If you’ve already dabbled in dropshipping with no real success story to show for it, you’re likely wondering what the secret is to dropshippers who end up making six or even seven figures.

While there’s no true secret formula that applies to everyone, one thing that’s certain is that these high-level dropshippers have mastered the art of scale, something that is often possible with automation.

One such tool that helps with automation is AutoDS, which allows you to streamline your dropshipping operation by connecting to multiple ecommerce platforms and suppliers. 

In this guide, we’ll dive into what AutoDS is, who it’s best for, its key features, and how you can use it to scale your dropshipping business.

What is AutoDS?

Dropshipping with AutoDS

AutoDS is all-in-one dropshipping automation software that connects your ecommerce store with suppliers while handling everything from product importing to order fulfilllment. The software is compatible with just about any top ecommerce platform, including Shopify, eBay, Amazon, Woocommerce and Etsy. It also gives you access to top dropshipping products from an expansive network of private suppliers.

Its capability rivals that of hired help, and since it runs 24/7, it can cost significantly less and get more done. 

Who is AutoDS Best For?

While AutoDS is a highly capable software, it isn’t for everyone. If you’re just starting on your dropshipping journey, it’s worth taking time to educate yourself on ecommerce in general before getting to the point of using paid tools such as AutoDS.

However, if you have some experience and want to take your store to the next level, AutoDS can be a good fit for you.

Here are some examples of who AutoDS is best for:

Established dropshippers looking to scale

For those who have the basics down and have cracked the code to marketing and consistent sales but find themselves being restricted by time and a growing to-do list, AutoDS can help you delegate essential tasks in addition to taking on useful new ones so you can prevent burnout while also increasing volume.

High-volume sellers

If you already have strong sales volume but find yourself struggling to manage your daily orders manually, you can use AutoDS to automate this workflow so you can be freed up to focus on growth. Additionally, the platform’s database of suppliers and products can also give valuable new ideas that help expand your business even more.

Multi-channel sellers

If you already have storefronts on multiple ecommerce platforms–for example, Shopify and eBay, or if you’re looking to expand to more, AutoDS can help you streamline your inventory and listing management across platforms so you can manage multiple sales channels effortlessly.

The Top Features of AutoDS

autods features

Here’s exactly what AutoDS is capable of to help you make more money as a dropshipper:

Product Research

AutoDS makes it easy to find your next winning product by allowing you to explore 8 million+ products from various quality suppliers inside their private marketplace which stocks trending items and niche products. 

Product Sourcing

In addition to manual product research, AutoDS can lend a hand with custom product sourcing on request. Their team of experts can do the legwork to help find the products that are right for you and your store and connect directly with their supplier so you don’t have to leave their platform to source them. 

Product Importer

A function for bulk product importing will allow you to quickly import a large batch of products either immediately or scheduled at a future time. This means you can potentially populate your digital shelves with hundreds of different products in mere minutes. Direct integration is possible with various suppliers including AliExpress, CJDropshipping, and even AutoDS’s very own warehouses in China.

Price and Stock Monitoring

AutoDS is connected to your supplier in real-time, so it will automatically adjust stock based on supplier changes. You’ll also know immediately when prices change. With this price and stock monitoring, you’ll never accidentally sell a product that is out of stock and you’ll get the chance to change prices or products should your current profit margin be compromised due to price movements.


One of AutoDS’s newest and most cutting-edge features is its TikTok AdSpy tool, which gives you insights into the paid ad strategy of your competitors by giving you a consolidated view of ads all within a convenient dashboard. This will allow you to analyze the style and ad copy of their top-performing creatives and reveal top-selling winning products.

Automated Order Fulfillment

As a customer of AutoDS, you’ll gain instant access to hands-off order processing and tracking updates. So, whenever a customer buys from your dropshipping store, AutoDS will automatically place the order with your supplier after the order is paid and confirmed and will update with tracking info. Not only does this feature save time, it reduces the risk of human error and speeds up the entire fulfillment process.

Multiple Store Management 

AutoDS integrates with just about every top ecommerce storefront, including Shopify, eBay, Amazon, Woocommerce, Wix, and Etsy. You’ll be able to use the platform to access all of these stores under a single dashboard so you don’t have to hop between logging into different platforms. 

How Do I Use AutoDS? A Simple 5-Step Process


Ready to get started with AutoDS? The process is so simple that it only takes 5 steps.

1. Sign up and pick your plan

Head over to AutoDS’s official website (autods.com) and create an account. First, you sign up for a free trial, then you select what your main selling channel is. For this walkthrough we picked 'TikTok', which took us to pick a plan based on your current store size and goals (plans outlined later under 'AutoDS pricing').

2. Connect your ecommerce store

Connect the store to the AutoDS platform so you can take full advantage of the integrations and automations.

3. Take advantage of AutoDS tools for product research

Use AutoDS to find suppliers or winning products, manage inventory, and more so you can start or scale.

4. Import your products

Once you’ve found the products you want to sell, you can use AutoDS’s product import tool so you can get them in your store with one click.

5. Automate

Eliminate the heavy lifting of repetitive manual tasks by using AutoDS to handle orders, inventory management, price monitoring, custom tracking updates and more so you can sit back and work only on the most effective, high-leverage tasks.

How Much Does AutoDS Cost?

AutoDS is a paid service. It has a tier-based pricing system that depends on how much you’ll be using it, starting at $19.90 per month for the cheapest plan paid annually upfront:

autods pricing

Import: $26.90/month or $19.90/month annually paid upfront. This plan supports up to 200 products for import and basic features like product importing, price and stock monitoring, and access to the AutoDS Product Research tool.

Starter: $39.90/ month or $29.90/month annually paid upfront, supporting up to 500 products. This plan includes bulk product importing, automated orders, tracking updates, and access to the AutoDS fulfillment service.

Advanced: $66.90/month or $49.90/month annually paid up front, supporting up to 1000 products. This plan includes all the features of Starter 500, with the addition of managing multiple stores (up to 3), VIP support, and full access to advanced product sourcing and inventory management tools.

Custom Plans: For sellers needing to import more than 1000 products, AutoDS offers custom plans where you can choose the number of imports required, with all features included from the Advanced plan.

All plans allow you to start with a 14-day trial for just $1 so you can take its functions and features for a test ride before you fully commit on an ongoing basis. Paying annually upfront will get you a 25% discount on any plan.

Using AutoDS with Shopify


Many top dropshippers use Shopify, so it’s one of the most widely supported ecommerce platforms, complete with its own app store that sellers can choose to integrate directly with their Shopify account and storefront.

AutoDS has its own Shopify app that you’ll want to install if you’re using the platform and the software. In addition to all of the previously mentioned features, the Shopify AutoDS app has extra perks such as print-on-demand, smart product optimization which can help with image optimization, prices, titles and descriptions in addition to access to AutoDS academy which offers free courses, mentorship and guides. The pricing tiers and features of AutoDS Shopify app are the same as previously mentioned.`

Become a Dropshipping Expert With Whop

whop dropshipping

While AutoDS can streamline your operations and help you greatly increase your potential as a dropshipper, there’s much more to dropshipping success than just automation software. AutoDS is also more of a tool for established dropshippers looking to scale, so rather than paying for a fairly advanced and capable piece of software, you can invest a similar amount in an expert-led dropshipping-focused community that can support beginners all the way to steady success. Dropshipping courses and communities on Whop are created and led by those who have already round great success - like Jonxpaul, the multi-million dollar dropshipping guru who now shares his advice with others in The Yard dropshipping community.

Want to learn more about the online money game? There are countless ways to cash in, from dropshipping to reselling, trading and sports betting–no matter what your inclinations and skills are, Whop has you covered with a community, course, or tool that’s right for you.

Check out everything that Whop has to offer right here today