There are many formatting methods on Discord to help you change the appearance and functionality of your text.
One of the most popular methods of formatting a text is making it bigger using header formatting - fortunately for you, it’s very easy to do.
In this guide, we’re going to take a look at how you can make your text big, ways you can utilize that formatting, and our top five Discord formatting methods.
Making big text on Discord
Making big text on Discord can be done by adding a number sign (#) and a space at the start of your message.
This is called header formatting on Discord and there are three levels of headers on Discord.

To format a line in your message as a header, all you have to do is add number signs and a space at the start of it:
- 1 number sign and a space will be formatted as H1
- 2 number signs and a space will be formatted as H2
- 3 number sign and a space will be formatted as H3

As you can see in the images above, the H3 formatting on Discord has the same font size as regular text, but it’s bold.
Why make big text on Discord?
Making text big using header formatting on Discord can be used for multiple purposes - the first one being making actual headers.
Since Discord is an instant messaging platform, people send all kinds of messages, from annoying one-word spam to texts that are borderline a book. Utilizing heading formatting on Discord will allow you to split your messages into sections, significantly improving its readability.
Plus, if you’re a Discord moderator or a server owner, heading formatting will also help you make your server look much more professional.
Some forms of utilizing header formatting on Discord are:
- FAQs
- Rules and guidelines
- Splitting long-form messages
- Project management for teams
- Improving aesthetic appeal
Other Discord formatting methods
Of course, header formatting isn’t the only formatting method on Discord - there are many more and even better methods you can use.
Let’s take a look at five of our favorite formatting methods on Discord.
Bold formatting
Bold formatting is perhaps the most popular formatting method of all, at least in the digital age.
If you open a random website, there’s a high chance you’re going to see a bold formatted text. The same goes for Discord servers, too.
When a text is surrounded by two asterisks (*) on Discord, it’s going to be formatted as bold. There are three ways you can do the formatting:
- Highlight a text and hit the CTRL + B (Command (⌘) + B on macOS) shortcut to surround text with two asterisks (*)
- Manually surround text with two asterisks (*)
- Highlight the text and use the formatting popup to surround the text with two asterisks (*)

Italic formatting
Just like bold formatting, italic text is one of the most popular formatting methods on the web. It actually might be the most popular if we count in print media.
The italic formatting is very popular on Discord, too. The most italic formatted text you see on the web are emphasises, quotes, and vehicle names (like Millennium Falcon.)
To format a text as italic on Discord, all you have to do is to surround it with an asterisk (*) *like this*.
There are three ways you can format a text as italic on Discord, similar to bold:
- Highlight a text and hit the CTRL + I (Command (⌘) + I on macOS) shortcut to surround text with an asterisk (*)
- Manually surround the text with an asterisk (*)
- Highlight the text and use the formatting popup to surround the text with an asterisk (*)

Hyperlink formatting
Hyperlink formatting is one of the most useful formatting methods on Discord, and surprisingly, not many people know about it.
Hyperlinks are texts that direct users to web links upon clicking. For example, this is a hyperlink. They are one of the most important elements of web surfing since they allow you to provide links to people without cluttering your page with long and ugly URLs.
The hyperlink formatting on Discord is: [text](URL)
There are two ways of formatting a text as a hyperlink on Discord:
- Copy the link you want to add to the hyperlink, highlight a part of your message on Discord, and paste the link. This is by far the fastest option.
- Manually format the hyperlink by surrounding the text with square brackets ([ and ]) and put the URL surrounded by brackets (( and )) to form the formatting: [text](URL)

Since avoiding clutter is one of the most popular reasons to use hyperlink formatting on Discord, we want to share a cool tip with you.
As you might know, posting links on Discord will create a link embed below the message. This doesn’t always happen, but when it does, especially depending on the thumbnail image of the embed, it can be huge - so huge, in fact, that it blocks a significant portion of the user screen.
Avoiding this is super simple. All you have to do is surround your URL with less-than and greater-than signs: <>
This method of avoiding link embeds works with hyperlinks as well. If you utilize the following formatting, the message won’t generate a link embed: [text](<URL>)

Spoiler formatting
Spoiler formatting is one of the coolest formatting methods on Discord and many people wonder how they can do it.
The spoiler formatting is basically a way to hide a part (or the entirety) of your message - when a user clicks on it, they’ll be able to see it.
As its name suggests, it’s a great way to hide spoiler content so that you don’t spoil that Darth Vader is actually Luke’s father.

To format a text as a spoiler on Discord using any device (desktop or mobile), all you have to do is surround it with two vertical bars (||) like this: ||spoiler||

You can also highlight the text to see the formatting popup, which will have the format as a spoiler button (eye icon) on the far right.

Inline code formatting
Inline code formatting is one of the more “functional” formatting methods on Discord and is more widely used by all kinds of developers instead of regular users.
To format a part of your message as inline code, all you have to do is surround it with backticks (`).

As its name suggests, the inline code formatting allows you to format a part of your message as a single-line code snippet. This makes Discord ignore all other formatting characters.
For example, if you bold a part of your message using **the two asterisks** method but format its entirety as inline code, the text won’t be formatted as bold.

Inline code formatting won’t work with multiple lines - if you want to learn how you can make code blocks so that you can share multi-line code snippets, check out our How to make code blocks in Discord guide.
Earn big with Discord by monetizing your server
Now that you know more about Discord formatting than most Discord users - great job. It’s time to expand your knowledge about managing a Discord server and take the next step: monetizing your server.
Whop has been helping thousands of Discord server owners with monetizing their servers and generating an income - it can help you, too. Sign up today and start selling access to your server in less than 10 minutes.
Alternatively, you should consider hosting your content at Whop and selling access to it with our native, easy-to-use platform. With Whop, you can create and sell all kinds of content you can think of.
Sign up to Whop today, create your own internet hub (aka your whop), and start generating income right away.