With every new year come brand-new trends. And while many in the ecommerce industry will try to capitalize on these by selling trending products, that doesn’t necessarily mean that these are the best. And so, you’re still looking for THE absolute best products to sell online.

Finding your next big product to sell isn’t going to be easy, especially if you just go with the trends. You have to find something that will make your ecommerce brand a household name. So, where do you start? What are some products that have been trending more and more over the years and aren’t just a fad?

That’s what we’re gonna find out in this article. We’ll list 55 products you can start selling in 2024, as well as cover some of the ongoing general market trends, including the ones you should avoid if this is your first shot at an online shop. 

🏆 Top 55 Best Products to Sell Online in 2024

We know you’re eager to go through our list. So, let’s see the best items you can sell in 2024! Keep in mind that these are just some ideas, so you have to do your due diligence before going all-in on one of these products.

Home and Living Products

To begin, we have the queen of all ecommerce categories: home and living. These are products customers will use daily at home or ones that will provide them with some form of value (like art or a smart light).Home and Living Products

To begin, we have the queen of all ecommerce categories: home and living. These are products customers will use daily at home or ones that will provide them with some form of value (like art or a smart light).

Product Overall Score
Kitchen Gadgets 10/10
Wall Art 9/10
LED Lights 9/10
Candles 9/10
Smart Home Devices 8/10
Custom Mugs 8/10
Bath Bombs 8/10

1. Kitchen Gadgets

Ecommerce kitchen gadgets

The kitchen gadget market has been consistently at the top for the past decade or so. With these, you can expect your sales to peak around Christmas time, but they’re so popular that you can sell them all year round.

With such high volumes, the competition will be fierce. So, you’ll need to find a unique product and heavily focus (more like rely) on marketing it on various social media platforms. Reach out to TikTok and YouTube cooking influencers to scale your sales.

2. Wall Art

Wall art has seen an influx in the past few years. This doesn’t mean you must be the Banksy of wall art to make it. If you’re selling your own homemade art, you can easily scale by building your own brand and selling custom work. 

This coincides with your marketing approach; building a brand and marketing yourself is the best way to get more eyes on your art. You can post “work-in-progress” screenshots across your social media or tutorials for your followers. This way, you’ll get them hooked on your art and your personality, and it’s when you should start promoting your store. 

3. LED Lights

LED light strips became popular in 2020. Although the trend has slightly faded, the market still has much potential. Keep in mind that LED light strips are somewhat of a “holiday gift”, so they are seasonal.

LED lights are generally easy to source, but the market is competitive, so you’ll have to niche down quite a bit. Instead of just selling LED lights, focus on LEDs for bedrooms or workspaces. Base your marketing approach around these by posting videos on TikTok with your LEDs in full effect.

4. Candles


Homemade candles have been pretty popular for… well, forever. They really took off during the pandemic and have been trending ever since, with them peaking around December. So, creating and selling candles or sourcing unique ones is a great product idea.

These can also be easily marketed. Many creators are already posting candle-making videos online. Thus, you can do the same and tie them in with your store. Plus, you don’t even have to sell these to customers; spas and wellness centers are always looking for candles, so you can take the B2B route for batch sales.

5. Smart Home Devices

Now, smart home devices are an untapped market due to their great variety of products. For example, smart lamps might be competitive now, but smart air fryers and coffee makers could be worth the investment. In a similar fashion, smart doorbells are becoming increasingly popular each year.

That said, remember that bulkier smart devices are more niche, so they should make you a good profit. But, they require a lot of storage space and a significant starting budget. When it comes to marketing all these devices, you have to really stand out. Use as many marketing channels as you can to really get some eyes on these.

6. Custom Mugs

Custom cups and mugs usually peak around the holiday season but have consistently grown over the past years, much like every other print-on-demand item. They’re easy to sell, and you shouldn’t have an issue sourcing them.

However, scaling such an online store will be challenging. You’d have to find a niche within the niche, like handmade mugs or interactive ones that change patterns and colors when they heat up. Once you do so, make it the focal point of your marketing, and you should see the sales coming in.

7. Bath Bombs

bath bombs

Bath bombs peaked during the late 2010s, but they’re still going strong. Sourcing the ingredients for these isn’t too complicated, and, like candles, you can create the bath bombs yourself. 

Since these aren’t as popular as they used to be, you can really find an edge in the market. Again, social media platforms are your friend here. Upload videos showcasing all your bath bombs, reach out to influencers, and you should be sorted.

Lifestyle Items 

Moving on, we’ve got a set of lifestyle items. This category is pretty broad, so we decided to include a bit of everything, from skincare and makeup products to water bottles and tote bags!

Product Overall Score
Skincare 10/10
Lip Stain 10/10
Makeup 9/10
Car Accessories 9/10
Water Bottles




Tote Bags


8. Skincare Products

Skincare products have really taken since the pandemic. Everyone’s focusing on self-care, and skincare is a big part of that. Men’s skincare and new “skincare hacks” are pretty much trending and projected to trend throughout the rest of the year.

You don’t have to limit yourself to any specific product; sell cleansers, moisturizers, all that jazz. And, when it comes to marketing, focus on the true value of your products. Create before and after videos and share them on your social media accounts. Or, reach out to beauty influencers and get them to review these.

9. Lip Stain

Now, lip stains gained traction back in 2022, peaking during 2023’s holiday season. Some say that it’s not really trending anymore, but considering that its popularity reached a new peak in June 2024, we’d say these are still great to sell alongside other makeup products.

The market has tons of potential. You have to put in a lot of money on the marketing side of things, though. Everyone’s launching a lip stain dropshipping store out there, so you have to create that trust between your store and your potential customers. Reach out to popular beauty influencers with a couple of free samples and start uploading your videos as soon as you can.

10. Makeup


Taking a more general approach, you could try selling makeup products alongside your skincare products and lip stains. Since these are very generic, you’ll have to offer something unique to really stand out. Maybe sell only natural makeup, or go really niche and sell just gothic makeup.

Keep in mind, though, that the makeup market is very competitive. 

So, to have a realistic chance of making it, you’ll need to invest heavily in marketing. Focus on influencer marketing, before-and-after videos, and, generally speaking, follow the trends and create something in line with these.

11. Car Accessories

Deviating quite a bit from the last few products, we’ve got car accessories. These can range from phone holders, waterproof seat covers, that sort of stuff. These are turning into car essentials, hence why they’ve been trending so much lately.

With the market being very wide, it’s the best time to find your place within it. Plus, most of the marketing practices within the niche have already been tried and tested, so you have to take a risk and try something new. 

12. Water Bottles

lifestyle items Ecommerce

Water bottles from big players in the market, like Hydro Flask, Stanley, and LARQ, are already doing pretty well. Reusable water bottles, in general, are on the rise. So, this is your chance to really niche down and start selling these with a twist.

It can be eco-friendly, biodegradable water bottles, ones from recycled material, or similar to those Air Up bottles that sell flavored water through scent. Either way, it’s the best time to find your place within the market. And, at that point, your marketing is all about cementing that exact place.

13. Cologne/Perfume


Going back to more beauty-related products, we’ve got colognes or perfumes. Obviously, everyone likes a good perfume or cologne. The great thing about these is that, despite being an oversaturated market, many consumers are looking for more natural and gender-neutral scents, which aren’t usually found in the big brands.

So, if you source or make fragrances that don’t have the intensity of mass-market products, you’re already a step ahead. As for marketing, you can either go down the B2C or the B2B route. In the latter’s case, you can sell your fragrances to hotel chains or big stores. In the former’s case, focus on inbound content marketing, like videos, blog posts, etc.

14. Tote Bags

Totes have been getting trendier every year. Everyone’s been using them to carry groceries, their items on a night out, or simply as a fashion statement. Kind of like how you’d wear a cap of your favorite team.

While they’re easy to source, you’ll need to come up with a creative product idea to make yours stand out. Maybe sell ones that are made from organic materials or target a niche that will appreciate cute designs on them.

Fitness Equipment

Going into the 2020s, the fitness world became much, much more prevalent. Be it the lockdowns or consumers just caring more about their well-being, having fitness equipment at home is now considered one of the essentials.

Product Overall Score
Yoga Mat 10/10
Dumbbells 10/10
Resistance Bands 9/10
Jump Rope 9/10
Kettlebells 8/10
Foam Roller 8/10

15. Yoga Mat

fitness equipment Ecommerce

Yoga mats are pretty much essential for anyone who’s working out at home, whether they’re doing yoga, calisthenics, or resistance training. Their popularity peaked during the pandemic. Yet they’ve seen a resurgence lately, which is why we think they’re worth a mention.

They’re easy to source and sell, and considering that there are several options for these on the market, they’re pretty scalable! Focus on sourcing the best quality mats on the market, and push that a lot with your marketing.

16. Adjustable Dumbbells

Dumbbells are the one piece of fitness equipment customers always want. Their trends have been steadily rising, as users can do plenty of exercises with just a set of these.

We suggest going for adjustable dumbbells instead of fixed-weight ones. You know, the ones with the cast iron plates. As your customers get stronger, they can buy more plates from you instead of needing an entirely new dumbbell. You can also create these on your own, using cement and rubber plates, and sell them with a much higher profit margin.

17. Resistance Bands

resistance bands

Now, resistance bands are an interesting choice. They’re very easy to source, and selling them online is even easier. Their trends aren’t at their 2020 peak, but due to their portability and exercise flexibility, they’re still among the favorites for home workouts.

There’s a certain number of color-coded sets of resistance, so you can sell these as bundles or separately, depending on who your target audience will be. Since you can’t really diversify what kind of resistance bands you’ll sell, invest heavily in marketing through fitness influencers and your own website (blogs, ads, etc.).

18. Jump Rope

jump rope

Similarly to resistance bands, jump ropes aren’t at their peak. But many folks are still buying these as they’re good for cardio, especially during the cold winters.

Sourcing these is easy, as is selling them. However, since they’re a pretty basic product, you’ll really have to put a lot of effort into your marketing. You can also try to source different types of jump ropes, like speed or weighted, to make your store stand out.

19. Kettlebells

Kettlebells serve as a more niche alternative to dumbbells. These are fixed-weight, and they aren’t the easiest to find or sell. However, their popularity is on the rise, as your customers will be able to do quite a few compound exercises with these.

With these being very niche, you’ll have to either go down the B2B route and sell these to gyms or find a way to stand out. You could create these at home and sell them as homemade DIY products. Or, you can focus your marketing on why and where these are better than traditional dumbbells.

20. Foam Roller

foam roller

After a hard workout, one of the things everyone can benefit from is a foam roller. These help athletes release any muscle knots and are generally great for post-workout recovery and pre-workout warmups.

Like resistance bands and jump ropes, you can easily source these. And, since there isn’t a lot of saturation on the market yet, you can really sell these if you find the right target persona. Maybe find the highest quality foam rollers and target bodybuilders and powerlifters. Focus on sourcing unique prints and colors, as well, to really stand out from the rest of the competition.

Fashion Staples

Here’s the king of ecommerce: fashion! Clothes have been the best-selling ecom items for years, alongside jewelry. We’ve taken a different approach to this, highlighting some ongoing trends in the clothing and fashion world.

Product Overall Score
Handmade or Stainless Steel Jewelry 10/10
Watch Accessories 9/10
Shapewear 9/10
Athleisure 8/10
Custom Clothes 8/10
Custom Accessories 8/10

21. Jewelry (Handmade or Stainless Steel)

jewellery ecommerce

Jewelry has always been a trending product to sell online, especially during the holidays. The key to success in such a competitive market is to focus on a unique product or a very niche target audience. 

That’s why we suggest selling handmade jewelry or stainless steel pieces, the latter of which should be marketed as “minimalistic”. Take it one step further and start selling affordable stainless steel jewelry for men, similar to brands like Vacier.

22. Watch Accessories

The watch world has grown immensely during the past few years, with watch reselling becoming huge. While it is slightly seasonal (trend-wise), customers are buying watches all year long.

That’s why you should consider selling watch accessories, like NATO straps, watch repair kits, or even watch winders. These are pretty niche, so you’ll need to find the right buyers, but once you build some trust with them, you can basically sell them any watch-related product you want.

23. Shapewear

Shapewear is there to smooth out any bumps that your customers want to hide. It’s become a really big market with increasing popularity, so much so that it’s really easy to sell and scale. 

Sourcing different pieces of shapewear might be a bit difficult, but the margins are good enough to be worth a try. Social media is your friend with this one, and it will be where you should put all of your focus in terms of marketing.

24. Athleisure

Athleisure stands for clothes that look good and feel comfortable. The trend is reaching its peak, especially overseas. Sourcing and marketing them to the right people could be difficult, considering that it’s a market dominated by brands like Gymshark. 

However, if you find a trustworthy manufacturer, these can be sold and scaled easily.

25. Custom Clothing (Print on Demand)


Okay, we had to include Print-on-demand in some form, which has consistently been THE trend for the past decade. The custom clothing market is very competitive, so finding your spot in it will be extremely hard. 

That said, sourcing and producing these, as well as scaling your online business selling clothes, is much more straightforward. So, it’s always worth giving these a try for a few months to a year and seeing how your store will perform.

26. Custom Accessories


Why not take print-on-demand a step further and also start selling custom accessories? These are as popular as custom clothes, if not more. Generally, customers don’t know if they’ll get quality clothes from print-on-demand sellers, so it’s much easier to sell them cool little accessories.

You can start with stuff like mugs and tote bags or even apparel like caps and sunglasses. The key to standing out with these is to offer prints from a specific niche. You can have gaming apparel, rings and necklaces for sports fans, that sort of stuff. And, of course, you can build your own personal brand and sell accessories tied to it.

Tech Gadgets and Accessories

The tech gadget market isn’t a new thing, but it has been consistently increasing for the past decade. Most of these accessories aren’t seasonal, so you’ve got a solid chance at selling them all year round.

Product Overall Score
Phone Cases 10/10
Phone Chargers 10/10
Tech Accessories 9/10
Software 9/10
Fitness Trackers 9/10
Smartwatches 8/10
Earbuds 8/10

27. Phone Cases

phone cases ecommerce

Custom phone cases have been basically trending for the past 15 years, and their popularity is still as high as ever. Finding them wholesale and selling them is easy, as the market is so wide. 

That does mean, though, that you’ll need to have a huge marketing budget if you want to scale your online store. You must stand out, as anyone can really sell these if they have a supplier. Focus on making the cases more funky and artsy to really make them stand out. Or, find really durable and affordable cases and start selling these, similar to what Spigen does.

28. Phone Chargers

phone chargers

If you don’t fancy cases, consider phone chargers. Again, this market is very wide, so you’ll need to find a unique selling point for your product or market it to a niche audience. Besides that, they’re as easy to sell as phone cases.

29. Tech Accessories (Laptop Sleeves, Gaming Gadgets, Custom AirPods Cases, etc.)

Tech accessories are somewhat of a seasonal item, but their popularity isn’t dropping off any time soon. These can range from laptop sleeves to custom AirPods cases. 

So, try to find product ideas that are easy to source without being too generic (i.e. Laptop Sleeves for specific models or country-themed AirPods cases).

30. Custom Software and Applications

Here’s our first glimpse at a digital product, more or less. If you’ve got the skills to make your own software and applications, or even custom ones for a specific audience, you can scale these really fast. 

The hard part is actually finding the right product, which will require some trial and error. As long as you have some time to invest in these, you’ll be good to go.

31. Fitness and Health Trackers

Fitness trackers have lots of potential. As we mentioned above, people are working out more than ever before. So, fitness and health trackers are gaining traction, having a somewhat steady trend.

It might be somewhat difficult to find the right ones for your ecommerce store, but selling and scaling should be straightforward.

32. Smartwatches

Fitness and health trackers are a bit more niche, so you could try the more general approach and start selling smartwatches. Sure, you can’t really go up against Apple and the Apple Watch, but you can still have an edge in the market.

For example, if you can source these for cheap, you can sell them B2B to companies who want to distribute them to their employees and use them for internal communication. Or, you can find ones that are a bit more classy and luxurious and present them as an alternative to traditional watches.

33. Earbuds


You probably didn’t expect earbuds to be on this list. The market is rather saturated, and you can’t compete against companies like Bose. But if Raycon managed to be across everyone’s feed, your earbuds can do the same.

There are tons of companies sourcing affordable earbuds, and you can really find some unique products with premium features. For example, try to find earbuds that have many functionalities, depending on where the user taps them. Or, have an app attached to these and allow the user to customize these functions.

Pet Accessories

Ecommerce pet accessories

Let’s talk about pets. The pet care market is booming, so getting in early is going to be a solid long-term investment, especially with how easily some of these items can be sourced.

Product Overall Score
Pet Tracker 10/10
Chew Toys 10/10
Pet Clothing 10/10
Interactive Pet Toys 9/10
Pet Subscription Box 9/10
Auto Pet Feeder 9/10

34. Pet Tracker

pet tracker

Pet trackers are pretty new to the market. So, their popularity is somewhat variable, but they’re on an increasing trend. Dog and cat trackers are the ones selling the most, and they’re quite easy to source.

Marketing them will be equally easy, as it’s still a rather untapped market. Just make sure to find high-quality trackers.

27. Chew Toys

Dog chew toys are pretty popular at the moment. This does come with increased competition, but the market is steadily growing, so you shouldn’t have an issue selling these online. However, scaling might be difficult unless you find a unique set of toys.

That being said, you can really go any direction you like with the marketing. Influencer marketing will probably work best, as there are plenty of puppies with their own Instagrams out there, but you can also go for a more organic approach by building your personal brand.

36. Pet Clothing

pet clothing

Now, every pet owner out there wants to treat their pets as best as possible. That’s why the pet apparel and clothing market has really grown over the last couple of years, especially during the lockdown period. 

Sourcing these won’t be difficult, and you can really spearhead the marketing side of things by reaching out to influencers and getting them to review your apparel (well, their pets, not themselves, obviously). You can also offer the option for custom apparel and clothing through print-on-demand designs.

37. Pet Subscription Box


Subscription boxes are generally a good online business idea. Pet sub boxes usually have to include grooming kits, toys, and treats. Making your own boxes is extremely difficult, and sourcing them with a good profit margin is going to be hard. 

However, their potential is great, as they’ve been consistently trending for the past 5 years, especially during the holidays.

38. Interactive Pet Toys

Now, here’s a product that we saw some potential in. Interactive pet toys don’t have a big audience, but they are the next big thing. It’s a practically untapped market, so selling them early on won’t be difficult. 

39. Automatic Pet Feeder

Like smart home devices, consumers are on the hunt for smart pet feeders. There aren’t any big players in the niche yet, so the potential is there. However, you have to consider that sourcing and storing will need a high starting capital unless you dropship them.

Digital Products to Sell in 2024

sell digital products

With the physical products out of the way, it’s time to get digital. Selling the digital products we’ve mentioned below is a great way to earn passive income, and these are generally very scalable.

The one thing you’ll need to remember about these is that they require you to have some marketable skills. If you’re good at coding, writing, or graphic design, there are plenty of products you can start selling online today!

And don’t forget that you can sell any digital product you like right here on Whop. Just create your whop, upload your product, and start marketing it to the digital world.

40. Ebooks

The classic choice for digital mavens. Ebooks in niche genres or self-help guides are flying off the virtual shelves. Their trends have been consistent throughout the past couple of years, usually selling higher amounts during the summer and the winter.

Now, how and where do you sell ebooks? Well, you can start selling these on Whop or other platforms like Amazon. Simply upload them there, set the price, and you’re good to go. Marketing-wise, you’ll need to already have a following or build one in order to really capitalize on it. They will be the ones you’ll market the ebook to. Otherwise, paid ads and posting about your ebook on related forums will be your best bet.

41. Online Courses

With more people craving skills and personal development, online courses in coding, photography, or wellness are a goldmine in 2024. These are pretty flexible, so choose a niche you have experience in and sell your knowledge through an online course.

Getting people on board will be a bit difficult, though. There are tons of online courses out there, so you have to stand out. So, try to add some flair to it; instead of a general coding course, create one targeted to folks who want to build an app or run a website.

42. Selling Access to Paid Communities

Selling memberships to specialized communities is like opening a VIP club online. We might be a little bit biased, but we think it’s a fantastic way to build a community and recurring revenue. Their popularity is at an all-time high, something we can confirm here at Whop.

With Whop you can create your own whop, complete with chatrooms, forums, announcement boards, and even have video chats with your members, all within one hub.

43. Sell Sports Picks

whop sports

One of the best digital products you can sell is sports picks. While it’s technically more of a service than a product, the way you market it can be considered a product, as you’re offering daily pieces of betting advice to your customers.

Selling sports picks is pretty simple in theory. You only have to send a set number of sports picks to your customers every day or week. In practice, though, you have to be a good bettor with all the right tools in place, heaps of sports knowledge, and practical betting experience. 

If you have all the skills, then you can sell sports picks right here on Whop. You can use your social media accounts to post your wins, gather an audience, and lead them straight to your whop so that they buy a membership.

44. Sell Trading Signals

whop trading

If you’re more of a trader than a bettor, you could sell trading signals. If you’ve been in the game long enough and have the experience and skills to make great trading predictions and give out profitable signals, you could put these behind a paywall.

Now, in a somewhat similar fashion to sports picks, you have to keep a track record of all your trades and be fully transparent with your members to be profitable. After all, why would someone trust you and follow your signals if you haven’t made a single profitable trade?

You can start selling trading signals through your whop. Just gather your followers from social media or YouTube, and have them join your whop, where you’ll share all your signals.

45. Webinars


Webinars are a great way to share your knowledge with your followers and are a pretty good, short-form alternative to courses. Generally, people tend to like webinars more for short bursts of info, which allows you to create many of these across different topics and niches.

You can host your webinars live or pre-record them so you can better control the content you’ll present. In either case, you can host your webinars directly on your whop. Through the “Video Chat” app, you can have all the members of your whop join you or create a dedicated video call for those attending the webinar.

46. Plugins and Themes

Customizable and innovative plugins and themes for websites continue to be in high demand, especially for WooCommerce and Shopify users. Their trends have been at a consistent increase. Finding a unique proposition can be challenging, but this market is also at its peak, making it easier to scale than ever before.

Making yourself stand out, albeit hard, will really pay out here. You could create plugins and themes for specific industries. So, for example, you might only create minimalistic themes for SaaS companies. You can also make plugins exclusively for ecom stores. 

47. Digital Downloads, Art and Wallpapers

Unique digital downloads such as art pieces and wallpapers, especially those catering to the latest design trends, are a hit among decor-conscious potential customers. Their trends haven’t dropped after 2020, so they’re still a good hit with the target audience.

In this case, it’s all about building a brand around yourself and your art. You can create a paid community as an acquisition channel, and then sell your digital downloads to the members on there. Or, you can build your social media profiles from the ground up and sell these through them.

48. Digital Journals

Tailored digital journals with interactive features are the go-to for those organizing their life digitally. Minimalistic designs are also selling well, and the overall market is consistently on the rise.

Marketing digital journals is pretty diverse. You can go with ads or reach out to influencers in the self-development and self-help spaces, who will review your journals. Of course, you can also create a blog around your digital journals and have that as an extra marketing channel.

49. Digital Planners

Much like digital journals, digital planners are becoming really popular. Both of these are coming in to replace their physical counterparts and generally have the exact same purpose. So, while journals are more for day-to-day stuff, digital planners are there for goal setting and looking into the future.

In turn, you can base your marketing around just that. “Have your future in a few words wherever, whenever”, could be a nice slogan. Again, though, as with journals, influencer marketing is probably your best bet, but dabbling into inbound marketing ideas won’t hurt.

50. Personalized Fitness Plans


If you’re a personal trainer or someone who spends lots of time in the gym, your best bet is personalized fitness plans. Customized fitness and diet plans are a hot sell for health-conscious consumers. And, their trend is steady, meaning that you can sell these all year round.

Marketing here is pretty much a one-way road. You either create a community and provide them with your plans or build your personal brand, becoming an influencer and then creating a community. You can also sell your fitness plans directly on Whop or even upload paid workout programs.

51. Notion Templates

Well-designed Notion templates for project management, personal organization, or student note-taking are a niche but growing market. The overall market recently peaked but is on the rise once again.

52. Stock Photos and Videos

Content is king, and so are its elements. High-quality, unique stock photos and videos are a must-have for content creators and marketers, making them a lucrative sell. You can sell these on platforms like Shutterstock.

There’s no real marketing you can do here; the focus is more on capturing unique, high-quality photos and videos in order to get as many downloads as possible. The more downloads these get, the more money you’ll (usually) earn.

53. Royalty-Free Music


Much like stock media, if you know how to create music, you can start creating loyalty-free music and securing licensing deals to earn money from it. A name that everyone knows in the space is Kevin MacLeod, whose royalty-free music can be heard all across YouTube videos.

Creating royalty-free music is probably the easiest process out of all, and we can’t really help you with that. But you’ll also need to sign deals with other producers or licensing companies to actually monetize these, which will be rather difficult.

54. Bots and Algorithms

Selling sophisticated bots and algorithms for data analysis or social media management could be the next big thing for tech enthusiasts and businesses alike. Many of our sports betting communities and trading Discord servers at Whop are selling just that!

55. Subscription Perks


One rather general digital product is subscription perks. These can be pretty much anything, right? That’s true. But we’re specifically talking about any perks one can get when subscribing to your community.

For example, on Whop, we have plenty of servers who offer travel perks when you subscribe to them. These can be anything from maps with the best places to eat and drink to trip planning.

Marketing these will be a bit complicated. You can give free samples or snippets to your perks in order to entice people to commit to the full price. Or, you could take a more organic approach and grow your social media, pivoting to subscription perks once you have a large enough audience.

Now that you’ve seen the products let’s actually understand the general market trends of 2024. These aren’t necessarily exclusive to this year, nor are products following these guaranteed to be the best. However, they are fundamental, as they’ll help you spot any potential items before they get hot!

Eco-Friendliness and Sustainability

Caring for the environment and buying something that lasts has been an ongoing trend for the past couple of years. However, we think that this year, these trends will be all the rage. Everyone’s opting for organic options, be that in lifestyle or fashion items.

Speaking of the latter, quiet luxury and old-money styles are making some waves in the fashion space. Buyers are looking for sustainable clothes, which are also known to last for a very long time. 

Let’s Get Digital

Everything’s going digital, folks! And that might just be the best thing for your ecommerce store. If you’re just starting out or have a couple of shops under your belt, you have to look into digitalizing your offerings.

For instance, journaling has become increasingly prevalent. What better way to capitalize on that than by selling digital journals? In the same sense, creative works like art and books, wallpapers, and eBooks are selling out.

Handmade Products Reign Supreme

Now, this might sound counterintuitive. We just said that digital products are booming. Well, in reality, that’s just brought a lot more appreciation towards handmade items, be that jewelry, mugs, or any other similar things.

Again, this trend isn’t technically new, but it’s become much more prevalent. People are placing much value on handicrafts as they seem more personal. In a sense, these are more “real” than their mass-produced counterparts. So, if you have the technical skills to make small physical products, like mugs, cups, or jewelry, you’re sitting on a potential goldmine.

Cool and Quirky Gadgets

One trend that came straight from TikTok is the horde of gadgets. Kitchen gadgets, workplace gadgets, bathroom gadgets, they’ve got anything you can think of. So, keeping an eye out for these is vital.

You don’t necessarily have to find a revolutionary product. Online stores are making bank off of finger chopsticks, after all. But try to find something rather unique or quirky with a wide audience.

Here’s the deal. Whether you’re dropshipping or want to open up a full-blown ecommerce store, there are some no-go products. To be clear, these aren’t a bad investment. It’s just that they’re a logistical nightmare or a bit of a gray zone.


So, this might be a controversial pick. Nobody will stop you from selling supplements in your store. As a matter of fact, they’re an incredible ecommerce business idea. However, if you have little knowledge of the niche and no formal qualification to sell these, it might be better to stay away from them.

Many shops are redistributing white-label supplements, like protein powder, melatonin gummies, vitamin pills, and that sort of stuff. Again, these are great ideas, but you’ll be the one held accountable for any harm caused to the customers. Plus, you’ll need to ensure these are well-tested, which is very costly in itself.

Many stores in the US and Canada are actively selling CBD or mushroom-based consumables, like gummies, chocolates, oils, tinctures, and so on.

These need to be rigorously tested, and you need to reside and sell within states or countries where these are legal. There’s profit to be made there, but it’s not worth the hassle, especially if you’ve only run an online store or two before.


Now, selling furniture online isn’t that common. Many shop owners make their own furniture, which they’ll sell in brick-and-mortar stores. But ecommerce is a different game.

The big issue with these is that they require lots of storage space and huge marketing budgets. And, when you’re starting out, investing so much capital in a warehouse can be destructive. The same goes for pretty much any “bulky” physical products, like lawnmowers, but furniture is just a hard niche to sell.

So, we’ve got both the physical and digital product ideas in the bag. Now, it’s your time to find what your next product will be. To do that, you’ll need to learn how to find trending products this year.

The process is quite simple. First, you’ll need to have a look at Google Trends and see what products are selling. Try to find ones based on the trends we shared above.

Then, you’ll need to check out what the wholesalers are offering. Are you able to get small orders, or will you have to put in lots of capital upfront? Can your items be dropshipped? Can you manufacture any of these yourself or source them from anywhere else?

Once you’ve got that information, check how many orders are being placed for your desired product. See if these correlate with the trends. If a product is at an all-time high on Google Trends but doesn’t have too many orders on sites like Alibaba, it could be an untapped market!

Sell Your Digital Products With Whop Today!

These are just a few of the products that you can sell online in 2024. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of more items that you could sell, like baby clothing, scented candles, and so much more. But we believe that the products covered in this guide are great options for anyone in ecommerce.

If you are interested in selling digital products rather than physical pieces, then consider Whop as your partner in crime. It takes less than 10 minutes to sign up as a seller on Whop and join the booming online platform specializing in digital products and services. So, sign up to Whop and start selling digital products today.