circle bigger.

6. Collect Tips 

make money

TikTok’s recently introduced tipping feature allows select creators to earn money from tips and donations. Fans who want to show gratitude to the creators they love can now tip them.  

Creators may also use tipping platforms like Tipeee, Ko-fi, and Buy Me a Coffee to earn money. They can be connected to your TikTok account to function as a tip jar. Custom check-out links via Whop are another great option if you’re looking to get customers to purchase straight from your own website. 

7. Use TikTok Shop 

tiktok shop

TikTok launched the TikTok Shopping feature in partnership with Shopify. 

TikTok Shop is a social commerce platform which allows creators, sellers, and affiliates to sell directly through the TikTok platform. Creating a TikTok Shop allows you to showcase products on lives, in-feed videos, and product showcase tabs. If you're eligible to use the feature, you can sign up as a seller in the TikTok Seller Center. Here, you can manage orders, inventory, creator partnerships, promotions and more. Do note that the seller center is only available in select regions.

Who can set up a TikTok Shop? 

  • Sellers:
    Existing brands or ecommerce businesses seeking a new channel to boost their online sales can register as sellers. There isn't a minimum followers threshold needed to open a TikTok shop. However, you need to be located in the US, UK, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam,  Indonesia, Philippines, or Singapore.
  • Creators:
    Brands can pay individuals who create content on TikTok, to sell for them. Creators who want to use TikTok Shop must fulfill certain requirements:
  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • Should have 1,000+ followers
  • Need to have 50+ video views in the past 28 days and 
  • Must have posted a video on TikTok in the last 28 days
  • Affiliates:
    If you are an influencer who partners with brands and sells their products to earn a commission, this is a win-win arrangement. Creators can earn a commission from monetizing their content. Sellers can leverage TikTok creators' marketplace and partner with creators who will sell products to their audience. 
  • Partners:
    If your business provides professional ecommerce services to sellers and creators, you can register as a partner. There are Creator Agency Partners and TikTok Shop Partners. Creator Agency Partners provide creator acquisition support, creator management,  short video and live stream expertise, and end-to-end collaboration solutions. TikTok Shop Partners offer support with merchant development and management,  video production, supply chain and logistics, and ecommerce strategy. 

8. Go Live and Earn Virtual Gifts

TikTok gifts are a way for viewers to send creators virtual gifts and coins. Some creators collect gifts during a live stream; these can be redeemed for Diamonds—TikTok's digital currency. When you save enough Diamonds, you can trade them for cash.

Michael Le, known on TikTok as @justmaiko, is a prominent content creator famous for his dance videos, choreographies, and engaging content. During his live sessions, Michael often interacts with his fans by answering questions, showcasing new dance moves, participating in challenges, or even giving a peek into his daily life.

In several of his live sessions, Michael receives a variety of virtual gifts from his viewers. While the specifics of each session can vary, fans show their support by sending gifts like "Pandas," "Italian Hands," "Love Bangs," and more premium options such as "Yachts" and "Unicorns." Each of these gifts has a different point value, which translates to earnings for the creator.

tiktok gifts

Michael makes it a point to acknowledge these gifts during his live streams. He often shouts out the usernames of the gift-givers, thanks them personally, and sometimes even dedicates a dance move or a short performance to them. This practice not only encourages more engagement from his followers but also fosters a positive community environment where fans feel valued and appreciated.

tiktok justmaiko

9. Sell Subscriptions 

A growing number of consumers are choosing to subscribe to their favorite brands and creators. In fact, the size of the global ecommerce subscription market is estimated to reach $900 billion in 2026. That's an increase of over 4x of the current market which sits around $200 billion.

With a thriving TikTok profile and engaged audience, you can publish premium videos and content for your paid subscribers. Simply create a community space and funnel your loyal audience to that space, where they can access behind-the-scenes videos, digital downloadables (like subscriber-only photos or PDFs), and other engaging content like giveaways, competitions, and more!

Selling subscriptions online has several advantages: no physical storage space required, it’s easier to scale, and generates recurring revenue. But, as of yet, you cannot sell subscriptions directly through TikTok. As a result, the best way to go about it is to use a third-party platform, like Whop!

10. Crowdfund Projects


Creating content for your fans requires considerable time and effort. TikTok offers fans an easy, no-pressure way to give back via crowdfunding; a feature that's great for helping you secure a regular income stream. Crowdfunding is a highly accessible avenue for creators to make money. Crowdfunding can happen in several ways, depending on the type of funding you’re seeking. 

If you’re trying to source startup funds for a particular project, TikTok could be a useful platform to rally your followers by setting up a funding goal and hosting live fundraising events. 

Why Monetize TikTok?

We've looked at how you can make money on TikTok, but you may still be wondering why you should choose to make this social platform your revenue stream.

The creator economy is changing the digital landscape by allowing individuals to get paid for what they produce, turning hobbies or passions into full-fledged careers. Within the TikTok platform, creators report a wide range of earnings through direct payments from TikTok, sponsored content, brand partnerships, and more. The key to unlocking these financial opportunities lies in the ability to produce content that’s not just creative, but also entertaining. 

So, if your content can captivate and grow an audience, and if you have a robust follower base and can cultivate an active and engaged community, your TikTok will be attractive to brands looking to reach a dedicated audience.

But the truth is, building a loyal and engaged audience takes time. Not everyone will have the kind of following that Charli D'Amelio has (136 million, by the way.) But the good news is that several brands choose to collaborate with micro-influencers who have between 200 to 20,000 followers. While superstars with millions of followers may reach a wider audience, they are often costly to collaborate with. For content creators with over 10,000 followers, TikTok offers a feasible earning avenue with earnings potential anywhere between $400 and $20,000 per post.  

Top Tips for Making Money on TikTok

To make serious money TikTok, focus on delivering dynamic content, building a strong audience connection, and monetizing your creative efforts. Here are some tips to succeed.

  • Identify your niche
    Choose a niche that you're passionate about and which aligns with your skills. Whether it's comedy, cooking, fashion, or DIY, a niche will help you attract a dedicated audience.
  • Create engaging content
    Quality and originality matter. Publish content that stands out, whether it's through humor, storytelling, or unique skills. Understanding and utilizing TikTok’s trends and challenges can boost your visibility.
  • Be consistent
    Consistency is key to build and maintain an audience. Set a schedule for your posts to keep your followers engaged and attract new ones.
  • Engage with your audience
    Respond to comments on your videos, engage with your followers on live streams, and actively participate in challenges and duets. Building a community around your content not only increases your reach but also encourages loyalty.
  • Use hashtags wisely
    Hashtags help your content get discovered. Use popular and relevant hashtags, but don't overlook niche-specific ones that can attract a more targeted audience.
  • Monetize directly and indirectly
    Explore TikTok’s Creator Fund once eligible, and consider brand sponsorships or partnerships, where companies pay you to promote their products or services. Additionally, merchandise your brand or direct traffic to external sites where you can monetize your audience in other ways, like Whop!
  • Leverage TikTok’s features
    Experiment with all of TikTok’s features, such as filters, effects, and music, to make your content engaging and fresh. Utilizing new features can also increase your visibility since TikTok often promotes content that uses them.

Monetize Your TikTok with Whop

We have already mentioned Whop a few times in this guide, so let's explain further how Whop can help you monetize TikTok. Whop is a platform designed to help creators, including TikTok users, monetize their digital products and services.

The key to making money with TikTok is not to take one of these methods, but to try many of them. Earn money with affiliate marketing on TikTok, whilst also accepting virtual gifts, selling merch, and, the most lucrative avenue of all: selling subscriptions.

When it comes to selling digital products - including subscriptions - Whop is the number one place for this. With Whop you create a Hub where your members can interact with you and each other.

Heres how it works:

Create a hub: In your hub, you can add different Whop native apps. So, as a TikTok creator, your hub could a content app for premium, behind-the-scenes content, a chat app for your community to interact with each other, and a forums app for community threads.

Plus, you can give back to your community with a giveaway app (who doesn't love free prizes!), and even host lives, webinars, coaching calls (or all three) using the Whop video app.

There is so much more that Whop can do - this is just scratching the surface. Whop offers everything you need to run a business in one hub, designed how you want. 

Once you have your hub, all that's left to do is figure out pricing. You can offer different paid levels of subscription that unlock different access levels to your digital products and services. For example, the lowest tier may include content and chat, while the highest may include webinars and courses. The best part? Whop only takes a 3% fee!

As you start seeing success, consider expanding your product line or offering more exclusive content. Engage in collaborations with other TikTokers to reach a wider audience. Always ensure your TikTok content is engaging and high-quality. This drives more traffic to your profile and, subsequently, to your Whop hub.

It takes less than 10 minutes to get started with Whop - what are you waiting for?

Making money on TikTok: FAQs

How do people make money on TikTok?

People make money on TikTok through various approaches. These include participating in the TikTok Creator Fund, securing brand sponsorships, leveraging live stream gifts from followers, and selling their own merchandise. TikTok creators may also direct traffic to external money-making ventures or create sponsored content for businesses looking to tap into the TikTok audience. 

How much money can I make with TikTok?

The potential earnings from TikTok in the US can vary significantly based on followers, engagement rates, and the type of content you produce. Industry data suggests TikTok influencers have an average salary of around $121,765. For more casual creators, companies have been known to offer $500 to $50,000 per branded video, depending largely on the individual's level of influence.

TikTok's Creator Fund, initiated to compensate creators, offers about $0.20-$0.40 per 1,000 views, revealing another avenue through which creators can earn. Users with over 10,000 followers, can earn between $400 and $20,000 per post. As your presence and influence grows, so does your earning potential. Read next: How much does TikTok pay creators?

Who makes the most money on TikTok in 2024?

In 2024, Charli D’Amelio is considered the highest-paid TikTok influencer, with estimated annual earnings of $17.5 million and a following of 148.7 million users. Her rise to the top spot was highlighted by her viral dance videos, which began in June 2019.

Can I make money by consulting for new TikTok channels?

Yes, becoming a TikTok consultant is a viable way to earn money. This involves leveraging your knowledge of the platform and understanding how to grow a channel's followers to guide new creators or businesses looking to establish a presence on TikTok

How do I get paid by TikTok?

To get paid by TikTok, you need to join the TikTok Creator Fund, which requires a minimum of 10,000 followers and 100,000 video views in the last 30 days. You must be at least 18 years old and based in an eligible country. Earnings vary based on content engagement and views.