The name of a whop is one of the first (and perhaps the most important) parts of a whop that a user interacts with. When it comes to people remembering your platform, its name will be the defining factor.

Finding the perfect name for your whop may not happen in an instant - you might want to go back and revise it, and doing so is easy. You can freely change the name of your whop any time you want.

In this guide, we’re going to explain what a whop is, why its name is important, and how you can change it.

What is a whop?

A whop can simply be explained as an online platform with customizable features. Let’s take Zoom, for example. Its main feature is video calls, and it’s one of the most popular apps in its field. However, it lacks features like integrated online courses - you’d use platforms like Coursera or Udemy for that purpose. Another example is Discord - while it has powerful text channels, it doesn’t allow you to embed websites, neither does it have an integrated sports picks feature.

If you want a flexible platform where you can provide all the features we’ve mentioned so far, this was previously a hard task - you have to use a couple of external platforms, which in turn will negatively affect your churn.

This is where Whop comes in.

On Whop, you can create a platform where you include the features that your dream platform requires - and leaves out the rest.

This is done by using what’s called “Whop apps.” You can think of the apps as features.

whop apps

Each app serves a different purpose, and they’re free to add to your whop. As an internet hub, a whop can be any platform you imagine. Do you want to create online courses and have video calls on the same platform? You can do so by adding the Courses and Video Calls app to your whop. Are you a travel influencer who wants to create a paid community? You can do that buy adding the Chat app and Forums app to your whop, so your fans can chat in a private, dedicated space.

By using powerful aspects of whops like apps, you can make your dream platform a reality. After creating it, you can decide whether you want it to be accessible for free for everyone or if you want to monetize some parts or the entirety of it. Either way, it’s crucial to make your platform as user-friendly and unique as possible, and one of the steps is giving your whop a good name.

Why is the Name of a whop Important?

Stephen King published a novel called Joyland not long ago. After the book hit the shelves, Emily Schultz's ebook of the same name, published in 2006, suddenly achieved considerable sales. Readers mistook it for King's novel and bought Schultz's book. The young author made a lot of money from this similarity and playfully posted on her website what she spent it on, along with the receipts.

This goes to show the power of a name. Since names are the first point of contact with the user, they are important in terms of being distinctive and providing clear information about the content shared by the whop they identify. They should be both inviting and catchy, and not misleading to the potential member.

You can name a whop anything you want - as long as it doesn't violate Whop's Terms of Service. The whop's creator(s) are aware that the name is at least as important as the whop itself and its content. So much so that the whop will always be referred to by that name and it will almost be the identity of the whop. The first time a potential member meets the platform is when they see the platform's name for the first time. This first contact should give the people a strong feeling that it can fulfill their wishes, that they can find what they are looking for on this platform, and that mutual communication will take them to a higher level. "How to ..." headlines are a good example of what you want to convey. The intensity of the word you add is important.

At this point, it should be a universal, understandable expression that is not local and can appeal to people of all countries of the world. Words that emphasize the general content that can be understood by everyone should be preferred, rather than words that try to explain the whop and content by analogy and association to the target audience. It should not be forgotten that the shortest path between two points is a straight line. For this reason, our preference may be for a meaningful straight statement that avoids complex words.  This saves the owner of the platform from having to worry about how the target audience perceives the name.

You have named your whop and realized that something is not right. This can happen in three situations. The first situation could be that people who join the whop do not re-visit again the next day, the number of members reached drops, or the number cannot be maintained, or the content is not capturing the potential members. In this case, it is necessary to look at the content that the member interacts with.

The second situation is that the whop does not get the desired clicks. The name does not guarantee that potential members will find what they are looking for. In this case, it is necessary to review the platform's name.

In the third case, the founder wants to change the content or the name according to their own ideas. In this case, the owner of the platform must decide on the new name.

All three situations can be corrected and improved with some effort.

How to Change the Name of a whop

Changing the name of a whop you created is super simple. You can access the setting through the Edit store section of your whop. The first step in changing the name of a whop is navigating into the store page settings of it. You can do so by clicking on the Edit store button under the Admin Area of your whop.

The Edit store button on a whop

Once you click on the Edit store button, you’ll be directed to the settings of your store page, where you can adjust how it looks. Creating an attractive and informational store page is a crucial part of a whop setup. If you want to learn everything about creating the perfect store page, check out our How to Set Up your Whop Store Page guide.

The edit store page of a whop

You can find the Page name button under the Page details section of your store page settings. That’s where you can change your whop’s name. Click on it to open the setting, and you’ll see an input box that will contain your whop’s current name. After changing it to a simple, memorable name, click on the Save button on the top right.

After clicking on the Save button, your whop’s name will be changed. If you don’t see the change immediately, try refreshing your page.

Steps of changing a whop's name

Take Your Dreams to the Next Level with Whop

Now that you know the importance of your whop’s name and how you can change it if you want to - it’s time to take the next step. Join the thousands of creators who have been selling access to their whops with the help of Whop and the features it offers, like advanced analytics, 7/24 support, comprehensive guides, and more.

The opportunity to sign up to whop and start to create your dream platform is right here - sign up today and start generating an income.